Title: You can never step into the same river twice.
1You can never step into the same river twice.
Heraclitus California sunlight, sweet Calcutta
rain, Honolulu starbright, the song remains the
same. Led Zeppelin Wisdom lies neither in
fixity nor in change, but in the dialectic
between the two. Octavio Paz, Mexican Poet
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8Successful change, paradoxically, requires
continuity i. A vision that joins the past
and future ii. Interweaving future, present and
past iii. Integrating material and mythic
dimensions iv. Change requires continuity
Change requires continuity (Source Cummings,
91. What are the key elements of managing
strategic change in the luxury brands sector? 2.
What has made Kim Winser such an effective
manager of change at Pringle?
101. What were the change needs facing ICI by the
time Harvey-Jones took up the reins? How would
you describe Harvey-Jones change management
approach? 2. Can you use Mintzberg and Westleys
framework to suggest why it was important for
Harvey-Jones to shift the culture of ICI? 3. How
would you characterize Harvey-Jones change
leadership locus according to Leavy and Wilsons
scale? 4. Can you use Kotters 8-step model of
change to outline Harvey-Jones strategy for
changing ICI? 5. Why do you think Harvey-Jones
was a more successful change agent than his
predecessors ?
111. How would you characterise the strategy for
change outlined in this case using Kotter and
Schesingers framework (reproduced in figure
9.6)? 2. Outline the reasons why you think this
sort of change strategy worked in this case? 3.
In what other situations to you think a strategy
like this might be usefully applied? And, in what
sort of situations do you think another strategy
might be more appropriate?
121. Suggest why Reliant was declining prior to
Haynes arrival? 2. What barriers or resistance
to change did Haynes encounter? 3. Why did
Haynes have to take a more of a revolutionary or
transformational approach rather than an
evolutionary one? 4. Despite the more
revolutionary process outlined in this case, what
aspects of Reliants past would you look to try
and continue with into the future? Give reasons
why. 5. Outline Haynes change strategy and
suggest why you believe it was successful in this
131. Why can evolutionary approaches to strategic
change be more successful than revolutionary
approaches? 2. If you were involved in managing
change in these organisations how would you look
to incorporate myths or stories from the
organizations pasts as they move into the
future? 3. Why do managers of business orgs
often favour revolutionary rather than
evolutionary approaches to change, and more
tangible things like structures or technology
than less tangible things like stories? 4. Do
you think Houlier should have taken a more
revolutionary or transformation approach to
improving Liverpool FC?
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151. What are the drivers for change at the three
churches? 2. What are the barriers to
change? 3. What ways forward can you suggest for
the new vicar?
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