Experiences and Lessons Learned Using Publishers Online Assessment Systems for OSEP Reporting

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Experiences and Lessons Learned Using Publishers Online Assessment Systems for OSEP Reporting


Results Matter applies to all school-based early childhood programs in Nebraska ... Results Matter in Nebraska calls for curriculum and child outcomes ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Experiences and Lessons Learned Using Publishers Online Assessment Systems for OSEP Reporting

Experiences and Lessons Learned Using Publishers
Online Assessment Systems for OSEP Reporting
  • Presenters
  • Barbara Jackson Munroe-Meyer Institute, UNMC
  • JanThelen, Nebraska Dept. of Education
  • Ruth Littlefield, New Hampshire Dept. of
  • August 27th, 2007

  • State Overview

What is Results Matter in Nebraska?
  • A statewide child and family outcomes system
  • Designed to improve programs and supports
  • For all young children birth to five, including
    Part C and Part B 619
  • Served by school districts, the Early Development
    Network, and their partners
  • Results Matter applies to all school-based early
    childhood programs in Nebraska

Results Matter in NE
Results Matter in Nebraska Purpose
  • improve experiences, learning, development and
    lives of young children (birth to age five) and
    their families
  • inform program practices
  • demonstrate program effectiveness
  • guide the development of local and state policies
    and procedures
  • provide data to demonstrate results

Results Matter in Nebraska calls for curriculum
and child outcomes assessment that ...
  • is based on ongoing observation of children
    engaged in real activities, with people they
    know, in natural settings
  • reflects evidence-based practices
  • engages families primary care providers as
    active participants
  • integrates information gathered across settings
  • is individualized to address each childs unique
    ways of learning
  • informs decisions about day-to-day learning
    opportunities for children
  • reflects that development and learning are rooted
  • culture and supported by the family

Results Matter in NE
Implementation Process for Results Matter in
  • NECTAC state planning framework with state
    management team in January 2005
  • State Local Infrastructure
  • Personnel Development
  • Implementation/Practices
  • Child/Family/Program Outcomes
  • Engage State Level Child Measurement Task Force
    on implementation process
  • Implemented six pilot sites in 2006
  • Statewide implementation in January 2007

Results Matter in NE
Results Matter in Nebraska
  • Three child measurement tools.
  • The High/Scope Child Observation Record (COR)
  • The Creative Curriculum Developmental Continuum
  • Assessment, Evaluation and
  • Programming System (AEPS)
  • Use of publishers online systems for
  • supporting documentation of required
  • assessments

Results Matter in NE
NH Preschool Outcome Measurement System
  • A statewide system to measure outcomes for
    preschoolers with disabilities
  • Designed to improve programs supports
  • For all preschool children with disabilities with
    an IEP (effective November 1, 2006)
  • May be used more broadly, at local discretion

NH Preschool Outcome Measurement System
  • GSEG Cornerstone grant for Part C 619
  • Engage stakeholders
  • Align Child Outcomes (Birth through 5) with Early
    Learning Guidelines
  • Consider how to address family outcomes
  • Federal reporting AND Improving outcomes
  • Focus on progress, not comparison

NH Preschool Outcome Measurement System
  • Two Lead agencies
  • Part C 10 Area Agencies with 14 programs
  • Part B 619 177 School districts with multiple
  • Shared goal improve results for children with
    disabilities and their families
  • Part C COSF
  • 619 Publishers web-based data systems
  • Behind the scenes conversion to OSEP reporting

NH Preschool Outcome Measurement System
  • Three child measurement tools
  • Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming (AEPS)
  • Brigance Inventory of Early Development II
    (IED-II) http//www.curriculumassociates.com
  • The Creative Curriculum Developmental Continuum
    Assessment for Ages 3-5 http//www.creativecurric
  • Allowed for flexibility
  • Assessor preference
  • Best fit for the child

  • State Administration

NDE Administrative Structure
  • 254 School Districts 19 Regional Service Units
  • State License Subscriptions
  • School Districts
  • Head Start Programs
  • NDE memos
  • Authorization forms completed as part of
    enrollment process
  • NSSRS NDE student identification number

Results Matter in NE
NDE Online Structure
Results Matter in NE
NDE Contracts and Costs
  • Jan 2006 NDE emails surveys to districts to
  • Information on of children in school district
    early childhood programs
  • Selection of tool(s)
  • Fall 2006 developed contracts with three
  • Brookes Publishing AEPSi.com 11.00
  • Pearson Learning Highscope.net 11.00
  • Teaching Strategies Creativecurriulum.net 10.95
  • Fall 2007 Head Start Agencies contract with NDE
    to be part of the license

Results Matter in NE
NH Administrative Structure
  • 177 School districts in 80 School Administrative
  • NHDOE memos
  • Statewide Preschool Technical Assistance Network
  • Professional development, TA and networking
  • Immediate communication vehicle

NH Administrative Structure
  • (NH Special Education Information System)
  • Student Identification numbers
  • Limited authority to view personal data
  • Limited resources to fund the system
  • High level of commitment to quality and
    simplicity for districts

NH Contracts
  • Local Districts sign on with publishers
  • No State-Level Umbrella agreements
  • Districts negotiate directly with publishers
  • NHDOE online access to reports for OSEP
  • district and state level ( )
  • run 3 reports and compile as needed
  • Districts access to all assessment data
  • Inform instruction
  • Demonstrate effective practices
  • Promote discussion with families and other early
    childhood partners

NH Cost
  • Survey Monkey estimate number of children and
    users for each tool (for pricing training)
  • State provided estimated children and or users to
  • Paid for by local districts
  • NHDOE worked with publishers to establish best
    rate (not as good as umbrella agreement)

NH Cost
  • AEPS
  • One-time state fee
  • Establish data reporting system Create state
    account 1750
  • Special rate to Beta Testers 9/child
  • Rate for other NH users 11/child
  • Complete AEPS, Second Edition (Administration
    Guide, Test for Birth to Three Years and Three to
    Six Years, Curriculum for Birth to Three Years,
    Curriculum for Three to Six Years) 239.00 with
    10 discount when subscribe to AEPSi

NH Cost
  • Brigance IED II
  • One Inventory per user 159.00 each
  • One Developmental Record Book per student
    35.00/10-pack or 329.00/100-pack
  • Web-based IED-II Management System annual
    subscription 124.95 each user first year (99
    for subsequent years)
  • State account charged at same rate as local user

NH Cost
  • Creative Curriculum
  • 11.75 per child
  • No state fee
  • No additional cost for tools/materials (unless
    want hard copies)

NDE Customizing Needs
  • Funding Source-allows for differential children
  • Special Education Funding
  • Early Intervention Part C (Birth-3)
  • Early Childhood Sp Ed Part B (3-5)
  • Not Applicable
  • State Funded EC Funding Source
  • EC Grant Program
  • Even Start
  • Migrant Program
  • Title I
  • Not Applicable
  • Other Funding Source
  • Head Start
  • Early Head Start
  • Not Applicable
  • Child Newly Verified (IFSP/IEP) after 8.1.06
    Yes /No

Results Matter in NE
NH Customizing Needs
  • NH Head Start Collaboration office is working
    with NHDOE to better coordinate outcome
    measurement across systems
  • Need to consider Work Sampling (used by some NH
    Head Start)
  • Work Sampling
  • user enters assessment information
  • the COSF data point is generated
  • the user can adjust up or down

NH Customizing Needs
  • Each Publisher offers different benefits and
  • Each has a representative dedicated to NH
  • Areas for negotiation
  • Tracking students who move within the state
  • Online and phone TA for users
  • Ease of federal reporting
  • Always ask the next question!

  • Components for Implementation

NH Training/Professional Development
  • Assessment Fair
  • May 2006
  • Publishers paid us they provided demonstrations
    and resource
  • PTAN
  • local networking
  • phone and online TA
  • Coordinated series of publisher trainings
  • Preschool Leadership Conference (Sept 07)

NH Supports and Resources
  • Statewide Preschool TA Network (PTAN)
  • http//ptan.seresc.net/
  • Preschool Outcome Measurement Toolkit
  • NHDOE Special Education Memos
  • Links to ECO
  • Developing new FAQ

NDE Training/Professional Development
  • Statewide Training Series on Assessment Rolled
    out January 2006
  • Publishers provided first training (January)
  • State trainers provided at three regional sites
  • Results Matter State Conference on Measurement
    Spring 2007
  • Regional Training Series on Early Childhood
    Curriculum Planned for Fall 2008
  • Developed collaboratively and supported through
    the Early Childhood Training Center

Results Matter in NE
NDE Supports and Resources
  • http//www.nde.state.ne.us/ECH/ECH.html
  • Click on Results Matter
  • NDE Administrative Guidelines
  • NDE Assessment Fidelity Process

Results Matter in NE
Why implement a fidelity process?
  • Maximize the credibility of observational data
    collected for Results Matter
  • Reliable and valid data maximizes quality of
  • Consistency among providers in scoring
    observations (intra- and inter-reliability)
  • Documentation to support scoring (validity)
  • Quality information forms the basis for program

Results Matter in NE
Who does the plan affect?
  • All providers responsible for administering and
    scoring observational assessments for Results
  • Early Childhood Practitioners
  • Early Childhood Special Education Practitioners
  • Related Services Providers

Results Matter in NE
Levels of Expertise
  • Fidelity process is based on providers
  • Tier 1 Providers new to the assessment
  • Tier 2 Providers experienced with assessment
  • Tier 3 Experienced providers who can mentor

Results Matter in NE
Five Components of the Fidelity Process
  • All providers must meet reliability standards by
    April 1, 2008
  • New provider orientation
  • Continued group monitoring
  • Individual monitoring
  • Ongoing mentoring of providers

Results Matter in NE
Sample Plan District Level Strategies
Results Matter in NE
  • Reports Available and
  • How They Are Used

  • Near entry only reports now available
  • OSEP near entry near exit report available as
    of Sept 2007
  • State and district level reports
  • Districts access online information about their
    children and programs

AEPSi Near Entry Report
Creative Curriculum
  • OSEP Reports
  • Child Progress Reports
  • Development of 9 point scale to assess at-risk
  • CreativeCurriculum.net Special Needs
    Accountability Pack (SNAPTM) and OSEPreports.net
  • District and State level reports
  • Local school districts all information on their

Creative Curriculum
High/Scope COR
  • Child Outcome Reports
  • OSEP report Data Downloaded to High/Scope
    Foundation for analysis
  • Report is in progress available Sept 2007

Results Matter in NE
NH Brigance Inventory of Early Development
Publisher/State Challenges
  • Different stages of online development
  • Different levels of experience
  • Creating interface with state data systems and
  • Addressing children with significant delays
  • Responding to OSEP timelines
  • Emerging OSEP guidance

  • Discussion
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