Title: The Golden Ratio
1The Golden Ratio
- Marie Bruley
- Math 21-Merced College
2What is the Golden Ratio?
3This is an approximation of its decimal expansion!
4The Golden Ratio In Art
- Throughout the centuries, artists and
musicians - pursuing aesthetics - have turned to
natures own tactics and emulated the golden ratio
in their own creations. There is evidence of this
from ancient times.
5The Parthenon
6The Parthenons Dimensions is the Golden Rectangle
7The Floor Plan of the Parthenon
8The Pyramids at Giza
9The Use of Phi in the Pyramids
10Michelangelos Use of the Golden Ratio
11Raphaels Use of the Golden Ratio
- Raphael's Crucifixion ... is another well-known
example. The principal figures outline a golden
triangle ...
12Other Art
- The English romantic artistic Joseph Mallord
William Turner (1775-1851) is admired for his use
of color and light. Â Norham Castle at Sunrise - Of particular interest are the geometric
similarities in his various canvases, with their
obvious golden subdivisions.
13Modern Art Uses the Golden Ratio
- The more recent search for a grammar of art
inevitably led to the use of the golden section
in abstract art. La Parade, painted in the
characteristic multi-dotted style of the French
neo-impressionist Seurat (1859-1891), contains
numerous examples of golden proportions.
14La Parade-By Seurat
15Bathers-By Seurat
16The Golden Ratio in Modern Architecture
- The 20th Century architect Le Corbusier
(1887-1965) - He used the Golden Ratio in his architecture
- He believed that humans are comforted by
17Finding the Golden Ratio Using Fibonacci numbers
18The Ratios of Fibonaccis leads to
19Fibonacci Numbers Method Continued
20The Golden Ratio
x units 1 unit
21The Golden Rectangle
Historical Note The Golden Ratio is also called
the Divine Proportion.
22The Golden Triangle
Again, we have
x x
1 unit
23(No Transcript)
24Websites Regarding the Golden Ratio
- http//ccins.camosun.bc.ca/jbritton/goldslide/jbg
oldslide.htm - http//mathworld.wolfram.com/GoldenRatio.html
- http//students.bath.ac.uk/ma1caab/art.html
- http//www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Station/822
- Textbooks consulted were
- Excursions in Modern Mathematics by Peter
Tannenbaum Robert Arnold - The slides for computing the Golden Ratio were
taken from Marguerite Smiths presentation
Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Mean - The Golden Ratio in Art slides were taken from
the website http//ccins.camosun.bc.ca/jbritton