Psychopharmacology in Children - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Psychopharmacology in Children


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Title: Psychopharmacology in Children

Psychopharmacology in Children
  • Irving Kuo M.D.
  • Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System

Psychopharmacology requires a sense of humor.
Sometimes, the best use of evidence-based
medicine is to remember how little evidence we
have. TA Kramer M.D.
Psychopharmacology is big business.
Psychiatric Medication Use - Antidepressants
  • Antidepressants prescriptions
  • 1988 40 million
  • 1998 120 million
  • 2004 150 million
  • Antidepressant revenues
  • 1986 - 263 million
  • 2004 - 11.2 billion

Psychiatric Medication Use - Antipsychotics
  • Revenues
  • 1986 - 263 million
  • 2004 - 8.6 billion
  • For last quarter of 2005 4/5 drugs that
    Arkansas Medicaid paid most for were for
    antipsychotic meds

Psychiatric Medication Use ADHD Medications
  • 2.5 million children and 1.5 million adults
    prescribed these meds (2005)
  • 3.5 billion in revenues for 2005
  • Marked increase in prescription since 1999
    advent of new formulations

Psychiatric Medication Use - Depakote
  • 886 million dollar sales last year
  • Leader in prescriptions for bipolar disorder

The Developing Brain
  • Most brain cells (neurons) are formed by the 2nd
    trimester in the fetus.
  • Neuronal migration (movement of neurons to their
    correct location) begins within weeks of
  • Brain volume is at 95 of adult volume by age 5.

The Developing Brain
  • Neurons transmit signals electrically and
    chemically through synapses.
  • Neurons ondergo myelinization (insulation) and
    arborization (branching out) - continue
    throughout childhood and into adolescence/early
  • Synapse formation continues throughout ones

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The Developing Brain
  • Neurons that are created at birth must be the
    right ones.
  • Neurons must migrate to the right parts of the
    brain orchestrated traffic.
  • Synapses must form once neurons are correctly

The Developing Brain
  • Neurons and their synapses are quite changeable
    or plastic neuroplasticity.
  • Neurons kill/prune themselves apoptosis.
  • Up to 90 of neurons made during fetal
    development undergo apoptosis.
  • Apoptitic neurons fade away the body removes
    sick/damaged cells survival of the fittest.

The Developing Brain
  • At age 6 more synapses than at any other time.
  • As children grow older the brain prunes away
    half of all synaptic connections.
  • Hopefully, the body chooses well which synapses
    to keep and which ones to destroy.
  • New synapses form and are pruned throughout
    adulthood at a much slower rate

Children are not small adults in how their body
handles drugs.
As little evidence as there is for
psychopharmacology in adults, theres much less
for children.
Antidepressants - SSRIs
  • Prozac (fluoxetine)
  • Paxil (paroxetine)
  • Zoloft (sertraline)
  • Luvox (fluvoxamine)
  • Celexa (citalopram)
  • Lexapro (escitalopram)

Antidepressants - SSRIs
  • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
    increase serotonin available in synapse
  • Takes 2-4 weeks to begin to work
  • Used for depression and anxiety disorders (OCD,
    panic disorder, PTSD, social phobia)
  • Used for eating disorders, especially bulimia

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Antidepressants SSRIsHow well do they work?
  • In ideal studies 2/3 patients responded
  • Response vs. remission
  • In more real world studies 30 remission rate
    in adults
  • Only Prozac is approved by FDA for depression in
  • Prozac, Luvox and Zoloft FDA-approved for OCD

Antidepressants SSRIsHow well do they work?
  • Research indicate mixed results in children
    some studies show a modest improvement in
    depressive symptoms, others show no difference
    when compared to placebo (sugar pill)
  • British study in 2004 pooled available studies
    and indicated little to no improvement in
    children compared to placebo

Antidepressants SSRIsPharmocokinetic
  • Paxil cleared in children ages 6-17 faster than
    in adults, although once a day dosing is still
  • Prozac serum levels were almost twice as high in
    children than adolescents/adults with same dose
    decrease dose for kids

Antidepressants SSRIAdverse events
  • Behavioral activation in children anxiety,
    restlessness or agitation
  • Possible switch to mania if patient is really
  • Amotivational syndrome
  • Possible bleeding complications easy

Antidepressants and Suicide in Children
  • In 2004, the FDA looked at 24 clinical trial
    involving 4,400 children and adolescents taking
    antidepressants for depression and anxiety
  • Children taking active meds 4 developed
    suicidal thoughts/behaviors
  • Children taking placebo 2
  • No children in studies committed suicide.

Antidepressants and Suicide in Children
  • This led to the FDA black box warning on
    package inserts about a possible link between
    antidepressants and onset of suicide behavior.
  • Possible explanations
  • - behavioral activation
  • - manic switch
  • - patient getting better in terms of energy
    but not mood

Antidepressants and Suicide in Children
  • Antidepressants do help some children the
    actual suicide rate in children/adolescents has
    decreased since the advent of SSRIs.
  • Close monitoring is a must for those on
    antidepressants especially initially.
  • Medications should be only a part of a
    comprehensive treatment plan.

Atypical Antipsychotics
  • Clozaril (clozapine) not much in kids
  • Risperdal (risperidone)
  • Zyprexa (olanzapine)
  • Seroquel (quetiapine)
  • Geodon (ziprasidone)
  • Abilify (aripiprazole)

Atypical Antipsychotics Indications/Uses
  • Psychosis
  • Disorganized behavior
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Tics
  • More controversial but increasing
  • ADHD
  • Conduct disorder
  • Pretty much any behavior we dont like

Atypical Antipsychotics Indications/Uses
  • Recent Vanderbilt University study 5-fold
    increase in antipsychotic use in children for
  • Feeling among prescribers that atypicals are
    safer than the old generation antipsychotics
  • Dont have the neurologic side effects of typical
    agents (or less frequent)

Atypical Antipsychotics Mechanism of Action
  • Block dopamine receptors antipsychotic action
  • Block serotonin receptors prevent
    extrapyramidal side effects, reduce negative
    symtoms of schizophrenia
  • Pharmacokinetics have not been studied in
    children very much seems to be similar to adults

Atypical Antipsychotics Adverse Effects
  • Extrapyramidal effects
  • - acute dystonic reaction
  • - akathesia (restlessness)
  • - Parkinson-like symptoms
  • Tardive dyskinesia
  • These are less common in the atypical
    antipsychotics but still possible

Atypical Antipsychotics Adverse Effects
  • Weight gain/obesity
  • Increase blood sugar (diabetes)
  • Increase lipids (cholesterol/triglyceride levels)
  • Sedation
  • Increase prolactin levels amenorrhea,
    galactorrhea, breast enlargement (males)
  • Cardiovascular - arrhythmias

Atypical Antipsychotics Conclusions?
  • Effective in treatment of psychosis, tics, and
    behavioral problems where nothing else helps
    (i.e. developmental disorders)
  • Increasing use in ADHD and conduct disorders
    without basis in literature
  • Side-effects are not trivial weight gain,
    metabolic in a population where obesity is an
    increasing problem
  • Neurological side-effects still possible who
    know what are the long-term CNS impact on kids

ADHD Medications stimulants
  • Ritalin, Concerta (methylphenidate)
  • Dexedrine (dextroamphetamine)
  • Adderall (mixed amphetamine salts)

ADHD Medications stimulantsMechanism of Action
  • Effect dopamine (DA) and norepiniphrine (NE) in
    the frontal lobes and other parts of the brain
  • Increase release of DA and NE in neurons
  • Block reuptake of DA and NE
  • Basically increase DA concentration in synapses

ADHD Medications stimulants
  • Numerous studies point to significant efficacy
    over placebo in treatment of ADHD in children
    and now in adults
  • Rate of prescriptions for children is actually
    leveling off, but increasing for adults (adult
    ADHD) 140 increase from 2004 to 2005

ADHD Medications stimulantsPharmacokinetics
  • Immediate release stimulants are rapidly absorbed
    by the gut this can be increased by food
  • Immediate release stimulants begin to act 30
    minutes after ingestion and effect last 3-5 hours
  • Recent introduction of long-acting stimulants
    with delayed delivery system once a day dosing

ADHD Medications stimulantsAdverse Events
  • Sleep problems
  • Decreased appetite
  • Jitteriness
  • Headache
  • Cardiovascular effects

ADHD Medications stimulantsCardiovascular
  • February 9, 2006 FDA voted to have black box
    warnings added to labeling of stimulants warning
    about the cardiovascular risks of stimulants
  • Sudden heart failure seen in children
  • Concern that adults with preexisting cardiac
    problems could be at increased risk when taking

ADHD Medications stimulantsCardiovascular
  • Increase heart rate and blood pressure
  • Committee feeling that stimulant prescribing
    needed to be slowed down.
  • Fear surrounding increased utilization in adults

ADHD Medications StimulantsConclusions?
  • Effective in treating ADHD both in children and
  • Side-effects are not trivial
  • Monitoring of BP and heart rate as well as
    baseline and follow-up EKGs

Mood Stabilizers
  • Lithium
  • Depakote (sodium valproate)
  • Tegretol (carbamazepine)
  • Topomax (topirimate)
  • Lamictal (lamotrigine)

Mood Stabilizers Depakote Indications/Uses
  • Anticonvulsant adults and children gt 10yo
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Migraine headaches adults
  • Behavioral problems in adults and kids secondary
    to brain damage
  • PTSD

Mood Stabilizers - Depakote
  • Most frequently prescribed medication used for
    bipolar disorder
  • Increasing pediatric use for mood and behavioral
    control impulsive and aggressive behaviors
  • Increase GABA in brain inhibitory effects

Mood Stabilizers DepakotePharmacokinetics
  • After absorption (slowed by food), reaches peak
    blood level in 3 hours
  • Half life in children 7 hours
  • Half life in adults 13 hours
  • Liver metabolism kids under 10 yo have 50
    greater clearance than in adolescents/adults
  • Multiple drug-drug interactions

Mood Stabilizers DepakoteAdverse Events
  • GI effects nausea, vomiting, indigestion can
    improve with food
  • Weight gain/increased appetite
  • Neurological tremor, sedation, cognitive
    slowing, ataxia may be dose related
  • Decrease platelets in blood increase bleeding
  • Acute pancreatitis rare
  • Hair loss

Mood Stabilizers DepakoteLiver toxicity
  • Fatal liver failure seen 29/1,000,000 patients
    between 1987-1993
  • Highest risk at age 2 or younger
  • High risk in children with mental retardation,
    receiving other anticonvulsants, or are
    developmentally delayed
  • Not indicated in children lt 10 yo

Mood Stabilizers DepakoteConclusions?
  • Lots of experience with kids since it was used as
    a seizure med in the pediatric population
  • Effective in adult bipolar disorder
  • Used off-label in kids can be effective for
    aggressive/impulsive behaviors
  • Multiple side effects tough med to take
  • Not for kids under 10 yo because of potential
    fatal liver problems

Psych Meds in KidsConclusions?
  • Very little supportive evidence for efficacy
    (except stimulants in ADHD)
  • Many known side-effects
  • Unknown effects long term on the developing
    brain and body
  • Overused? recent study of child psychiatrists
    show that 9/10 of their patients are on meds
  • Need much more than meds to help kids
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