Examining Pharmaceutical Claims of Immense Scope - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Examining Pharmaceutical Claims of Immense Scope


Abundance of articles available which document the high unpredictability of the ... but actually caused pain-like behavior (scratching, biting, and licking) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Examining Pharmaceutical Claims of Immense Scope

Examining Pharmaceutical Claims of Immense Scope
  • Gary L. Kunz
  • Supervisory Patent Examiner
  • Art Unit 1616
  • 571-272-0887
  • Michael Woodward
  • Training Quality Assurance Specialist
  • 571-272-8373

Examining Claims of Immense Scope
  • Biotech examiners have been making effective
    scope of enablement rejections for many years
  • Abundance of articles available which document
    the high unpredictability of the effect of
    changing even a single amino acid in a protein
  • -- Chemical examiners have not had the benefit
    of a collection of articles establishing
    unpredictability in traditional drug discovery

Fact Situation
  • Claims are directed to an immense genus of
    compounds defined around an active core compound
    which is a methadone-like derivative
  • Specification discloses five specific compounds
    which possess analgesic activity

The Problem
  • How can we limit the scope of the allowed genus
    of compounds so that it provides reasonable
    protection for applicants invention without
    giving applicant an essentially unrestricted
    hunting license?

The Part of the Invention That is Generally
  • The part of the invention that is generally
    enabled is a reasonable subgenus around the
    exemplified active compounds wherein the (1)
    total molecular size, (2) charge distribution,
    (3) hydrophobicity, (4) polarity, (5)
    hydrophilicity and (6) hydrogen bonding are
    reasonably maintained.

The Part of the Invention That is Generally NOT
  • The part of the invention that is generally not
    enabled is the scope of the genus claim outside
    of a reasonable subgenus around the exemplified
    active compounds.
  • The scope of the non-enabled part of the claimed
    genus vastly exceeds the scope of the enabled
    subgenus and would require undue experimentation
    to make and use.

Examiner Bears Burden
  • To hold that a disclosure is not enabling, the
    examiner must provide evidence or technical
    reasoning substantiating those doubts
  • Without a reason to doubt the truth of the
    statements made in the application, the
    application must be considered enabling In
    re Wright, 999 F.2d 1557, 1562, 27 USPQ2d 1510,
    1513, (Fed. Cir. 1992) In re Marzocchi, 439 F.2d
    220, 223, 169 USPQ 367, 369 (CCPA 1971)

In re Wands, 858 F .2d 731, 8 USPQ2d 1400 (Fed.
Cir. 1988)
  • The determination that undue experimentation
    would have been needed to make and use the
    claimed invention is not a single, simple factual
    determination. Rather, it is a conclusion
    reached by weighing all the relevant factual

Wands Considerations
  • The nature of the invention
  • The level of skill in the art
  • The state of the prior art
  • The predictability or lack thereof in the art
  • The amount of direction or guidance present
  • The presence or absence of working examples
  • The breadth of the claims
  • The quantity of experimentation needed

The nature of the invention
  • Drug discovery is one of the most labor intensive
    and expensive types of inventions it can cost
    over 500 million to bring a single new drug to
  • Drug discovery has become much more sophisticated
    in the last 15 years
  • High throughput screening
  • Recognition of cell surface receptors as key
  • Rational drug design using x-ray crystallography
    data for ligand binding site topography
  • Combinatorial chemistry

The state of the prior art
  • Highly sophisticated tools for rational drug
    design still have not taken the unpredictability
    out of this complex art it still requires trial
    and error experimentation.
  • With the development of the understanding of cell
    receptor and signal transduction scientists are
    no longer shooting in the dark but have their
    target clearly identified.

The predictability, or lack thereof, found in the
  • Basis for unpredictability in drug discovery is
    the exquisite stereospecificity between enzyme
    and substrate and between receptor and ligand
    Amino acyl tRNA synthetases discriminate
    between right and left-handed amino acids
    substrates, acting only on L-amino acids.
    Amino acyl tRNA synthetases discriminate
    between amino acids which are one carbon homologs
    of each other (i.e., valine v. leucine, serine v.
    threonine, glutamine v. asparagine, etc)

The predictability, or lack thereof, found in the
art (contd)
  • In the last 20 years researchers have found that
    a majority of key therapeutics act on a specific
    cell surface receptor
  • Dopaminergic receptors (migraine drugs)
  • Histamine receptors (allergy drugs)
  • Adrenergic receptors (asthma and BP drugs)
  • Serotonin receptors (anti-depressives,
    anti-anxiety, anti-compulsive drug)
  • GABA receptors (anti-anxiety drugs)

Unpredictability in Designing Opioid Analgesics
  • Relative minor changes in the structure of an
    opioid can convert a drug that is primarily an
    agonist into one with antagonist actions at one
    or more types of opioid receptors. The most
    common such substitution is that of the large
    moiety (e.g., an ally or methylcyclopropyl group)
    for the N-methyl group that is typical of the
    u-opioid agonists. (Goodman Gilmans The
    Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, Ninth
    Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1996, page 549.)

Unpredictability in Designing Opioid Analgesics
  • Note that by substituting a methylcyclo-propyl
    group for the N-methyl moiety, you go from a
    delta-agonist to a delta-antagonist

Unpredictability of Designing Opioid Analgesics
  • If you substitute a fluorine atom for a hydrogen
    on the phenyl ring near the indole nitrogen, you
    change the activity from an antagonist to a
    partial agonist, even though fluorine and
    hydrogen have the same atomic radius.
  • Finally, by selecting different stereoisomers of
    TAN-67, you can change from ()TAN-67 which is a
    strong antinociceptive (analgesic) to ()TAN-67
    which not only was not an analgesic, but actually
    caused pain-like behavior (scratching, biting,
    and licking)

Unpredictability in Designing Opioid Analgesics
  • Conclusion small changes to opioid drugs can
    create profound changes in biological activity.
    This conclusion is not only relevant to opioid
    receptors but is really representative of the
    development of agonists and antagonists of all
    receptors. (It is this exquisitely
    stereospecific binding of ligand and receptor
    which in turn requires that all therapeutic
    agonists or antagonists be equally

Unpredictability of Altering Other Receptor
  • Vertebrate growth hormone of 198 amino acids
    becomes an antagonist instead of an agonist when
    a single amino acid is changed. (Kopchick et al.
    U. S. Patent 5,194,836)

Combinatorial Chemistry Evidence of the
Unpredictability in Drug Discovery
  • Combinatorial chemistry is a powerful tool in
    the identification of small molecule ligands for
    receptors and enzymes.
  • In order to identify better inhibitors of
    cathepsin D, an aspartyl protease combina-torial
    library was designed around a stable mimetic of
    the the tetrahedral intermediate of amide

Combinatorial Chemistry Evidence of the
Unpredictability in Drug Discovery
  • Two 1,000 member libraries were constructed, one
    a diverse library and the other a design-directed
  • Results 2.7 of the diverse library were active
    inhibitors of Cathepsin D and 6.7 of the
    directed library were active inhibitors.
  • Over 90 of the compounds were biologically
  • Kick et al. (1997) Chemistry and Biology 4(4)
    297 307.

Combinatorial Chemistry as Evidence of
Unpredictability in Drug Discovery
  • Since more than 90 of the compounds generated in
    a design-directed combinatorial library are
    likely to be inactive, the person of skill in the
    art would have a sound reason to doubt that even
    a simple majority of the compounds defined by an
    unlimited genus claims would possess biological
  • Such a high degree of unpredictability in the
    drug discovery art places a greater burden on the
    applicant to provide adequate guidance through
    this maze that would be commensurate in scope
    with the claim(s).

Amount of Direction or Guidance
  • The specification discloses five specific
    compounds which have analgesic activity.
  • The specification also provides an assay for
    determining if a compound possesses the claimed
    analgesic activity.
  • However, this guidance is not commen-surate with
    the full scope of the claim.

Working Examples
  • The specification provides five working examples
    of compounds which possess the desired biological

Quantity of Experimentation Required
  • Because there is no way to predict a priori which
    compounds will be active from the specification
    or chemical structures alone, an extraordinary
    amount of trial and error experimentation is
    required to identify the active compounds.

Breadth of the Claim
  • The claim encompasses an immense number of
    species. (Sometimes the number of total
    variables within a single claim can be 50 75
    and the claim can range from 1 to 25 pages in

  • The evidence establishing a high degree of
    unpredictability in the art of creating new
    opioid analgesics combined with the expansive
    breadth of the claim, the minimal guidance
    provided toward the active species, and the
    relatively few working examples leads to the
    conclusion that it would require of undue
    experimentation for the person of skill in the
    art to practice the full scope of the claim.

Examples of Possible Ways to Rebut this Scope
  • Establish that the target of the drug does not
    require such exquisite stereospecificity
  • Provide additional data to show that a high
    percentage of compounds in the genus, in fact,
    are biologically active

Take Home Message
  • When writing a specification in support of claims
    of immense scope in the pharmaceutical art, you
    should always remember to provide support for a
    reasonable subgenus around the disclosed active
    compounds. This subgenus could be a key to
    effectively responding to a scope of enablement

  • Special thanks to Primary Examiner Bob Landsman
    for providing the opioid drug discovery data and
    to Primary Examiner Mark Shibuya for providing
    the combinatorial chemistry information.

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