Title: Administer Vendor Contracts
1State of ConnecticutCore-CT Project Administer
Vendor Contracts 8 hrs
Updated 02/24/2003
2Getting Started
- Welcome to the Administering Vendor Contracts
course! - Instructor introduction
- Participant introduction
- Lay of the land
- Ground rules
- To participate in this course, you should have
already completed the following training - PeopleSoft Navigation Tutorial
- (Purchasing) Overview course
3Course Agenda
- In this training, you will learn to
- Apply the new contracting processes that you
learned about in the Overview course. We will
specifically focus on the following processes - Entering A Vendor Contract
- Entering Other Contract Information
- Maintaining Contract Releases
- Approving A Vendor Contract
- Entering A Master Contract
- Use Core-CT as a tool in supporting the processes
- Utilize PeopleSoft functionality to maximize your
5Training Tools
- In this training session, we will use tools
created specifically for this course. - Presentation
- We will use a PowerPoint presentation to guide us
through our discussion of processes and key
points related to using Core-CT to support those
processes - Exercises
- We have developed exercises that will enable you
to practice the skills you will learn in each
module - Training Database
- The functionality in our database mirrors the
Core-CT production environment closely, though
some changes will likely be made prior to go-live - Significant changes made after training will be
communicated to you - Data has been loaded into the system to help you
learn how to use the system, not to reflect a
specific agencys transactions - You can make mistakes and experiment without
6Training Tools
- We will also use a web-based help system during
the class. This tool will be available to you
after go-live. - Web Learning Assistant (WLA)
- Web-based tool that provides help for specific
processes (e.g. Hire an Employee) - Contains procedures, job aids, glossary
- The WLA is your primary reference tool (now and
once Core-CT goes live) - The WLA will evolve with Core-CT. As
functionality changes, so will the content in the
Lets walk-through the tool together now.
7Training Tools
- Job Aids are available to reinforce the
information introduced in this course. Job Aids
summarize key information and outline critical
processes in Core-CT. - General Job Aids
- Module Specific Job Aids
- Reporting Job Aids
8Course Agenda
Enter A Vendor Contract
- This section of the course will introduce the
business process through which your agency will
enter vendor contracts. This section will
demonstrate how to create a vendor contract,
including PSAs, MOUs, POSs, Real Estate Leases
and Other Contracts. Specifically, we will - Enter a Fixed Item Contract
- Define the Contract Header
- Define PO Business Unit Defaults
- Define Contract Lines
- Establish Contract Line Pricing
10Process Flow
Enter A Vendor Contract
Define Contract Header
Define PO Business Unit Defaults
Define Contract Lines
Establish Contract Line Pricing
11Key Points
Enter A Vendor Contract
- A contract may either be created directly online,
or as a result of an RFQ award. Contracts may
also be copied from an existing Core-CT contract. - Specified users within your agency will have the
authority to create contracts. - The information you enter for the contract header
applies to the entire contract. For fixed items
for the contract, you need to add line and
pricing information. - Most contracts will be established as order
contracts. - Contracts created from an RFQ may be updated and
adjusted using these same pages.
12Walk-through and Exercise
Enter A Vendor Contract
- Lets log-in to Core-CT.
- First, we will walk-through the process together
- Enter a Vendor Contract Exercise 1
- WLA path
- PeopleSoft Purchasing, Administering Voucher
Contracts, Data Entry Procedures, Enter Fixed
Item Vendor Contracts - On your own, complete exercise 2 in your Exercise
packet - Remember to utilize the Web Learning Assistant
- Raise your hand if you need any assistance
13Course Agenda
Course Agenda
Enter Other Contract Information
- This section of the course will also introduce
the business process through which your agency
will enter other contract information.
Specifically, we will - Define Milestones
- Establish Contract Comments
- Maintain Contract Activities
- Maintain Contract Retainage
15Process Flow
Enter Other Contract Information
Define Milestones
Establish Contract Comments
Maintain Contract Activities
Maintain Contract Retainage
16Key Points
Enter Other Contract Information
- Defining Milestones is optional.
- A contract line can be divided into multiple
schedules and payments to be made based on the
vendors ability to meet specified criteria. - Adding comments are optional.
- Comments are used to record additional
information about the entire contract. They may
be made at the header level or line level. - Contract activities are also optional.
- However, when a supplement is required to a
contract, that supplement is entered as a
contract activity. - The contract retainage procedure is used to
define retention payments for all the lines on
the contract. (optional) - You can set up rules that force Core-CT to retain
a portion of a payment until a certain condition
is met.
17Walk-through and Exercise
Enter Other Contract Information
- Lets log-in to Core-CT.
- First, we will walk-through the process together
- Enter Other Contract Information Exercises 3 -
6 - WLA path
- PeopleSoft Purchasing, Administering Voucher
Contracts, Data Entry Procedures, Defining
Milestones, Enter Contract Status Comments, Enter
Contract Activities, Enter Contract Retainage - On your own, complete exercise 4 in your Exercise
packet - Remember to utilize the Web Learning Assistant
- Raise your hand if you need any assistance
18Course Agenda
Course Agenda
Maintain Contract Releases
- This section of the course will introduce the
business process through which your agency will
maintain contract releases. - Specifically, we will
- Maintain the contract release page
- Define contract release defaults and release
schedule information - Identify Interval and Detail counters for
contract releases - Select different contract lines
20Process Flow
Maintain Contract Releases
Identify Interval and Detail Counters
Define Contract Release Defaults and Release
Schedule Information
Select Contract Lines
21Key Points
Maintain Contract Releases
- The contract release functionality allows the
user to define the release schedule of purchase
orders for the contract line items. - You can select an interval for a contract release
schedule. Applicable intervals are annually,
daily, monthly or weekly. You can also maintain
and update the release before it is moved to the
PO staging area. - Select which contract lines, milestones, and
units of measure will be copied to the purchase
order when the contract is released.
22Walk-through and Exercise
Maintain Contract Releases
- Lets log-in to Core-CT.
- First, we will walk-through the Maintain Contract
Release process together - Exercise 7 Defining Contract Release Schedules
- WLA path
- PeopleSoft Purchasing, Administering Voucher
Contracts, Data Entry Procedures, Define Contract
Release Schedules - On your own, complete exercise 6 in your Exercise
packet - Remember to utilize the Web Learning Assistant
- Raise your hand if you need any assistance
23Course Agenda
Course Agenda
Approve a Vendor Contract
- This section of the course will introduce the
process through which your agency will approve a
vendor contract. A contract approver will review
and approve contracts. Once a contract has been
approved, it will be available for use. - Specifically, we will
- Update the Contract Status
- Stage a Contract Release
- Define PO Contract Release Parameters
25Process Flow
Approve A Vendor Contract
Contract Approval
Update Contract Status
Stage Contract Releases
26Key Points
Approve a Vendor Contract
- Contracts are required to go through an approval
process by an authorized individual. - Contracts will not have a status of Approved when
created. - A contract must have an Approved status before it
can be staged. - Once the contract releases have been staged, they
must go through the sourcing process in order to
create a PO.
27Walk-through and Exercise
Approve A Vendor Contract
- Lets log-in to Core-CT.
- First, we will walk-through the Approving a
Vendor Contract process together - Exercise 8 Approve A Vendor Contract
- WLA path
- PeopleSoft Purchasing, Administering Voucher
Contracts, Data Entry Procedures, Approving
Vendor Contracts - On your own, complete exercises 8 in your
Exercise packet - Remember to utilize the Web Learning Assistant
- Raise your hand if you need any assistance
28Course Agenda
Enter A Master Contract
- This section of the course will introduce the
process through which your agency will create a
master contract. A master contract is created for
a single vendor that may have multiple related
contracts. - Specifically, we will
- Create a master contract
- Use the Vendor Search option
30Process Flow
Enter A Master Contract
Enter A Master Contract
Use Vendor Search Options
31Key Points
Enter A Master Contract
Key Points
- The user may group similar contracts by
identifying them with a specific master contract. - The master contract is defined with a specific
vendor name. - The vendor will be the default vendor for all
contracts associated with the master contract. - The user may use the vendor search page to select
the appropriate vendor for the contract.
32Walk-through and Exercise
Enter A Master Contract
Walk-through and Exercise
- Lets log-in to Core-CT.
- First, we will walk-through the Enter A Master
Contract process together - Exercise 9 Enter A Master Contract
- WLA path
- PeopleSoft Purchasing, Administering Voucher
Contracts, Data Entry Procedures, Enter Master
Contracts - On your own, complete exercise 10 in your
Exercise packet - Remember to utilize the Web Learning Assistant
- Raise your hand if you need any assistance
33Course Agenda
- Wrapping Up the Administer Vendor Contracts
Course - Summary of Completed Course Objectives
- Entering A Vendor Contract
- Entering Other Contract Information
- Maintain Contract Releases
- Approve A Vendor Contract
- Enter A Master Contract
- Final Questions
35Sandbox Goals/Action Plan/Adjourn
- After this class, users can
- Use the Sandbox environment as a database that
has been set up to utilize for practice on
Core-CT to keep reinforcing what you have learned
today. The Link for the Sandbox is - http//www.core-ct.state.ct.us/user/practice/Defau
lt.htm - Use all of the exercises completed here in class
as job aids in the Sandbox environment when you
return to your agencies. - Fill out the Action Plan sheet so the
participants can plan when they will be utilizing
the Sandbox and can make the commitment to do so. - Complete the course evaluation form.
- Wrap up and adjourn the class.