Title: Feasts, Festivities
1Feasts, Festivities Reflection
2During Lent parties and celebrations were not
allowed because it is a time to prepare for the
Passion of Jesus
3Catholic countries celebrate carnival in the
months of February and March finishing on Mardi
Gras or Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash
Wednesday the beginning of Lent.
4Carnival is party time when Catholics have the
chance to celebrate before fasting and praying
during Lent
5Traditionally people would give up eating meat.
Carne means meat in Latin and vale means farewell.
6Today we give up eating things we enjoy such as
sweets or chocolate. Teachers organise charity
events within school to raise money for the poor
and needy.
7So, how do people celebrate carnival around the
9In parts of Germany carnival is called
Fastnacht. Carnival parades are held on the
weekend before Ash Wednesday. People wear fancy
dress and perform dances, comedies and sing songs.
11The carnival in Venice is very famous and
carnival masks originate from here. The mask
maker was a very important person and today
Italians continue this tradition.
13Spanish people organise carnival floats and
parades where sometimes more than 2,500 people
participate. They wear fancy dress and wear make
up instead of a mask. There are also fireworks,
music and percussion bands.
15The most famous Brazilian carnival takes place in
Rio de Janeiro where thousands of people dress up
in masks and costumes made from beads, shells,
feathers ,sequins, foil paper and glitter. They
dance to Latin American music .
16Cardinal Wiseman are running a competition to
give you the chance to make your own special
carnival mask .You can make it from glitter,
sequins, coloured paper, feathers, beads and
tissue paper. The closing date is Mardi Gras.