Title: Penguin and the ECM Analysis Forecasts
1 Penguin and the ECM Analysis Forecasts
Jordan Alpert
Jordan C. Alpert, NOAA/NWS/EMC jordan.alpert_at_noaa.
gov 20061212 EMC Briefing
2Tests GFS pgbanl analysis compared with ECM
analysis and GFS forecast
- ECMWF GRIB file at 1 degree pgbanl type file w/
- Ps,u,v,q,t (q from rh) at 15 levels but GFS
pgbanl RHlt50. - Interpolate to standard levels with ops orog and
- Write into BUFR file PREPQC as the only obs to
make sanl using SSI to interpolate the sigma IC. - In addition to ECMWF run and GFS operational
runs, - GFS IC from pgbanl (prgg)
- ECM (pryy) test experiment with 6-h guess and
from GFS pgbanl IC to check Antarctic problem. - Next 2 slides SSI pgbanl IC with GFS 5 day
forecast. - These show SSI is a good interpolator and method
reproducesresonably sigma type restart for each
3gg run NH GFS pgbanl file as IC similar (but
worse) to GFS forecast. (GFS OPS (Black), GFS
pgbanl (Green), ECMWF OPS (Red)
4gg run SH GFS pgbanl file as IC similar (but
worse) to GFS forecast. (GFS OPS (Black), GFS
pgbanl (Green), ECMWF OPS (Red)
5ECM Sept. (Penguin) runs
- GFS starting from pgbanl SSI files produces
similar forecast as OPS GFS. - Next slides are ECMWF pgbanl files with GFS
forecasts for SEP 2006 period. - Significant improvement from using the ECMWF IC
(even as pgbanl 1x1) in fact, ECMWF Analysis is
pre-condition to give best GFS forecast close to
ECMWF forecast in height AC. - But tropical winds are not improved.
6ECM pgbanl IC in Green, ECMWF in Red, GFS OPS in
7ECM pgbanl IC in Green, ECMWF in Red, GFS OPS in
8SH Die off curves, note that ECM comparison is
9NH Die off curves, note that ECM comparison is
10RMS Die Off curves, SH NB RMS difference between
analysis (upper left at days0) and Mean (bias in
out days upper right) is improved for height.
11RMS 200mb wind is not improved
12RMS 850mb wind is not improved. NB large
difference in analyses.
13ECM runs
- Changing the (surface or sigges) guess for
siganl/sfcanl makes no difference on scores. - Surface Temperature differences
at f00 GFS is cooler near coastline and
inland but warmer off shore of Antarctica. - Greatest difference occurs at IC and decreases
with time. -
14Diff ECM-GFS, f00, T (sig995)
15Diff ECM-GFS, f48, T(sig995)
16SFC Gnd Heat Fluxw/m2 nb extent of temporary
sea ice in land surface.
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20Zonal Ave T (18) Diff ECM-GFS pgbanl IC. Note
Antarctica orog
21Zonal Ave T (18) Diff ECM-GFS (from pgbanl IC)
22Zonal Ave T (18) Diff ECM-GFS (from pgbanl IC) by
48-h Surface differences gone.
23Zonal Ave UGRD (18) Diff ECM-GFS (pgbanl IC) f00.
24Zonal Ave UGRD (18) Diff ECM-GFS (pgbanl IC) 24-h.
25Zonal Ave UGRD (18) Diff ECM-GFS (pgbanl IC) 48-h.
26ec/gfs Parallel
- Yuejians verification page shows other ecm
products - http//www.emc.ncep.noaa.gov/gmb/yzhu/html/GFS_m_m
odel.html - 4-way comparison of ECMWF and GFS
- GFS ---gt NCEP forecasts from T00Z
- ECM ---gt ECMWF forecasts from T12Z
- E-G ---gt GFS model runs ECMWF initial condition
from T00Z - G-E ---gt ECMWF model runs GFS initial condition
from T12Z?
27GFS/ECM Overlay runs
- Fanglin p GFS overlay ECMWF 60(50)-90S
- Alpert o ECMWF overlay GFS 60-90S
28Fanglins verification (from e-mail)
29As in Fanglins average of overlay runs similar
half way to ECM
30Overlay makes no difference in NH so p like
ECMWF and o like GFS.
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- SSI analysis from pgbanl files faithfully
reproduces a proxy for GFS/ECMWF model analysis
and different surface/guess files do not change
result. - Overlay runs indicate that the pre-conditioning
of ECMWF analysis to give improved GFS forecasts
is a hemispheric scale phenomenon. - The differences in the SH do not appear to be
directly related to local affects, eg., sea ice
changes, or the recent operational implementation.