An architecture for CBR for reactive routing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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An architecture for CBR for reactive routing


How to make things generic (1) Parent class. Child class. makes some type of Topology Info. ... How to make things generic (3) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: An architecture for CBR for reactive routing

An architecture for CBR for reactive routing
  • Motivation there are many routing protocols and
    yet there is no single routing protocol is
  • CBR objective
  • Develop, refine, analyze, routing algorithms (or
    components), not routing protocols
  • Routing algorithms include route selection, route
    metric, aggressiveness of RERR propagation (e.g.,
    AODV precursor neighbors), collision avoidance in
    RREQ propagation
  • Simplify the analysis and comparison of routing
  • A single framework allows fair comparison in all
    cases. Anything can be compared.
  • Simplify the development and performance analysis
    of routing algorithms
  • Focus on the important stuff (e.g., how
    aggressively should route information be
    disseminated), not on the details like packet
  • Decomposition of routing protocols into a
    well-defined structure tends to clarify design
  • E.g., Link-lifetime prediction has a clear role.
    Route-activity prediction has a clear role. But
    AODV confuses these - it uses one timer for both.
  • Decomposition of routing protocols into generic
    parts requires careful analysis of the role of
    various parts of the routing protocol.

CBR Architecture
  • A single framework that supports a very large
    number of different routing algorithms.
  • CBR system contains
  • A fixed generic infrastructure.
  • Self-contained, user-defined building blocks.
  • Self-contained mean that the protocol designed
    can focus on the design of a single block and not
    be concerned about functional interactions. (The
    greatly simplifies implementation.)
  • An Interface between these two parts.
  • Functional orthogonality user-defined building
    blocks can be change and refined without
    impacting the infrastructure or other user-define
    building blocks
  • Performance orthogonality (i.e., where the
    performance of a building block is independent of
    the other building blocks) is not an objective.
  • Role of the infrastructure
  • The infrastructure performs few routing
  • It defines the flow of information, and then the
    sequence of tasks/decisions.
  • It defines the format/interface between building
  • Therefore, the following does not address routing
    algorithms. The focus is on an architecture that
    allows a wide range of routing algorithms.
  • There should be boxes where specific algorithms
    can be placed. But we will not be overly
    concerned with what exactly are in the boxes.

How to make things generic (1)
TheComponentManager - This object controls which
version of each user-defined building block is
used. E.g,
CTopologyInfo TI TheComponentManger.MakeTopolo
  • makes some type of Topology Info.
  • CTopologyInfo is a parent class. The child class
    could contain a wide variety of topology
  • TI could be of type CPathInfoBidirectional,
    CTableInfoBidirectional, etc.
  • Note that CTopologyInfo is an abstract class
    (i.e., there is never an object of type

Parent class
Child class
How to make things generic (2)
  • Consider a route request packet.
  • This packet MUST contain topology information
    about the path that is experienced by the
    packet as it is flooded.
  • The exact form of this topology information is
    not important to the RREQ packet.
  • Solution
  • The parent class of the RREQ part of a packet has
    an attribute called AppendedTopologyInfo and this
    attribute is of type CTopologyInfo.
  • AppendedTopologyInfo could be any of a wide
    variety of types of topology information
    (including types of information we have not yet
    thought about)

How to make things generic (3)
The RREQ packet needs its AppendedTopology
attribute to perform some specific tasks. E.g.,
The last hop must be appended onto
This is a generic type too. The TopologyInfo does
not depend on link information.
The RREQ part of the pkt
The task needed. Every child of CTopologyInfo
MUST be able to perform this task. gt
AppendObservedLink must be part of the interface
of CTopologyInfo.
The AppendedTopology could be of any type
Summary Identified a fundamental object (e.g.,
topology info). Identified other fundamental
objects (e.g., RREQ) that must interact or have
this fundamental object as an attribute. Identifie
d the tasks (interface) that the fundamental
object must provide.
Hierarchical architecture
  • The highest level of the architecture is a set of
  • Within these packages are sets of more packages.
  • Eventually, the packages contain a sets of
  • Infrastructure classes
  • These class are hard coded. They cannot be
    overloaded by the user/protocol designer.
  • TheComponentManager is part of the
  • Parent classes
  • Provide an interface between the fixed
    infrastructure and the protocol designer.
  • Child classes
  • Specific versions of parent classes that the
    protocol design can change.
  • But the child class must support the interface
    defined by the parent.

Highest level of packages
Note this is the current design. Future
adjustments are possible.
  • TheComponentManager
  • Already discussed
  • Eventually this is where component adaptation
    will be implemented.
  • PNode
  • All processing that is performed in the node is
    within this package
  • PPacket
  • All the objects that might be contained in a
  • Note that objects are not just data. E.g.,
    Topology Info must be able to perform specific
    functions on itself. E.g., a packet must be able
    to decode itself
  • But data objects typically do not have state
  • PTopologyInfoCenter
  • Anything related to topology
  • PTheMacInterface
  • This outside the scope of CBR, which causes some
    conceptual problems.
  • (The MAC defines the type of topology info is
    required/available, not TheComponentManager.)

P package C class The object
Highest level of packages
Note this is the current design. Future
adjustments are possible.
  • TheComponentManager
  • Already discussed
  • Eventually this is where component adaptation
    will be implemented.
  • PNode
  • All processing that is performed in the node is
    within this package
  • PPacket
  • All the objects that might be contained in a
  • Note that objects are not just data. E.g.,
    Topology Info must be able to perform specific
    functions on itself. E.g., a packet must be able
    to decode itself
  • But data objects typically do not have state
  • PTopologyInfoCenter
  • Anything related to topology
  • PTheMacInterface
  • This outside the scope of CBR, which causes some
    conceptual problems.
  • (The MAC defines the type of topology info is
    required/available, not TheComponentManager.)

P package C class The object
PNode (subpackages)
  • Class CNode
  • All processes are the attributes
  • There is some distinction between processes and
  • PControlPktProcessor
  • Process control packets
  • PRouteSearchStateMachine
  • Performs route search
  • PFloodPropagator
  • Floods packets (efficiently)
  • PPktForwarder
  • Forwards data packets. Performs next-hop lookup.
    Packets stay in the queue during route search.

PNode (class view)
  • Class CNode
  • Attributes of all processes
  • There is some distinction between processes and
  • PControlPktProcessor
  • Process control packets
  • PRouteSearchStateMachine
  • Performs route search
  • PFloodPropagator
  • Floods packets (efficiently)
  • PPktForwarder
  • Forwards data packets. Performs next-hop lookup.
    Packets stay in the queue during route search.

Interfaces to packages
PNode (class view)
  • Class CNode
  • Attributes of all processes
  • There is some distinction between processes and
  • PControlPktProcessor
  • Process control packets
  • PRouteSearchStateMachine
  • Performs route search
  • PFloodPropagator
  • Floods packets
  • PPktForwarder
  • Forwards data packets. Performs next-hop lookup.
    Packets with in queue during route search.

Interfaces to packages
Package view
Class view
Infrastructure classes
Parent classes
Child classes
Infrastructure classes
Parent classes
Child classes
Processing RREQ (1)
Infrastructure classes
Parent classes
Child classes (only a small sample)
Processing RREQ (2)
Note the interfaces are shown
  • One of many security processors
  • Checks for RREQ DoS floods
  • Protocol conformance check
  • Nonconforming packets may have lead to adverse
    behavior and should be dropped.
  • Check sanity of AppendedTopologyInfo

Processing RREQ
  • Routes are constructed out of the path followed
    by the RREQ. To ensure that the route is of
    sufficient quality, RREQs are neglected if the
    LastHop and TheAppendedTopology do not form a
    route of high enough quality.
  • Signal Stability-Based Adaptive Routing Protocol
    (SSA) drops RREQ if the LastHop is not stable and
  • The level of stability and strength required is
    carried in the pkt and is controlled by the route
    search state machine, e.g., first strong/stable
    links are used, and if no route is found, then
    weaker/less stable links are used.

Processing RREQ
  • Route search may be limited by
  • Hop count (with the maximum hop count included in
    the packet and controlled by the route search
    state machine)
  • Geographical region (with the specific region
    defined in the packet and controlled by the route
    search state machine)
  • Different ways of defining the geographic region
    are different versions of this class.

Processing RREQ
  • As a RREQ is flooded in search for a path to the
    destination, the path traversed by the RREQ is
    learned. This learned topology information is
    included in the RREQ.
  • TheTopologyAppender puts the information into the
  • In general, other information can also be
  • E.g., information about other paths and routes
    can be piggybacked.
  • Exactly the form of the learn topology depends on
    the type of CTopologyInfo used.
  • Summary TheTopologyAppender does not control
    what type of topology information is appended, it
    only controls when topology information is

Processing RREQ
  • If TheTopologyDatabase has a route to the
    destination, or if this node is the destination,
    then a route reply may be generated.
  • Different versions of TheRouteReplyGenerator
  • The generation of the RREP depends on
  • whether other RREPs for the same RREQ have been
    recently heard,
  • and the quality of the found route.
  • Even if a RREP is generated, the RREQ is still
    propagated if
  • the quality of the found route is low.
  • or multiple routes are desired.
  • After a route is found, the generation of the
    RREP is delayed to better assess the relative
    quality of the found route.
  • After a route is found, the generation of the
    RREP is delayed to avoid colliding with other

The packet is not just an array of bytes, but is
an object which is processed and passed from one
processor to another within the node.
Fixed parent classes (these contain attributes)
Protocol designer designed child classes
TheMacInterface must provide LastHop information
and raw bytes
Fixed parent classes (these contain attributes)
Protocol designer designed child classes
Fixed parent classes (these contain attributes)
Protocol designer designed child classes
CRREQInfo - RREQ information within packets
Already discussed
All RREQs must have an originator
Parent class
Abstract (pure virtual) functions. The protocol
designer must implement these.
This type of RREQ can only find a route to one
destination at a time
These are needed to get data from a stream of
bytes. Note that different components do not need
to know the number of bytes other components have
placed in the packet (compare to TCP and IP
Child class
Required to determine if the RREQ has been seen
before. Maybe it used seq number or seq number
and IP it is the choice of the designer.
Required to determine this node, or some node
reachable from this node is the one that the RREQ
seeks. This works even if a list of destination
are sought.
(Note RREQ is orthogonal to CTopologyInfo)
Parent class
Child classes
Infrastructure classes
Parent class
Child classes
Note that table or path is orthogonal to path
metric (e.g., hop count, signal strength, )
Independent of the what the link attribute is,
the interface is the same
For putting (getting) the attribute into (out of)
the packet
Update attribute
CFreshness AB gt A min(A, B) (the oldest
CLinkSignalStrength AB gt A min(A, B) (the
worst link)
CHopCount AB gt A A B
Recall How to make things generic (3)
The RREQ packet needs its AppendedTopology
attribute to perform some specific tasks. E.g.,
The last hop must be appended onto
This is a generic type too. The TopologyInfo does
not depend on link information.
The RREQ part of the pkt
The task needed. Every child of CTopologyInfo
MUST be able to perform this task. gt
AppendObservedLink must be part of the interface
of CTopologyInfo.
The AppendedTopology could be of any type
Summary Identified a fundamental object (e.g.,
topology info). Identified other fundamental
objects (e.g., RREQ) that must interact or have
this fundamental object as an attribute. Identifie
d the tasks (interface) that the fundamental
object must provide.
  • CTableInfoBidirectional
  • CGeneralizedLink GL LastHop
  • GL.FlipDirections() // bidirectional
  • GeneralizedLinkToGo.Transmitter TheNode-gtID
    //now this node is at the end of the
  • GeneralizedLinkToGo.LinkAttributesLastHop.LinkAt
  • CPathInfoBidirectional
  • Simply append Generalized link onto the Path
  • Bidirectionality impacts route search

Topology Info Center
All access of the topology database if through
here. This part of the infrastructure has a large
number of operations
When a new packet arrives, this object puts the
topology data the packet holds (or represents)
into the topology database.
Parent class different types of route selection
can be performed via child classes. The search
engine seems to depend on the type of topology
information collected. Non-orthogonality!
Future work
  • This is only the basic parts of reactive routing.
  • E.g., Route error is missing
  • Only basic or default (i.e., do nothing) child
    classes are implemented now.
  • Geographical routing (will stress the
  • Cooperative routing (will stress the
  • Others
  • Interface with QualNet
  • Rhapsody includes many threads and timers.
  • It is not clear how these will work in a
  • Brute force performance comparison
  • It is easy to implement different algorithms
  • Use a cluster to compare a large number of
  • Merge reactive and proactive
  • More security components
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