Title: Radio Occultation Data Analysis at the COSMIC Data Analysis
1Radio Occultation Data Analysis at the COSMIC
Data Analysis Archival Center (CDAAC)
D. Hunt, C. Rocken, Y-H Kuo, B. Schreiner, S.
Sokolovskiy COSMIC Program Office, University
Corporation for Atmospheric Research
- COSMIC Description
- CDAAC data processing and data formats
- Successes
- Challenges
- CDAAC 'Live' demo
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5COSMIC Occultation Distribution
Earth-fixed Frame
Sun-fixed Frame
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7COSMIC Spacecraft
- Orbital Sciences ORBCOM s/c bus
- Mass 70 kg, Size 1m diameter
- Propulsion orbit insertion, maintenance,
de-orbiting - Attitude
- Control 2deg pitch, 5deg roll/yaw (2-sigma)
- Knowledge 1deg pitch, 2deg roll/yaw
- Nadir orientation, 3-axis stabilized
- 40 MB on-orbit storage
8COSMIC Payloads
- Each COSMIC satellite will carry 3 complementary
payloads - GPS - for atmospheric/ionospheric profiling and
scintillation - JPL Heritage design
- Tiny Ionospheric Photometer (TIP) for F2 layer
electron density mapping - NRL Heritage design
- Tri-band beacon (CERTO/TBB) for high-resolution
ionospheric imaging and scintillation studies - NRL Heritage design
JPL Design, ARGO is based on CHAMP BlackJack
Receiver Technology transfer JPL -gt Broad Reach
Engineering 4 antennas 2 occultation 2 POD
antennas Receiver Data Recorder/PC 3.5
kg Power 16W GPS 10 W Data Recorder/PC New
open loop tracking and software for rising
occultations under development at JPL
10COSMIC Data Analysis and Archival Center (CDAAC)
11CDAAC Responsibilities
- Process all COSMIC observations
- LEO/GPS orbit determination
- Atmospheric Ionospheric profiles
- Rapid analysis for operational demonstration
- Post-processed analysis for climate and other
research - Provide data to universities and research
laboratories - Provide data feeds (lt 3hr) to operational centers
- Archive data provide web interface
12CDAAC Processing Flow
Atmospheric processing
Canonic Transform Abel Inversion
1-D Var Moisture Correction
LEO data
Level 0--level 1
Excess Phase
Orbits and clocks
Fiducial data
Real time Task Scheduling Software
Ionospheric processing
Combination with other data
Excess Phase
Abel Inversion
Current processing time for 35 occultations 100
minutes of fid data 9min
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14LEO POD Quality
(EGM96) Temperature profiles
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16Inversion Details
17CDAAC Hardware
- Currently consists of one Linux Beowulf style
cluster - Myrinet high speed interconnect
- 1 Terrabyte RAID, NFS mounted from master node
- Dual 2.0 GHz Pentium 4 Xeon cluster nodes
- One node dedicated to post-processing
- One or more nodes dedicated to real time
processing - Archival using NCAR mass store
- 1.0 petabyte tape farm
18CDAAC Software
- Software written in perl, C or FORTRAN
- Currently consists of around 100 separate
packages - CVS modules for source developed at UCAR
- open source packages
- apache
- postgres
- perl
- perl modules
- Commercial packages
- Bernese
- F90 compiler
- Includes install system for easy compilation and
testing on a basic Linux system
19CDAAC post processing
- Done for climate and archival purposes
- Run on one node from one top level script
- 30-60 day latency for current CHAMP processing
- Run by hand by an operator
- Uses
- better orbits,
- more GPS ground station data
- Gridded analysis instead of prediction
- Done in day-long batches, instead of by LEO
20CDAAC real-time processing
- Run automatically as data are received on one or
more cluster nodes - Currently processing CHAMP data with 12-24 hour
latency - Results are currently generated on average 45
minutes after receipt of CHAMP level 0 data - We expect to tune this to lt 20 minutes for COSMIC
- Uses predicted GPS orbits and forecast weather
grids - Designed to allow processing of multiple missions
(CHAMP, SAC-C, COSMIC, etc) on the same cluster
of machines at the same time - Processing controlled by three perl daemons
- Queue daemon (one per cluster)
- Master daemon (one per mission)
- Slave daemon (one per task)
21Realtime processing (cont.)
Master daemon
FTP processes
File Queue
Job Queue
FTP, LDM, other?
Slave daemons
Files on disk
Files on disk
Processing jobs
22Question How to deliver data
- How to deliver occulation files?
- BUFR format occultation files to NESDIS
- FTP?
- Unidata LDM?
- Other?
- Full resolution data from CDAAC
- FTP?
- LDM?
- Web?
23File Formats
- Standard level 1a formats defined for all
missions - Standards used include
- Bernese ASCII formats
- UCAR BINEX for GPS data
- SP3 orbits
- High level (level 1b and 2) files are standard
format NetCDF - Uniformly accessible by libraries of database and
statistics software - Web tools
- Details of data formats on www.cosmic.ucar.edu
(click on 'analysis data', then on 'file
24BUFR format
- Compact binary
- Multiple profile variables
- Time vs. Excess phase, satellite position
- Height vs. Bending angle, impact parameter
- NOT time vs bending angle.
- Height vs. refractivity
- Height vs. pressure/temperature/moisture
- Low resolution (200 levels for each profile)
- Is this enough for assimilation?
25BUFR format issues
- Working with Dave Offiler on these issues
- CDAAC can only deliver bending angle, impact
parameter and perigee lat/lon vs. height, not vs.
time - limitation of radio holographic methods
- Quality flags may need to be worked out.
- Occultation ID needs more flexibility than a
single number - Need to add a LEO ID for multiple LEO missions
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28ROSE Refractivity Comparisons
- Common set of over 1500 CHAMP occultations
compared - Three centers participated
29Tailored experiments with predicted occultations
- Drop sonde launched on day 2003.143 near Taiwan
- Dropped to match a predicted CHAMP occultation
- Good agreement for both moisture and temperature
30COSMIC Challenges
31Inversion Q/C CHAMP 2002.213-243
Reasons for Inversion Failure -- Aug 2002
- Of 8071 total occultations tracked and with
fiducial and reference data - 1303 Failed calibration (no excess phase file
generated) - Inversion Failures
- 989 Occultation starts too low
- 415 Failed difmaxref (climatology refractivity
check) - 159 Failed s4 (scintillation on
occulting link) - 52 Failed difmaxion (max L1, L2 bending angle
check) - 44 Occultation ends too high
- 42 Problem in Canonic Transform method
- 26 Z, N, P or T fails sanity check
- 10 Failed smean (bias WRT climatology
32Clock distribution problems
L1 L2
Effect of L4 (L1-L2) smoothing
33 L2 signal noise, SAC-C
34Extrapolation of Ionospheric Correction to
process occultations with noisy L2
Dec 2001, SAC-C
Without correction
With correction
35Super-refraction, Ducting
Near St. Helena Is.
- COSMIC program on track for 2005 launch
satellites are built at Orbital, GPS at Broad
Reach, TIB Beacon at NRL - CHAMP and SAC-C processing up-to-date
- Near-real time processing, 1 day latency for
CHAMP data - 70-80 of calibrated occultations are inverted
successfully (2002.213-243) - Good agreement between CHAMP and SAC-C
- Good agreement with NCEP/ECMWF
- Comparisons between GFZ/JPL/UCAR successful
- Ongoing work on data delivery to weather centers
(formats, protocols) - Web page www.comic.ucar.edu