Title: Population Health Curriculum for Health Professionals
1Emerging Infectious Diseases
Dorothy Cumbey, Ph.D., RN Director of Quality
Management Health Services Jerry Dell Gimarc,
MA Senior Planner South Carolina Department of
Health and Environmental Control
2Developed as part of an Enhanced AHEC Community
Partnership for Health Professions Workforce and
Educational Reform project funded by the Health
Resource and Service Administration (HRSA)
3At the completion of this module you will be able
- describe how the public health system can be
mobilized to address emerging issues or threats
to the publics health - identify roles and responsibilities of different
components of the public health system in
confronting health challenges
4Objectives, Continued
- describe the linkages needed within the public
health system to effectively address these
challenges - discuss health care needs of individuals and
communities in the future
- Describe the public health approach to emerging
issues. - Identify roles and responsibilities of public
health system components. - Describe linkages needed to address challenges.
6What Are EmergingInfectious Diseases?
- These are human illnesses caused by
microorganisms or their poisonous byproducts and
having the potential for occurring in epidemic
7Why are we concerned about Emerging Infectious
- These diseases
- Pose a threat to all persons regardless of age,
sex, lifestyle, ethnic background, or
socioeconomic status - Cause suffering and death
- Impose a financial burden on society
8Trends in Death Caused by Infectious Diseases in
the United States, 1900-94
Click for larger picture
9Economic and Social Impact of Some Infectious
Economic and Societal Impact of Some Infectious
Click for larger picture
10Emerging Infectious Diseases include conditions
- emerge as a new infectious process
- re-emerge as drug resistant forms
11Microbial Adaptation
- Mechanisms of genetic diversity
- Respond to changes in physical and social
environment. - Epidemiologic triangle
- Host
- Environment
- Agent
12New EmergingInfectious Diseases
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus (AIDS)
- Lyme disease
- Ebola fever
- Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome
- West Nile encephalitis
- Legionnaires disease
13Drug Resistant Diseases
- Malaria
- Multiple drug resistant tuberculosis
- Bacterial pneumonias
14How Are Infectious Diseases Acquired?
- Inhalation
- Ingestion
- Food, water, soil
- Percutaneous inoculation
- Mucous membranes
- Blood and body fluids
15Origin of EmergingInfectious Diseases
- Changes in environment (technology and industry)
- Economic development
- Population growth or migration
- Human behavior
- International travel and commerce
- Microbial adaptation
- Breakdown in public health measures
16Discussion Time
- Identify some changes that may contribute to the
rise of infectious diseases.
17Target Areas for Preventing Emerging Infectious
- Drug resistance
- Food borne and water borne diseases
- Vectorborne and zoonotic diseases
- Diseases transmitted through exposure to blood
and body fluids - Chronic diseases caused by infectious agents
- Vaccine development and use
18Drug Resistance
- The emergence of drug resistance in bacteria,
parasites, viruses, and fungi is reversing
medical advances of the previous 50 years.
19Drug Resistant DiseasesMore Examples
- S. aureus in Japan and UK, 1997
- HIV endemic in NY
- Problems in South Carolina
- Streptococccus pneumoniae
- Vancomycin resistant Enterrococcus
20Examples of Multi-State Food-borne Outbreaks in
the US 1994-1997
21Examples of Multi-state Food-borne Outbreaks in
the US 1994-1997
22Vectorborne and Zoonotic Diseases
- Influenza
- Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
- Mad Cow Disease
- Lyme Disease
- Rabies
23Vectorborne and Zoonotic Diseases
- West Nile Viral Encephalitis
- Malaria
- Ebola fever
- Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome
24Diseases Transmitted Through Exposure to Blood
and Body Fluids
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus
- Hepatitis
- A, B, C, D, E
- Bacterial pathogens
25Other Target Areas for Prevention
- Chronic Diseases Caused by Infectious Agents
- Vaccine Development and Use
26Populations Particularlyat Risk
- People with impaired host defenses
- Pregnant women and newborns
- Travelers, immigrants, refugees
27Bioterrorism as an Emerging Infectious Disease
- Intentional dissemination of disease
- Infectious and toxic agents
- viruses, bacteria, toxins, fungi
28Public Health Approach to Emerging Infectious
- Surveillance
- Epidemiology for early diagnosis
- Early response to outbreaks and changing disease
29Public Health Approach continued
- Public Health Laboratory support for rapid and
accurate diagnosis - Rapid Communication links to private providers
and hospitals - Communication to public
- Education about prevention and/or early detection
30CASE STUDYFoodborne Illness
- Health care provider report
- Epidemiologic investigation Epi Team
- Early Response Consultation
- Laboratory support for diagnosis
- Rapid communication to health care
provider/hospital - Communication to public
- Education
- What is your role in addressing emerging
infectious diseases? - Prevention
- Education
- Detection
32Your role in the prevention of emerging
infectious diseases
- Best practices
- Antibiotic use
- Food preparation
- Control exposure
- Awareness of risk
- Behavior change
33 Your role in education about emerging infectious
- Stay informed
- CDC Web Pages
- MMWR on Web
- EID Journal
- Educate patients/family/friends
- Know resources - who to call
34 Your role in detection of emerging infectious
- Participate in surveillance activities within
your clinical setting - Be alert for clues assess risk
- Know your resources - who to call for
consultation - Report to local health department
- Shifts in the environment, human behavior and
microorganisms can cause new diseases to emerge - We share responsibility to identify, minimize or
avoid these situations