Title: Improvement
This work shows how Ive improved in I used
to But now I Name______________________
Date_____________ From Self-Assessment and Goal
Setting (2000) by Gregory, Cameron and Davies.
Published by Connections Publishing, Courtenay,
BC. Adapted from Together is Better (1992) by
Davies, Cameron, Gregory and Politano. Published
by Portage and Main Publishing, Winnipeg,
Manitoba. SAL 06
This work shows how Ive improved in I used
to But now I Name______________________
Date_____________ From Self-Assessment and Goal
Setting (2000) by Gregory, Cameron and Davies.
Published by Connections Publishing, Courtenay,
BC. Adapted from Together is Better (1992) by
Davies, Cameron, Gregory and Politano. Published
by Portage and Main Publishing, Winnipeg,
Manitoba. SAL 06
2Getting There
I think Im getting the hang of this Please
notice Name____________________
Date_____________ SAL 06
Getting There
I think Im getting the hang of this Please
notice Name____________________
Date_____________ SAL 06
3Who I am as a writer _____________________________
___________________ SAL 06
Who I am as a writer _____________________________
___________________ SAL 06
4Me as a writer in the __ quarter
This quarter I worked on ___ pieces. I write ___
times a week. I notice that my writing is
______________________________ ___________________
_______________________________ Sample 1 Please
notice __________________________________________
_______________________________________ Sample 2
Please notice _________________________________
________________________________________________ S
ample 3 Please notice __________________________
______ My writing goal for next quarter is
_______________________ __________________________
________________________ SAL 06
5Me as a writer in the __ quarter
This quarter I worked on ___ pieces. I write ___
times a week. I notice that my writing is
_____________________________________ ____________
____ My writing goal 1 __________________________
________________________________________ Evidence
_______ Please notice ____________________________
___________________ ______________________________
____________________________ _____________________
_____________________________________ ____________
______________________________________________ My
writing goal 2 __________________________________
________________________________ Evidence
________ Please notice __________________________
_______________________________ __________________
________________________________________ _________
SAL 06
6Me as a reader in the __ quarter
This quarter I read ___ books for a total of ___
hours and _____ pages. I read about _____ times a
week. I read these genre ________________________
__________________ _______________________________
__________________________ The best book I read
this quarter was ____________________________ beca
use ______________________________________________
_____ My reading goal 1 _________________________
__________________ _______________________________
___________________________ Evidence
_______ Please notice ____________________________
___________________ ______________________________
____________________________ _____________________
_____________________________________ ____________
______________________________________________ My
reading goal 2 __________________________________
_________ ________________________________________
__________________ Evidence ______________________
___________________________________ Please
notice ___________________________________________
____ _____________________________________________
_____________ ____________________________________
______________________ ___________________________
_______________________________ SAL 06
7A word to describe my
growth as a ______________ is __________________
__________ SAL 06
A word to describe my
growth as a ______________ is __________________
__________ SAL 06
8Reading Self Assessment
I like to read. Yes No As a reader
I ___ use the pictures to help me ___ sound out
the words ___ skip words and read on to see what
makes sense ___ look for small words inside the
word Im working on ___ correct myself as I
read ___ can talk about the story I have improved
as a reader. Yes No I know because
______________________________ ___________________
_______________________ __________________________
________________ _________________________________
_________ I can improve my reading by
_____________________ ____________________________
______________ ___________________________________
_______ Date _________________ SAL 06
9- Name ______________
Date _______ - Reading Reflections
- What is reading? ______________________________
- ____________________________________________
- ____________________________________________
- As a reader I can . . . __________________________
__ - ____________________________________________
- ____________________________________________
- ____________________________________________
SAL 06
10 I Figured It Out! This is the book that I
am reading. This is a piece from that
book. The author of the book
is ________________________________. I want to
show you that _____________________ was a hard
word for me. I figured out the word by
________________________________ ________________
____________________________________ ____________
_______________________________________ .
SAL 06
11Writing Self Assessment
I like to write. Yes No As a
writer I ___ write about many different
things ___ leave spaces between words ___ use
capital letters at the beginning of sentences ___
use periods, question marks, and exclamation
points at the end of sentences ___ use what I
know to help me spell ___ write sentences that
make sense I have improved as a writer.
Yes No I know because_______________________
_____________ ____________________________________
___________ ______________________________________
_________ ________________________________________
_______ I can improve my writing by
__________________________ _______________________
________________________ _________________________
______________________ ___________________________
____________________ Date _________________ SAL
12- Name _____________________ Date ________
- Writing Reflection
- What is writing? ________________________________
- ______________________________________________
- ______________________________________________
- As a writer I can . . . __________________________
____ - ______________________________________________
- ______________________________________________
- ______________________________________________
- As a writer I need to work on . . .
SAL 06
13- Name __________________ Date
________ - Math Reflection
- What is math? ______________________________
- __________________________________________
- __________________________________________
- As a mathematician I can . . .
___________________ - __________________________________________
- __________________________________________
- __________________________________________
- As a mathematician I need to work on . . .
___________ - __________________________________________
- __________________________________________
- __________________________________________
- The standard(s) that fit this math reflection are
. . .
SAL 06
14- Strengths and Challenges
- As a student, my strengths are . . .
- (what Im good at)
- .
- .
- .
- .
- As a student, my challenges are . . .
- (what I need too work on)
- .
- .
- .
SAL 06
I know I made progress in reading because
______________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ______________________
________________________________ The best book I
read this year was ___________________________ bec
ause _____________________________________________
___ ______________________________________________
________ _________________________________________
_____________ The next book I would like to read
is __________________________ because
________________________________________________ _
___ ______________________________________________
________ The best thing about reading is
______________________________ ___________________
___________________________________ ______________
________________________________________ _________
_____________________________________________ The
hardest thing about reading is ___________________
_________ ________________________________________
______________ ___________________________________
___________________ ______________________________
________________________ _________________________
_____________________________ SAL 06
16Weekly Review
Name ___________________ Date _____________
It was fun
It was a challenge
Something I learned
A feeling I experienced
Steps for next week
SAL 06
17Weekly Reflection
Name _____________________ Date ___________
It was fun
It was a challenge
Something I learned
A feeling I experienced
Teacher comments
Parent comments
SAL 06
18My End of the Week Reflection
This week I learned It
was fun It was hard for me
I had an easy time
Parent Comments
SAL 06
Date_________________ My
End of the Week Reflection
I can teach someone to...
This week I focused on...
When writing I remember to...
When reading I remember to...
My goal for the week was
Parent comments/signature...
SAL 06
20 Name____________________
Date__________________ My End
of the Week Reflection
My goal for the week was...
One thing I want to do again...
This week I learned...
I helped a classmate...
This week I need to...
Parent comments/signature...
SAL 06
21A First
This is my first The hardest part was The
easiest part was Next time I could Name_______
______________ Date______________ From
Self-Assessment and Goal Setting (2000) by
Gregory, Cameron and Davies. Published by
Connections Publishing, Courtenay, BC.
SAL 06
A First This is my first The hardest part
was The easiest part was Next time I
could Name_____________________
Date______________ From Self-Assessment and Goal
Setting (2000) by Gregory, Cameron and Davies.
Published by Connections Publishing, Courtenay,
This was hard to do because Something I might
try next time Name___________________
Date______________ SAL 06
CHALLENGING! This was hard to do
because Something I might try next
time Name___________________
Date______________ SAL 06
This was hard to do because Something I might
try next time Name___________________
Date______________ SAL 06
HARD This was hard to do because Something I
might try next time Name___________________
Date______________ SAL 06
24Class Agreements
This is evidence of Paying Attention Doing
my Work Being Persistent Problem Solving
Taking Risks I chose it because Name____
____________________ Date______________ SAL
Class Agreements This is evidence of Paying
Attention Doing my Work Being Persistent
Problem Solving Taking Risks I chose it
because Name________________________
Date______________ SAL 06
25Unit Reflection
Here are some things I learned in our
______________ unit. My favorite part of this
unit was Something that is still confusing for
me about ________________ is SAL 06 Unit
Reflection Here are some things I learned in our
______________ unit. My favorite part of this
unit was Something that is still confusing
for me about ________________ is SAL 06
26Checking My Progress
Name ____________________________ Date
Adapted from Together is Better (1992) by Davies,
Cameron, Gregory and Politano. Published by
Portage and Main Publishing, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
SAL 06
27Name_______________________ Date______________
SAL 06
28Name ________________________________ Date
____________Please take my picture
when_____ I am working by myself._____ I am
working with others._____ I am helping someone
else learn. _____ I am doing an oral
_____ I am working on a
project. _____ I am creating art._____ I
am working on a math problem._____ I am working
on a scientific investigation._____ I am
reading aloud.
SAL 06
This was the hardest thing I did
My partner and I worked well on this
This was my best work because..
LOOKI did a great job!
SAL 06
30When I read the passage, I used the following
SAL 06
31Before I read, I
- Brainstorm ? ?
- Use K-W-L ? ?
- Predict ? ?
- Skim ? ?
- Question ? ?
- Visualize ? ?
- Set a Goal ? ?
SAL 06