The Rule of Law - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Rule of Law


Retired West Virginia Supreme Court Justice Richard Neely: ... Many believe that West Virginia's current standard for determining whether an ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Rule of Law

The Rule of Law
  • Russell S. Sobel, Ph.D.
  • Professor of Economics
  • James Clark Coffman Distinguished Chair
  • West Virginia University

First Book Unleashing Capitalism
  • Over 5,000 copies sold
  • Over 200 public presentations
  • Presentations to 2 Governors
  • Won Sir Antony Fisher Award

Prosperity is the Result of Having Good
Institutions- Economic and Legal -
The Main Point
Economic Growth is a Function of Both Inputs
and Institutions
Route 50
Our New Book
  • Focuses on Legal Institutions
  • Book is Forthcoming in Spring 2009
  • Edited Volume - Similar to Unleashing Capitalism
  • 12 Chapters
  • 15 Authors
  • Today Ill Summarize Ideas from the Book

WVs Legal Rankings
  • Institute for Legal Reform
  • State Liability Systems
  • Ranking Study
  • (U.S. Chamber of Commerce)
  • American Tort Reform Association (ATRA) has named
    the entire state of West Virginia as a Judicial

WVs Legal Rankings
  • In 2007 WV Circuit Courts awarded three of the 10
    largest plaintiffs verdicts in nation
  • Retired West Virginia Supreme Court Justice
    Richard Neely
  • As long as I am allowed to redistribute wealth
    from out-of-state companies to in-state
    plaintiffs, I shall continue to do so. Not only
    is my sleep enhanced when I give someone elses
    money away, but so is my job security, because
    the in-state plaintiffs, their families, and
    their friends will reelect me.

Legal System Quality and Economic Prosperity
What Exactly is a Good Legal System?
The Rule of Law
  • The rule of law is a broad concept that
    describes a society that is governed not by
    people, but instead by established, fair, and
    predictable rules of interaction
  • WV Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson, 1943
  • One's right to life, liberty, and property, to
    free speech, a free press, freedom of worship and
    assembly, and other fundamental rights may not be
    submitted to vote they depend on the outcome of
    no elections."
  • "The very purpose of a Bill of Rights was to
    withdraw certain subjects from political
    controversy, to place them beyond the reach of
    majorities and officials and to establish them as
    legal principles to be applied by the courts.
  • Your rights to life, property, etc., shouldnt
    arbitrarily depend on who is in power in
    government (all branches)

Laws as Rules of the Game
  • For the game to go smoothly, the rules must be
    applied in a predictable fair mannerthey cant
    be changing in the middle of the game

Role of the Legal System in a Free Market Economy
  • People free to do as they wish as long as they
    dont infringe on others
  • Role of legal system is to be there when
    infringements happen, to
  • Enforce property rights
  • Enforce contracts
  • Set the price of infringements

Reasons Why a Poor Quality Legal System Hurts an
  • Increases the Cost of Doing Business
  • Rulings can significantly increase business costs
  • Even unsuccessful lawsuits cost money to defend
  • Increases Business Risk
  • Market Risk vs. Legal Risk
  • With legal risk can lose more than invested
  • Productive vs. Unproductive Entrepreneurship
  • Draws the states resources out of productive,
    wealth creating activities and devotes them
    instead toward attempts to secure (and defend
    against) wealth transfers
  • Other Unintended Consequences
  • Example Prescription drug warning sheets

Specific Reforms
The Rule of Law Suggested Reforms
  • End Partisan Judicial Elections
  • Most states (including N.C. in 2004) have
    switched away from partisan elections
  • In West Virginia, moving to nonpartisan can be
    done legislatively, moving to appointment would
    require a constitutional amendment
  • Pros Cons (more independents, less perception
    of politics/money, information?)

Legal Quality Judicial Selection
Selected Quotes
  • The Honorable Sandra Day OConnor, U.S. Supreme
    Court (Retired) (Ch.1)
  • I wish you success as you consider reforms to
    the judicial selection methods used in West
    Virginia that will safeguard judicial
    independence and the rule of law in the years to
    come An appointment process for judges followed
    by periodic retention elections offers clear
    advantages over partisan judicial elections If
    contested judicial elections are to continue,
    they should be made non-partisan.
  • The Honorable Wanda G. Bryant, North Carolina
    Court of Appeals (Ch. 2)
  • I have run for election under the old partisan
    system which allowed private financing of
    judicial campaigns as well as the new public
    financing systemThe nonpartisan aspect of
    campaign reform is a welcome change.
  • Alexander Tabarrok, Ph.D., George Mason
    University (Ch. 3)
  • Awards against businesses in general are larger
    in partisan states than in non-partisan states,
    but the majority of the partisan effect is due to
    a particular bias against out-of-state business

The Rule of Law Suggested Reforms
  • Joint several liability reform for civil tort
  • Car/Concrete Truck Accident Example
  • Should Coal Company be Held Liable for Full
  • Now 30 (or 10) in some cases, but many
  • Impose statutory limits on, or increase the
    standard for determining, punitive damages
  • From earlier 3 of the 10 largest verdicts in
  • Should we award punitive damages in breach of
    contract cases?

The Rule of Law Suggested Reforms
  • End venue shopping by imposing meaningful venue
  • Within state venue shopping picking your
  • Example Justice Warren McGraw in one of 9
    single-judge circuits (Wyoming Co.) so a case
    filed will necessarily and predictably be heard
    by that judge
  • Other popular venues Brooke McDowell counties
  • 15 other circuits (out of 31 total) have only two
  • Out-of-state cases in our state courts (esp. mass
    tort litigation like asbestos, tobacco)

The Rule of Law Suggested Reforms
  • Eminent Domain Reform
  • Enact legislation restricting the definitions of
    public use and blight, and the use of eminent
    domain for private benefit
  • Create an intermediate appeals court system in
    conjunction with a right of first appeal
  • West Virginia is the only state to provide an
    appeal solely at the discretion of its appellate
    court in all cases decided in its lower courts
  • Bureau of Justice Statistics Study
  • 15 of lower court cases are appealed
  • 3 are reversed, remanded, or modified
  • If goal is reducing error a second opinion
    always helps

The Rule of Law Suggested Reforms
  • Revise the standard used to decide deliberate
    intent in workers compensation cases
  • How the Workers Compensation System works
  • Injured employees get workers compensation
    benefits on a no-fault basis
  • Money is from the (employer funded) workers
    compensation fund
  • Injured employees can not sue their employer
  • UNLESS the injury was the result of a
    deliberate action of the employer
  • Many believe that West Virginias current
    standard for determining whether an injury is
    deliberate is still too broadly interpreted,
    resulting in too many lawsuits, and an
    unnecessarily high cost of doing business in the
  • Mandolidis (1978) made unsafe deliberate
  • Ryan v. Clonch failure to inspect / uphold OSHA
    regulations deliberate
  • In addition, in Roberts v. Consolidation Coal
    (2000) the court ruled that in a deliberate
    intent case, an employer cannot introduce
    evidence of the employees contributory
  • (unless self-inflicted or the employee was
  • Employee was injured while fixing a machine he
    wasnt allowed to work on, and jury found him to
    be 49 at fault, was overruled

Do Legal Reforms Work? Evidence from Medical
Malpractice Reform
  • Medical Malpractice Reform The Evidence
  • West Virginias health care system crisis a few
    years ago happened because physicians could not
    find or afford medical liability insurance
  • Reform The Medical Professional Liability Act
    has led to improvements in claims statistics,
    number of new physicians, and insurance rates
  • Unfortunately, the Supreme Court could strike
    down major provisions of the reform

Thinking Properly About Reform
  • In the end we are in competition with the other
    49 states and must have a competitive legal

Thank You / QA
Contact Information Russell S. Sobel,
Ph.D. Coffman Distinguished Chair Dept. of
Economics, WVU (304)
The Rule of Law Reform Summary
  • Replace partisan elections of judges with
    nonpartisan elections
  • Restrict the power of local governments to use
    Eminent Domain (prohibit private transfers
    redefine public use and blight)
  • Eliminate joint and several liability in all
    civil tort claims
  • End venue shopping by imposing meaningful venue
  • Impose statutory limits on punitive damage
    awards, or increase the standard for determining
    when to award punitive damages
  • Create intermediate appeals court system and an
    appeal of right
  • Revise the standard for deliberate intent in
    workers compensation cases
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