Title: Thomas E' Canty, Senior DBA ServerCare, Inc' Session
1Thomas E. Canty, Senior DBAServerCare,
Inc.Session 442
A Tuning Methodology using SQL Modeling
2Speaker Qualifications
- Thomas E. Canty, Senior Oracle DBA, ServerCare,
Inc. - 18 years of Oracle experience, starting with
version 5 - Has been using this technique for nearly 15 years
- Has presented at IOUG, OpenWorld, and NoCOUG
- Has been a DBA, Developer, Architect, and IT
- Has worked with Fortune 100 companies in
Healthcare, Technology, Pharmaceuticals, and
Telecom, as well as Major Universities
888-918-6309 http//www.ServerCare.com
3Areas of Tuning
- Operating System, Hardware, I/O, Network
- Database, Schema, Indexes
- Application, SQL
From your friendly DBADont Neglect the SQL!
4Why Tune SQL Anymore?
- Doesnt the Cost-Based Optimizer take care of
poor SQL now?
5The CBO does not do everything
- Logic Errors
- Redundant Joins
- Missing Indexes
- Nested Views
- Old or Missing stats
- Poor Design
6Introducing a Modeling Method
- Identify bad SQL
- Draw a model of the SQL
- Dig deeper
- Identify problems and solutions
- Test solution(s)
- Start again
7Our Example SQL Statement
- select d.dname, m.ename mgr, e.ename,
e.salnvl(e.comm,0)nvl(b.comm,0) total_compfrom
dept d, emp m, emp e, bonus bwhere d.deptno
e.deptno and e.mgrm.empno () and
e.enameb.ename () and e.jobb.job () and
e.sal gt 1000order by 1,2,3
Show total compensation for each employee that
has a base salary gt 1000, for each department and
8Objects (Tables, Views, IOTs, etc.)
9Our Example
Same Table
11Our Example
Outer Join
12Operators (Where Clauses)
13Our Example
Greater Than operator
15Our Example
Compound, Nonunique Index
16Select List
17Selectivity and Sizes
Rows fromSelect
Rows in Table
18Special Cases
- Unions Split up
- Partitioned Tables Treat as View
- Index Organized Tables (IOTs) Just an Index
- Materialized Views Treat as Table
- Subqueries
- Normal (In) Subqueries
- Correlated Subqueries
- Not In/Not Exists Subqueries
19Subqueries New Example
- select d.dname, m.ename mgr, e.ename,
e.salnvl(e.comm,0)nvl(b.comm,0) total_compfrom
dept d, emp m, emp e, bonus bwhere d.deptno
e.deptno and e.mgrm.empno () and
e.enameb.ename () and e.jobb.job () and
e.sal gt 1000 and exists (select 1 from salgrade
s where e.sal between s.losal and
s.hisal)order by 1,2,3
Show total compensation for each employee that
has a base salary gt 1000 and the salary falls
within a known salary grade, for each department
and manager
Between Operator
21Gathering Information
- Tools TOAD, Statspack, OEM, SQLPlus
- Look at all_objects, esp. object_type
- Look at all_synonyms, then repeat
- Look at all_tab_partitions
- Look at all_views, then repeat
- Look at all_indexes all_ind_columns
- Look for stats must be up to date!
- Otherwise, select count(pk) from tables
22Case Study 1 Video on Demand
- SELECT c.ID, m.ID, s.service_idFROM content c,
movie m, movie_to_service sWHERE c.filename
'file_name' AND (c.ID m.title_content_id
OR c.ID m.clip_content_id) AND m.movie_active
'Y' AND s.movie_id m.ID - Execution Plan-----------------------------------
-----------------0 SELECT STATEMENT
OptimizerCHOOSE (Cost27 1 0 HASH JOIN
(Cost27 Card2 Bytes90)2 1 NESTED LOOPS
(Cost25 Card2 Bytes78)3 2 TABLE ACCESS
23Case Study 1 contd
24Additional Case Studies - Live
- Author will show the modeling technique in
action, with live examples
25Challenges with the Model
- Intersection Minus become Subquery?
- Updates, esp. correlated updates
- Only models individual SQL, not programs
- Many newer features need to be defined, such as
Object Orientation (varrays, nested tables,
etc.), XML schemas, Subquery reuse, Cubes
Stars, LOBs
26Alternative Resource
- Dan Tows excellent book, SQL Tuning
- Takes a more mathematical approach
- Developers perspective
- Uses different technique standards
- Tow, Dan SQL Tuning. Sebastopol, CA O'Reilly
Media, Inc., 2003.
27Items Learned in this Session
- Although this was just an introduction, attendees
have learned - How to model tables views
- How to diagram relationships, where clauses,
indexes, and select lists - How to identify missing indexes
- How to identify redundancy logic issues
- From here it should be easy to see how a model
can be used to address performance.
- Lots of things we didnt cover
- If we dont cover something you wanted to hear,
please contact me.
29Session 442A Tuning Methodology using SQL
Please fill out evaluations!
Email Tom Canty tom.canty_at_servercare.com
Or Call 888-918-6309 http//www.ServerCare.com