Title: Sulphur Mountain Wildland Fire Use
1Sulphur Mountain Wildland Fire Use Caddo-Womb
le Ranger DistrictOuachita National Forest June
26 July 4, 2006
Fire ignited from a lightning strike on June 23
at the summit of Sulphur Mountain.
A new fire management approach for the Ouachita
National Forest, Wildland Fire Use is being
applied on Sulphur Mountain, located in a remote
part of the Caddo-Womble Ranger District
approximately 15 miles west of Glenwood.
3The Sulphur Mountain Fire Use is the first
wildland fire use strategy to be applied on the
Ouachita National Forest and in the USDA Forest
Services Southern Region.
4Wildland Fire Use is the management of naturally
ignited wildland fires to accomplish specific
resource management objectives in predefined
geographic areas outlined in Fire Management
5- The lightning caused Sulphur Mountain Fire was
detected on June 26, 2006. It was estimated to be
25 acres in size. - Forest officials decided to apply a wildland
fire use strategy to manage the fire based on
several factors including - The location of the fire
- Its natural cause
- Concerns for firefighter safety
- Potential high suppression costs
- Resource damage that might occur from ground-
disturbing activities in a suppression effort
6Bob Panko, a Fire Use Manager from Everglades
National Park
was assigned to manage the fire.
7Wildland Fire Use should not be confused with a
let burn policy. Although the ignition is
naturally-caused, the fire is managed.
8Firefighters patrol the firelines to monitor fire
9Fire managers may use specific control techniques
including both direct and indirect fire attack
tactics, such as building firelines and
10One day after the burn went through this area.
11One day after the burn
12Firefighters remove a hazard tree near the
containment line.
13Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Reporter, Katherine
Marks interviews Ben Rowland, District Fire
Management Officer.
14An After Action Review and safety discussion is
held at the end of each day
15Sulphur Mountain Wildland Fire Use Cumulative
Acreages Burned
Monday, June 26 25 acres Tuesday, June 27
81 acres Wednesday, June 28 157
acres Thursday, June 29 491 acres Friday,
June 30 1,069 acres Saturday July 1 1,295
acres Saturday, July 2 1,977 acres Sunday, July
3 3,265 acres Monday, July 4 3,525 acres
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