Title: Injector Commissioning Problems
1Injector Commissioning Problems
- Analysis of Work Package 1
- Image processing
- GTF transverse data
- GTF longitudinal data
- Tomography
- LCLS simulation data
- Summary
3Image Processing
- Background removal
- Region of interest
- Calculate moments and profiles
4Background Sources
- From accelerator
- Dark current
- X-rays
- Non-uniform ambient light
- From camera
- Damaged pixels
- Gaussian noise distribution
- From transmission line
- Line noise
5Background Removal
- Dark current and ambient light Subtract
background image. - X-Rays damages pixels Median filter.
- Gaussian noise Set zero in histogram.
- Line noise Digital signal transmission.
- Background image subtraction
- Removes static features in background.
- Increases random noise and varying features like
line noise. - Average many background images to get static
6Region of interest
- Find coarsely beam centroid and size from entire
image. - Determine ROI as multiple of beam size.
- Best multiple depends strongly on beam shape.
7GTF Image Processing
- Processing w/ and w/o background subtraction
- Horizontal lines do not vanish with median
filter. - Lines different in background image.
- Gaussian noise additional 1/f like damaged
pixels - Line noise
- Line noise enhances by background subtraction
- 1/f like noise removed by subtraction
8Sample Image Processing
w/o BG Subtr.
w/ BG Subtr.
1.5s Cut
Raw image
Cleaned image
3.6s ROI
9GTF Quad Scan Analysis
- Calculate mean and std of measured set of beam
sizes. - Generate 1st order beam transport matrices.
- Least square fit of s-matrix to squared beam
10GTF Transverse Results
11GTF Slice Emittance
Get time axes from energy-time correlation in
longitudinal phase space
Mismatch parameter ? (ß0?-2a0a?0ß)/2
12GTF Horizontal Phase Space
Simultaneous Algebraic Reconstruction Technique
Maximum ENTropy
SART, enx 0.51 µm (5 cut)
MENT, enx 0.55 µm
Profiles from YAG screen measurement Linear
momentum correlation removed
13Tomography Projections (SART)
- Reconstruction error
- E v(?(p0 p)²) / ?p0
- SART 1.2
- MENT 1.8
14GTF Longitudinal Data
- Fit second order polynomial to beam energy.
- Determine crest phase and energy gain in
accelerator (assume 5 MeV gun energy). - Calculate linear longitudinal transport
matrix.E E ?E kRF sin(f0) z - Fit longitudinal beam ellipse to energy spread
15GTF Longitudinal Emittance
16GTF Longitudinal Phase Space
- Include 2nd order beam transport due to rf
curvature. - E E ?E kRF sin(f0) z ½ ?E kRF² cos(f0) z²
SART, enz 3.3 µm (5 cut)
MENT, enz 3.1 µm
5 cut
no cut
17Tomography Projections (MENT)
- Reconstruction error
- SART 2.3
- MENT 2.5
18Time Profile and Energy Correlation
Projected energy spread 8.4 keV Average slice
energy spread 5.8 keV Minimum slice energy
spread 3.0 keV
19LCLS Simulation Data
- Images with gaussian background noise only
- Bounding box 3.6s of beam size
- Histogram cut at 1.5s of noise width
- No error on beam size from single image
- Linear fit of sigma matrix to squared beam size
20Results of Simulated Data Analysis
21Slice Emittance
ee1_K ee2_K
Mismatch parameter ? (ß0?-2a0a?0ß)/2
- Different methods of image processing available.
- Best method depends on statistical and
systematic noise sources in images. - Beam sizes and emittances depend on method used.
- Design image acquisition with minimal noise
sources for method independent beam moments.