Title: Semantically Enriching Access Control Rules for Web Services
1Semantically Enriching Access Control Rules for
Web Services
- Brian Shields
- PhD Candidate,
- Department of Information Technology,
- National University of Ireland, Galway
- Using Semantic Web rules to enforce access
control in a Web Services security framework - Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL)
- OWL-DL fact base
- Existing reasoning engine used
- W3C and OASIS standards and recommendations
- XML Signature
- XML Encryption
- XML Key Management Specification (XKMS)
- WS-Security
- Evaluated using Health Informatics industry
- Health Level 7
3Description of Purpose
- Growth
- Information available over the Web
- Ways to access it
- Popularity of Web Services
- Concern for security, particularly authorisation
- Current access control models
- Access control lists (ACLs)
- Role Based Access Control
- Access definition
- Rules?
- Benefits of Semantic Web rules
- Added support for complex relationships between
properties - uncle(?x, ?y)
4Goal Statement
- Build a Web Service security framework
- Web Service access control rules written in SWRL
- Encorporate SWRL rules and a SWRL and OWL
reasoner into a Web Service security framework - Build a OWL-DL ontology of the Health Level 7
Reference Information Model (HL7 RIM) - Will it work for the health informatics industry?
- Addresses the issue of data protection
- Particularly within the Web Service space
- Novel approach to access control
- A solution to authorisation within the health
- Research part of the iWise project
- Statistical Processes Monitoring, event
emulation, legacy system integration - Security framework
- Message Security
- Access control
- Technologies
- XML Signature
- XML Encryption
- XML Key Management Specification (XKMS)
- WS-Security
- Web Ontology Language (OWL)
- Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL)
6iWISE Security Architecture
- SOAP Message Interceptor
- Apache Axis Filters
- Authentication
- Signature Validation
- Encryption/Decryption engine
- Apache WSS4J
- Key Management
- Access Control at two levels
- Initial access control to verify requested
endpoints and schema validation - Fine grained, semantically aware access control
model - Management Console
7iWISE Security Architecture
8iWISE Access Control
- Level One
- Verify that Web Service exists
- Validate all documents against schemas
- Level Two
- Request made to the Policy Decision Point for
authorisation - Three types of response
- Authorisation failed
- Authorisation limited
- Authorisation granted
- Policy Decision Point response result of Semantic
reasoning of ontology and rules - doctor(?x1) ? patient(?x2) ? isTreatingPhysican(?x
1,x2) ? hasReadRecordAccess(?x1,?x2) -
9SWRL Rule
ltrulemlimpgt ltruleml_rlab rulemlhrefrea
dRecordAccess/gt ltruleml_bodygt
ltswrlxclassAtomgt ltowlxClass
owlxnameDoctor/gt ltrulemlvargtx1lt/rulemlvar
gt lt/swrlxclassAtomgt ltswrlxclassAtomgt
ltowlxClass owlxnamePatient/gt
ltrulemlvargtx2lt/rulemlvargt lt/swrlxclassAtomgt
ltrulemlvargtx1lt/rulemlvargt ltrulemlvargtx2lt/rul
emlvargt lt/swrlxindividualPropertyAtomgt
lt/ruleml_bodygt ltruleml_headgt
ltswrlxindividualPropertyAtom swrlxproperty
hasReadRecordAccessgt ltrulemlvargtx1lt/rulemlv
argt ltrulemlvargtx2lt/rulemlvargt
lt/ruleml_headgt ltrulemlimpgt
10Rule Reasoning
- Numerous options available
- Jena
- Pellet
- Racer
- Involve restricting expressiveness of SWRL
- Hoolet has been extended to handle SWRL rules
- WonderWeb for parsing and processing OWL
- Vampire used for reasoning, first order prover
11Restricted Document Access
- Fine grained access control
- An an XML element level
- Organisational level
- Many people with access to same document
- Should all people have the same authorisation?
- Propose limited access
- Documents must be defined semantically at an
element level - All users are defined semantically
- iWISE access control rules define who can access
what - Semantic Reasoner will enforce these rules
12Case Study Health Sector
- Security and access control critical.
- Access control usually achieved by defining
static rule sets. - Poor adoption of standards.
- Health Level 7 HL7
- Standard for information representation in health
13Case Study Health Sector
- Member of hospital staff requests patient files.
- Staff member is first authenticated, then access
rights are determined - Doctor on case gets full access
- Admin staff get personal/billing information
- Consulting doctor gets clinical data but not
personal data
- Completed
- Soap message interceptor
- Basic authentication
- Encryption/Decryption engine
- Basic key management
- Access control level one
- To do
- Management Framework
- Advanced key management (XKMS)
- Semantic access control