Title: Semiconductors
1Section 5
2Electrical Conductivity
3Enormous Range
- Metals are good conductors because of their
electron cloud - Covalent bonded solids are good insulators
because their electrons are tightly bound - This explains the wide range of electrical
conductivities - What about materials that fall mid-range?
4Metals - Interaction of Levels
5Carbon - Interaction of Levels at Zero K
6Metals Semiconductors at 0 K
- In metals-
- There is a partially filled highest occupied band
- In semiconductors-
- The highest occupied band is full
- This band is separated from the next vacant band
by an energy gap
7Quantum Solution - Carbon
8Metals - Density of Occupied States
9Metals - True Density of States
10Metals - Interaction of Levels
11S/cndtr - Density of Occupied States
12S/cndtr - the Fermi Energy
13Fermi-Dirac Distribution
- Probability that a state with energy E is
occupied at temperature T - f(E) - Concentration of electrons in the conduction band
can be determined
14The Fermi Level (FL)
- Metals - FL - probability of occupation 0.5
- S/cndtrs (at T 0K)
- Prob. in valence band (VB) 1
- Prob. in conduction band (CB) 0
- EF set at middle of band gap
15Concentration of Electrons (CB)
16Band Gaps in eV
17 S/cndtrs Metals n m-3
18Temperature Dependence of s
19Effect of Temperature Demo
20Conduction of Holes
21Generation of Holes - ni pi
22Total Conductivity - s
- s e(nme pmh)
- Pure conductor n p
- e magnitude of electron charge
- n number of electrons
- p number of holes
- m mobility of charge carrier
23Photon Excitation of Electrons
- Photon excitation is an alternative to random
thermal excitation of electrons - Valence electron absorbs incoming photon
- Photon energy must be greater than the band gap
- Photon energy-
- E hn hc/l
24Photon Absorption
- A beam of light of right frequency produces a
large number of conduction electrons - This process is known as photoconductivity
- The reverse process is the basis for the LED or
light emitting diode
26LED 1
- Not all semiconductors are capable of producing
light - Energy momentum must be conserved in the
process - Electron hole must have same wavevector
27LED 2
- Right photon frequency sorts energy conservation
- Photon has a negligible wavevector
- Wavevector k is often referred to as the crystal
momentum - De Broglie- l h/p but k 2p/l
- Hence, k is proportional to momentum p
28Energy Bands in Solids
- QM - electrons in a solid have critical values
- a is the lattice dimension
- l 2a,a,a/3 etc are those critical values - like
waves resonating on a string - Wavevector depends on the energy band
29Indirect Gap Semiconductor
- Difference in wavevector from valence to
conduction band is k p/a (QM) - Silicon - p/a 6x109 m-1
- Silicon - Egap 1.11eV
- Suitable photon to conserve energy - k 6x106
m-1 - Cannot conserve momentum
30Direct Gap Semiconductor
- Consider a hole at top of valence and an electron
at bottom of conduction - QM shows some materials have the same wavevector
for these - Examples are gallium arsenide gallium nitride
- These materials others are suitable as LEDs
- Gallium nitride works tremendously well even
though riddled with crystal defects
31Electron Effective Mass
- Electrons in a s/cndtr do not behave the same way
as free electrons - The presence of the band gap, other valence
electrons lattice ions effect their behaviour - Electrons behave as if they have a smaller mass
than free electrons - Difference measurably by response to applied EM
32Effective Mass - Electrons Holes
- QM effect
- Happens because wavevector varies with energy
- Greater d2E/dk2 means smaller effective mass
- Band curvature w.r.t k
- Less important in metals
33Effective Mass Calculation 1
- Electrons in a material consist of a wave packet
- Group velocity
- vg dw/dk
- From QM
- E hn hw/2p
- Hence-
- vg (2p/h)dE/dk
- a dvg/dt (2p/h)(d2E/dk2)(dk/dt)
- Electric field S
- Work done in dt is dE
- dE eSvgdt
- dE/dt eSvg eS(2p/h)dE/dk
34Effective Mass Calculation 2
- But dE/dt (dE/dk)(dk/dt)
- Hence-
- dk/dt eS(2p/h)
- Substitute into the expression for the
acceleration a
- a eS(4p2/h2)(d2E/dk2)
- But-
- a eS/me by Newtons 2nd Law
- Hence-
- me (h2/4p2)d2E/dk2-1
35Electrons in a Metal
- Assume constant potential throughout the metal
- Solve Schrodinger equation
- Energy-
- E h2k2/8p2me
- d2E/dk2 h2/2p2me
- For metals, therefore-
- me me
- In metals, conduction electrons are located near
the centre of a band
36Electrons in Semiconductors
37n - type Semiconductors
- Phosphorous (Z 15)
- Configuration -
- 1s22s22p63s23p3
- 5 electrons can take part in bonding
- Use modified Bohr model with screening
38Donor Electron 1
- Binding energy - Ed
- Ed -13.6x(me/me)x(1/e2)x(Z2/n2)
- Donor electron is 3p state
- Experimentally Ed c.45 meV
- Hence Z 3
- Remember p electron orbital loops inside inner
39Donor Electron 2
- Donor electron is weakly attached to the
phosphorus atom - Donor electron occupies a state Ed (c. 40/50 meV)
below the conduction band - In a pure crystal there are no levels in the
forbidden band - Not so for doped crystals
40Fermi Level at T 0K
- Probability of occupation of EF 0.5 in metals
- No electrons in conduction band at T 0K
- Place EF midway between donor state and
conduction band
41Fermi Level at High Temp
- At high temp, number of intrinsic carriers
similar to donors - EF should move down to middle of band gap
- Assume EF Eg - Ed/2 still applies at high T
42Conduction Electrons 1
- Concentration n Cexp(-(Eg - EF)/kBT)
- At room temp Eg - EF is much less than Eg/2 (i.e.
Eg/2 is value for intrinsic s/cndtrs) - Actually at at T 0 K
- Eg - EF Ed/2
43Conduction Electrons 2
- Hence concentration n Cexp(-Ed/2kBT)
- Ed 45 meV
- At T 300 K
- n 1025 exp(-0.94)
- n 4x1024 m-3
- Ed would have to be around 250 meV for agreement
with next slide
44Conduction Electrons 3
- At room temperature FD shows that most donor
impurities are ionised - Hence, number of conduction electrons n-
- n Ndonors nintrinsic
- At room temp ni 1016 (Slide 17)
- For 1 in a million donors, Nd 5x1022 m-3
(Turton Q5.14) - S/cndtr manufacture requires purity of 1 in 1011
45p - type Semiconductors
- Aluminium (Z 13)
- Configuration -
- 1s22s22p63s23p1
- Only 3 electrons can take part in bonding
- Use modified Bohr model with screening
46Acceptor State 1
- Use screened Bohr Theory with Z 3 as for
phosphorous - mh/me 0.54 for silicon
- See slide 34/35
- Ea -(0.54/0.43)x45 57meV
47Acceptor State 2
- Acceptor state is Ea above valence band
- At room temperature a valence electron is easily
excited up to this level - A hole is left behind in the valence band
- This hole can be conducted through the material
like a conduction band electron
48Fermi Level at T 0K
- Probability of occupation of EF 0.5 in metals
- All electrons are in the valence band at T 0K
- Place EF midway between acceptor state and
valence band
49Hole Concentration p-type
- A similar analysis to slide 38/39 gives a value
for p - p Cexp(-Ea/2kBT) as EF Ea/2
- Ea 57 meV
- C 1025m-3 , T 300K, kB 1.38x10-23 JK-1
- p 3 x 1024 m-3
- Ea depends on the level of doping
50Majority Minority Carriers
- n - type semiconductor - most current carried by
electrons - majority carrier - Thermally produced holes also take part in the
conduction process - minority carrier - Minority carriers very important in transistor
51Law of Mass Action 1
- Irrespective of the level or type of doping, it
can be shown that- - np nipi constant
52Law of Mass Action 2
53The Classical Hall Effect 1
- Crossed Ex Bz fields applied to material
- Electrons majority carriers
- Negative charges accumulate on top
- Positive on bottom
- Hall field EH set up
54The Classical Hall Effect 2
- At equilibrium-
- eEH Bzevd
- But Jx nevd
- Hence-
- Where-
- RH 1/ne is the Hall coefficient
55Classical Hall Effect - p-type
56Quantum Hall Effect(1980) 1
- Occurs in very thin conducting layers at very low
temperatures high B fields - Define Hall resistivity rH BzRH (units?)
- Klaus von Klitzing - Nobel prize 1985
57Quantum Hall Effect 2
- rH as a function of Bz is stepped
- Conductivity-
- sH 1/ rH
- sH i(e2/h) where i is a small integer
- Fractional QHE discovered in 1982