Review - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Logos, Ethos and Pathos in the Bone Marrow Speech ... Structure and evidence give a strong logos/rational appeal. ... Logos. Central appeal of this speech ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Review

  • Have out a list of the patterns of organization
    for persuasive speeches of policy.

1. What pattern of organization is being used in
the following?
  • I. Alcohol-related traffic accidents kill more
    college age people than any other single problem.
  • II. Drinking and driving is a social problem that
    is caused by peer pressure, inconsistent laws,
    and irresponsible actions.
  • III. You can help combat this problem by taking
    three simple steps.

2. What pattern of organization is being used in
the following?
  • I. This nation faces a serious crisis of voter
  • II. You must register, study and vote to
    contribute positively to the process.
  • III. You must act because in a nation where
    everyone votes responsibly we would achieve the
    vision of intelligent discussion of issues and
    candidates who are held accountable.

3. What pattern of organization is being used in
the following?
  • Lax security in the ISU dorms threatens the
    safety of undergraduates.
  • Keeping residence hall entrances locked 24-hours
    a day will make ISU students safer.

4. What pattern of organization is being used in
the following?
  • I. We could escape the state budget deficit by
    cutting funding for state services and for state
  • II. We could escape the state budget deficit by
    reducing pay to all state employees through
  • III. The best way to escape the state budget
    deficit is through raising the states income

Building A Persuasive Speech
  • What are the 3 Ps?

Moving from analysis to proof
  • Methods of Persuasion

Aristotle Greek teacher/scientist (384-322 B.C.)
  • Student of Plato
  • Teacher of Alexander the Great
  • Author of over 170 works 30 of which survive
  • His work, the Rhetoric, is widely regarded as the
    most important work on persuasion ever published.

Aristotle asked how do we come to believe
something or to believe we should act in a
certain way in the absence of knowing the truth?
  • Ethos--ethical, credibility appeal
  • Pathos--pathetic, emotional appeal
  • Logos--logical, rational appeal

Three Types of Support Material
  • Examples
  • Statistics
  • Testimony
  • Pathos
  • Logos
  • Ethos

  • Best when ethos, logos and pathos all work
  • Easiest way to accomplish this?
  • Include testimony and statistics and examples as
    you build your case.

Logos, Ethos and Pathos in the Bone Marrow Speech
  • The statistics and other evidence in the problem
    section help ground the logos/rational appeal of
    the speech.
  • The fact that she is part of the registry, her
    experience in the process of donating and her
    evident research build the ethos/credibility
  • The stories of need, the simplicity of the
    process, the examples of lives saved, and the
    you can make a difference appeal establish the
    pathos/emotional energy of the speech.

Logos, Ethos and Pathos in the Driving Age Speech
  • Structure and evidence give a strong
    logos/rational appeal.
  • Personal connection to tragedy, confidence in
    delivery, adapting to audience give a strong
    ethos/credibility appeal.
  • Personal story, translated numbers, intense
    conclusion give a clear pathos/emotional appeal.

The Building Blocks
  • Strong Analysis Problem, Plan, Practicality
  • Evidence / Supporting Material using Ethos, Logos
    and Pathos
  • Statistics, Examples, Testimony
  • Reasoning
  • Principle
  • Specific Instances generalization
  • Analogy
  • Causal
  • Audience Connection
  • With Content Mental Dialogue
  • With Structure
  • With Delivery

Analyzing Bursting the Antibacterial Bubble
  • Specific Purpose
  • To persuade my audience that the federal
    government and consumers must act to deal with
    the problems created by the use of antibacterial
    household problems.
  • Central Idea
  • The use of antibacterial household products
    is creating health and environmental problems
    that require action by government and consumer

Sample Speech on Antibacterials
  • Attention
  • Compares plotline of movie Boy in the Plastic
    Bubble with the overuse of antibacterial
  • Credibility
  • Studied antibacterial products in public health
  • Read research on the topic
  • Topic revealed..yes
  • Relating to the audience
  • Before I learned more I used these products and
    my survey shows that 70 of you do too.
  • Language use of you we ourselves
  • Preview
  • These products create more problems than they
  • Well look at some solutions.

Building the Persuasive Speech
  • I. Use of antibacterial products causes many
    serious problems.
  • A. Their use is widespread.
  • B. They are not effective.
  • C. They increase the chance of getting sick.
  • D. They harm the environment.
  • II. The problems of antibacterial products can
    be solved through actions by the federal
    government and consumers.
  • A. Government must regulate antibacterial
  • B. Consumers, you, should stop using
    antibacterial products.

Problem Issue Evidence
  • Use of Antibacterials is widespread.
  • Statistic
  • Alliance for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics says
    75 of liquid soaps and 33 of bar soap are AB.
  • Brief examples (shows products)
  • Boston Globe reports other large items like
  • Testimony from New York Times the biggest
    marketing coup since bottled water.

Problem Issue Evidence
  • Antibacterials are not effective
  • Study by Elaine Larson, assoc. dean of the
    Columbia School of Nursing shows statistical
  • Study by Eric Kupferberg, assoc. director of the
    Harvard School for Public Health offers
  • Dr. Larson testimony
  • Cold and flu are from viruses not bacteria, so
    these products cant prevent those diseases

Problem Issue Evidence
  • Antibacterials can increase illness.
  • Testimony from Stuart Levy, prof. of microbiology
    and medicine at Tufts.
  • Testimony from Dr. James Chin, research scientist
    from South Wales.
  • Low dose exposure to bacteria and viruses keeps
    us healthy.
  • Testimony from Dr. Myron Genel, Chair of the AMA
    council on scientific affairs.
  • Antibiotic resistant bacteria are untreatable

Problem Issue Evidence
  • Antibacterials appear to harm the environment
  • Testimony, Rolf Halden of Johns Hopkins reports
    on antibacterials in the water supply.
  • Testimony U.S. Geological Survey reports
    antibacterial chemicals in remote water.
  • These chemicals are known to pollute the water
    supply, disrupt fish reproduction and growth.

Plan Practicality Issue
  • Federal legislation should regulate the use of
    antibacterial products.
  • FDA regulates antibiotics by requiring
    prescription from a doctor so they can regulate
  • You should stop buying these products.
  • Centers for Disease Control testimony says you
    can keep germs away by using regular soap.
  • Study at U North Carolina found hand washing to
    be more effective.
  • Sickbert-Bennet , public epidemiologist,
    testimony that it is more practical since you
    wash away germs rather than rubbing them into
    your skin.

Appeals in Antibacterial Speech
  • Ethos
  • Lots of testimony with clearly identified and
    credible sources
  • Obvious personal concern
  • Pathos
  • Personal concern esp. antibiotic resistance and
    environmental issue
  • throwing our money away
  • Logos
  • Central appeal of this speech
  • Antibacterials cant kill the viruses that cause
    disease dont work cause harms

Patterns of Reasoning
Read the following passage out loud.

Reasoning deduction induction
  • Deduction arguments that run from general to
    specific they are characterized by necessity.
  • Induction arguments that run from specific to
    general they are characterized by an inductive

Classic form of Deduction the syllogism
  • The U.S. Constitution guarantees citizens the
    right to vote.
  • Women are citizens.
  • The U.S. Constitution guarantees women the right
    to vote.

Induction Deduction
  • Argument in yesterdays Daily that the Supreme
    Court should rule that lethal injection is
  • Sodium pentothal wears off before death causing
    extreme pain.
  • Trapped prisoner cannot speak.
  • Texas has banned the use of these drugs to put
    dogs and cats to sleep.
  • The example of Angel Diaz..took 37 min. and two
    injections and he was conscious for 24 minutes.
  • And so lethal injection is not humane.

Deduction or Argument from Principle
  • There is no form of execution that can be made
  • Lethal injection is a form of execution.
  • Lethal injection can not be made humane.

The Enthymeme
  • Assumes that the audience will supply a part that
    is missing.
  • Shes a girl she cant throw the ball.
  • Girls cant throw balls.
  • Hes a man he wont stop to ask directions.
  • Men wont stop to ask directions.
  • The people of Iraq are intelligent people, they
    support Democracy.
  • Intelligent people support Democracy.

  • 16 year olds have undeveloped brains so they
    cant judge risks.
  • People with undeveloped brains cant judge risks.
  • By writing a letter to your representative, you
    can help pass this law.
  • Writing letters leads to passing new laws.

Beware the false principle
  • The police say he committed the crime, so he
    committed the crime.
  • stereotypes
  • starting from principles that only those who
    already agree with you would maintain.

Inductive reasoning specific instances
  • Otherwise known as generalization arguments.
  • Surveys and studies are often grounded in
    reasoning from specific instances.
  • Neilson ratings and representative samples
  • composed of a cross-section of nearly 10,000
    representative homes throughout the United

Specific Instances Antibacterial Soaps
  • Antibacterials are not effective
  • Study Columbia School of Nursing shows people who
    use are just as likely to get sick as those who
  • Testimony by Eric Kupferberg products dont
    lower the of germs you encounter.
  • Dr. Larson testimony
  • Cold and flu are from viruses not bacteria, so
    these products cant prevent those diseases

Specific Instances Teen Driving Speech
  • There are too many car accidents, death and
    injuries involving teen drivers.
  • National Hwy Safety Administration Info
  • 7 of drivers, but are 14 of fatalities
  • 3,657 teen drivers killed last year
  • 2,384 teen passengers killed
  • 2, 625 21 and older killed in accidents with teen
  • Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
  • Teens have highest of crashes caused by
    speeding, and driver error and the most single
    car crashes
  • USA Today says 16 yr olds are 3 times more likely
    to be in a fatal crash than older drivers.

Beware the Hasty Generalization
  • my friends and I watched violent cartoons and
    never committed a crime, so . . . .
  • the two people I sat next to in lecture got Bs on
    their speeches, so everybody but me got a B on
    the speech.
  • but Mom, everybody else is going to the party!
  • which moves us toward the bandwagon fallacy

Arguments from Analogy
  • Figurative
  • He wont make a good company president because
    you cant teach an old dog new tricks
  • Literal
  • Socialized medicine works in Canada, so
    socialized medicine will work in the U.S.
  • both are grounded in the concept of similarity

Figurative Analogies
  • Useful for framing an argument
  • Not useful as proof/evidence
  • It doesnt really pass the test of similarity
  • It is typically heard as pathos not logos

Figurative Analogy
  • Malcolm X on integrating the
  • Civil Rights Movement
  • "Its just like when youve got some coffee
    thats too black, which means its too strong.
    What do you do? You integrate it with cream, you
    make it weak. But if you pour too much cream in
    it, you wont even know you ever had coffee. It
    used to be hot, it becomes cool. It used to be
    strong, it becomes weak. It used to wake you up,
    now it puts you to sleep."
  • "Message to the Grass Roots," speech, Nov. 1963,
    Detroit (published in Malcolm X Speaks, ch. 1,

Analogies can help prove claims
  • When it comes to putting down cats and dogs,
    Texas bans the use of the lethal injection drugs
    used to execute death row inmates.
  • If such drugs are too inhumane to use on animals,
    they are too inhumane to use on people.
  • The cases compared are literally similar.

Analogies can help prove practicality
  • We can solve the problems of antibacterial
    products by government regulation.
  • The government already regulate antibiotics since
    you need a prescription to get them.
  • So the government can regulate antibiotics in
    consumer products.

Analogies can help prove practicality
  • We eliminated the half penny in 1857 without
    harmful effect, so we can eliminate the penny

Weak Analogies?
  • A ban on all alcohol use in the dorms will work
    at ISU because such a ban worked at Luther
  • The university shouldnt be able to tell me what
    classes I have to take after all, the store
    manager doesnt tell me what groceries to buy.
  • We praise the lives of soldiers who sacrificed
    their lives for the sake of others, why cant we
    celebrate embryos sacrificed in order to save the
    lives of others?

Causal Arguments
  • The most challenging of the types of reasoning.
  • We cant see causal relationships, we can only
    infer them.
  • Examples
  • cigarettes cause lung cancer
  • Billing problems at bookstore cause overdraft

Causal Argument Challenges
  • post hoc ergo propter hoc
  • after this therefore because of this
  • confusing a relationship in time with cause and
  • seen in superstitions
  • seen in just look what happened after we . . . .

Causal Argument Challenges
  • multiple causation
  • rainforest destruction is the cause of global
  • T.V. is responsible for school violence.
  • my printer problem caused me to be unable to do
    my speech
  • correlation vs. causation

Causal Reasoning
  • Antibacterial Products
  • Dr. Larson testimony
  • Cold and flu are caused by viruses not bacteria,
    so these products cant prevent those diseases
  • Chewing Tobacco
  • causal chain Chewing tobacco contains grit and
    sand, which wear away at teeth it also contains
    sugar which wears away at teeth, leading to
    cavities and then tooth loss. Loss of teeth in
    turn can encourage gum disease, which can lead to
    additional tooth loss.

Tips for success in causal reasoning.
  • use causal chains to help the audience see the
    causal relationship.
  • use testimony of experts to support conclusions
  • combine them with specific instances arguments

Fallacies of Reasoning
  • False principle
  • Hasty generalization
  • Weak (invalid) analogy
  • Post Hoc or false cause

Additional Fallacies
  • Bandwagon
  • Red herring
  • Slippery slope
  • Ad hominem
  • Either-or

What kind of reasoning and how strong is it?
  • According to a study by the American Medical
    Association, men with bald spots have three times
    the risk of heart attack as men with a full head
    of hair. Strange as it may seem, it looks as if
    baldness is a cause of heart attacks.
  • The U.S. Constitution guarantees all citizens the
    right to bear arms. Gun control legislation
    infringes on the right of citizens to bear arms.
    Therefore, gun control legislation is contrary to
    the Constitution.

More practice
  • If we encourage elementary school students to use
    computers in class, they will spend less time
    reading books. As a result, they will fall
    behind in developing reading, writing and
    thinking skills. Pretty soon well have a
    generation of illiterates on our hands.
  • Raising a child is like having a pet--you need to
    feed it, play with it, and everything will be

More practice
  • I dont see any reason to wear a helmet when I
    ride a bike. Everyone bikes without a helmet.
  • There can be no doubt that the Great Depression
    was caused by Herbert Hoover. He became
    President in March 1929, and the stock market
    crashed just seven months later.

More practice
  • Its ridiculous to worry about protecting
    Americas national parks against pollution and
    overuse when innocent people are being killed by
    domestic terrorists.
  • I cant support Representative Freys proposal
    for campaign finance reform. After all, he was
    kicked out of law school for cheating on an exam.

Patrick Henry Give me liberty or give me death!
  • Problem
  • It is a question of freedom or slavery
  • Our petition has been received with an insidious
  • They are preparing for war.
  • Plan almost comparative advantages case
  • Weve tried argument.
  • Weve tried humble supplication
  • We have petitioned.
  • We must fight!

  • Practicality
  • We may be weak, but we are stronger now than we
    would be later.
  • They are not prepared for resistance.
  • We have millions of people engaged in a holy
  • There is a just God who will support us.
  • There are friends who will help us.
  • There is, in fact, no choice.
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