Title: Francine Dorion,
1Market AcceptanceBoard Update
Francine Dorion, Chair, Market Acceptance
Committee May 3, 2006
2 Key Messages
- Market Campaigns are not going away
- Customers are trying to find their own solutions
- FPAC Strategy is to
- Engage in partnership with constructive ENGOs
- Provide direct support to members
- Work with customers on solution-oriented projects
3 Market Campaigns Not Going Away
- Continued/ Increased focus on the Boreal forest
in Canada (Ont, Alta) - Primary targets remain North American customers
- Some initial interest in Europe, but minimal
- Broader focus (e.g. certification, traceability,
water, recycle content, conservation lands.
illegal logging, species at risk)
Key Campaigns
Targets Tissue Catalogers/ Publishers Financia
l Institutions/ Retailers
4Customers Reactions
- Most are not over-reacting and are taking time to
assess business risks - Increased use of procurement/risk policies
- Market Influencers (Time, Home Depot, Staples,
KC, etc) - Now spreading beyond market influencers (LLBean,
Sears, RR Donnelly) - Like to be associated with organizations that are
being seen as part of the solutions - Some customers are getting actively engaged in
specific solution oriented projects
5Examples of Customers Projects
6FPAC Market Strategy
- Goal
- Maintain/Enhance markets for Canadian Forest
Products - Brand FPAC membership
Provide direct support to members their
Work with customers on solution-oriented
7FPAC Boreal StrategyPartnering
withSolution-Oriented Organizations
8Addressing the BroaderIssues Through a
Conservation Ethic
FPAC activity
- High Value Forest Identification tools
- Species at Risk Caribou,
Migratory Birds - Conservation Planning National Boreal
Principles - Water Conservation Watershed planning
- Certification 100 by 2007
- Traceability Potential new Commitment
- Protected areas Conservation
Lands Project - Recycle Content Recovery strategy
- Responsible fibre use Fibre Cycle Assessment
9Corporate Forum on Paper and the Environment
- Forum for dialogue between Canadian suppliers and
large North American PP customers - Joint projects
- Fibre Cycle, Paper Recovery, Forest Management
102006 Market AcceptanceKey Activities
- Provide support to members
- Briefing sessions
- Quick response desk
- Meeting with customers when requested
- Provide Information to Markets
- Customer Briefing Notes
- Customer Newsletter (3/year)
- Customer Page on FPAC website
- Customer Tours September 10-15
- Understand Market Perspective
- 2006 Customer Research
- Engage in Joint Projects
- MetaFore Corporate Forum on Paper and the
Environment - MetaFore Forest Leadership Conference