Title: Helping Students Succeed
1Helping Students Succeed!
- We have the program to get there!
2RtI - Response to Intervention Tiers without
3Definition of Intervention
- A change in instructing a student in the area of
learning of behavioral difficulty to improve
performance and achieve adequate progress.
4RtI is a Mindset to Recognize Students with
Needs Early
- An emerging approach to the diagnosis of learning
disabilities that holds considerable promise - A student with academic delays is given one or
more research-validated interventions - Progress is monitored frequently to see if the
interventions are helping the student catch up
with his or her peers - If student fails to show significant improvement
a number of interventions, this failure to
respond to intervention can be viewed as
evidence of an underlying learning disability
5Why RtI?
- Federally mandated
- Plan needs to be written by January 2009
- Implementation needs to occur beginning of the
2010-2011 school year - No longer needing to use the Wait to Fail model
We can catch the students before they fall
between the cracks!
6Benefits of RtI
- Allows us to intervene early to meet the needs of
struggling learners - Maps specific instructional strategies found to
benefit a particular student - Eliminates the Wait to Fail model
- Allows students to be successful
7How to Put RtI into Practice
- Use various methods of assessments to evaluate
students in regard to reading, mathematics, and
behavior aspects - Implement a range of scientifically based
interventions that address the reason for failure - Monitor the student progress
- Graph data for visual analysis
8Once Students are Assessed
- 20 of the students within the school will need
interventions - Key objective is to select an instructional or
behavior management strategy that matches a
students specific needs - Serious academic skill deficits vs. being
disorganized to turn in assignments - Interventions should be scientifically based
9Tiered Interventions
Intensive Interventions 5
Strategic Interventions 15
Universal Interventions 80
10Samples of Interventions
- Tier 1 Universal Interventions 80
- Core Curriculum
- Accelerated Reader
- Study Island
- Freshman Mentoring and Orientation
- Tier 2 Strategic Interventions 15
- Fast Forward
- Algebra 141 Every Day Algebra
- Tier 3 Intensive Interventions 5
- Special Education
11Definition of Accommodations
- An attempt to help or convenience a student
academically or behaviorally
12Accommodations vs. Interventions
- Interventions are different than accommodations.
- Examples of Accommodations
- Preferential Seating
- Reduce/Minimize Distractions
- Check Understanding and Repeat Directions
- Use of Books on Tape
- Homework Deadline Extended
13- RtI is a process for achieving higher levels of
academic and behavioral success for all students
through - High Quality Instructional Practice
- Continuous Review of Student Progress
- Collaboration
- Teams of Educators
- Parents
- Community Resources
14Implementation of RtI will Create Successful
- RtI is for ALL students and ALL educators.
- RtI must support and provide value to effective
practices. - Success for RtI lies within the classroom through
collaboration. - RtI applies to both academics and behavior.
- RtI is something you do and not necessarily
something you buy. - RtI emerges from and supports research and
evidence based practices.
15The concept of RtI is quite simple -
- doing RtI well is a challenge.
16Two Big Questions of Concerns
- Will there be extra hands for implementing the
assessments? - Will professional development of differentiated
instruction be available?
17Capturing Your Worries
- Where am I going to find the time?
- How long does the child do the intervention?
- Who will do the assessments?
- Who is responsible?
- Is there going to be enough funds to support RtI?
- Heres what is going on just down the hall!
18You are Not Stranded!
Teacher Peers
RtI Committee
Other Districts
19For More Information
- Check out these websites
- www.interventioncentral.org
- www.jimwrightonline.com
- Link RtI Wire
- www.rtinetwork.org
20Video Clip
- Entitled Animal School
- http//www.raisingsmallsouls.com/wp-content/themes
21Alpha Delta Board
- On 1 Post-It, please write
- RtI is good because __
- __________________ .
- On 1 Post-It, please write
- My concern/question is
- __________________ .
22RtI Committee Members
- Farmingdale
- Pam Beckner
- Heather Greer
- Missy Knight
- Judy Mosher
- Cindy Saxby
- Lisa Walter
- Jamie Yates
- Middle School
- Yadja Engel
- T.J. Fraase
- John Marsaglia
- Terri Miller
- Carrie Risdon
- Ben Theilen
- High School
- Peggy Brandon
- Greg Bryan
- John Langley
- Mike Ward
- Special Education
- Diane Covey
- Andrea Owens
- Robyn Smith
- Judy Riedl
- Maureen Talbert
- Julie Trimpe