Title: Add Latex Allergy
12 MINUTE PEARLSAdd a Latex Allergy
- Adding a latex Allergy to your patients allergy
profile is essential to maximize patient safety
and healthcare quality. - This allergy should be in both the AHLTA Allergy
Module as well as the CHCS I Allergy Module. - The synchronization between the two systems will
automatically enter the information in the other
2Access the allergy module
Access the allergy module
32. Click on the Allergen button to bring up the
Allergen search screen.
1. Click on the Add allergy button to open the
bottom of the screen.
4Click on Latex natural rubber (first item) and
click OK
Click on Latex natural rubber (first item) and
click OK.
1. To find the latex allergy in AHLTA, you have
to enter the percent sign () both in front and
behind your search criteria. This searches for
any phrase with LATEX in it.
51. Add your Reaction and other information and
click on Save.
6After successful Allergy Sync, this allergy will
appear in the host CHCS I system. If the allergy
doesnt sync, you should add in CHCS I also.
7During CHCS I Order Entry, the allergy will
display as well as in the Patient Medication
Module in AHLTA.
8For More Information
- AMEDD AHLTA Homepage
- https//www.us.army.mil/suite/page/406 (AKO
password required) - AHLTA Video Tutorials
- Currently https//www.us.army.mil/suite/page/406
(AKO password required) - Future http//www-nmcp.mar.med.navy.mil/AHLTA/AH
LTA20Training20Tools/index.html - I would appreciate any feedback or suggestions
you have for future AHLTA 2 Minute Pearls.
Please contact me at the following - LTC Ron Moody, MD (AHLTA Program Office)
- Email