Title: Routine immunisation in the big four countries
1Routine immunisation in the big four countries
- Vaccine Preventable Diseases Unit, WHO/DDC/AFRO
- 11th TFI 10th AIRCC Meeting, Luanda, Angola,
2-5 December 2003
2Below 50 during whole decade Fluctuations partly
due to data quality problem
Nigeria routine 2003 data not available
3Reported DPT3 vaccination coverage by health
zone, DRCJan- June 2003
Almost 80 problem of access
No data
4DPT3 Vaccination Coverage by State, Nigeria Valid
doses by 23 months, 2003 Survey results
(unofficial, preliminary)
JRF 2002 data DPT3 ca 10
No data
5Estimated infants un-vaccinated, 2003
10 increase in coverage in each of the 4
countries, will - reduce number of un-vaccinated
children in the Region by ca. 1,041,000 - protect
884,000 more infants against measles
2002 JRF and survey 2003
6Some country specifics
7Some country specifics
8Major WHO support - routine immunisation, 2003
- Support acceleration activities for routine
immunisation - Polio eradication and measles control initiatives
- Technical assistance
- Cold chain management (inventory, purchases and
training of logisticians) - Transport management system
- Training needs assessments
- Almost 3/4 of AFR un-vaccinated children in Big 4
- Angola
- Problems of infra-structure and human resource,
especially in newly accessible districts - Ethiopia
- Most key staff at EPI Central management team
supported by partners - Negotiations and reaching consensus takes long,
especially at Regional level - Decentralisation still on going and is a major
cause of high staff turn-over
10Challenges (2)
- Very difficult terrain, in-security, migrating
population - Nigeria
- Very low routine coverage and circulating WPV
- Weak monitoring system for routine data is
incomplete and late - Investing in system strengthening, national
commitment and sustainability
11Issues to be considered by TFI
- Supporting the country initiatives for Reaching
Every District (RED) - Coordinated, synergistically, long-term
commitment - Strengthen system, expand
- Decentralising ICCs
- How to improve monitoring for routine in Nigeria
- Supporting human resource development and
capacity building, especially in Angola and
12Issues to be considered by TFI (2)
- Further advocacy for MOH-Ethiopia to recruit more
staff to strengthen central level management team
for increased efficient support to the Regions - Recruitment of 2 internationals to support
routine immunisation activities in Nigeria - Coordinating use of available resources (ADC) to
strengthen routine