Title: Abnormal Behavior: Historical Perspectives
1- Abnormal Behavior Historical Perspectives
2Abnormal Behavior
- Abnormal
- Deviating from Normal or Average
- Behavior
- Personal Conduct
3Defining Abnormal Behavior
4 Perspectives
- Norm Violation
- Statistical Rarity
- Personal Discomfort
- Maladaptive Behavior
41. Norm Violation
- Norms Right vs. Wrong
- Deviance Associated With
- Incomprehensibility
- Rarity
- Observer Discomfort
- Violation of Social/Cultural Standards
5Andrew Martinez
6The Naked Guy, Andrew Martinez
- UC Berkeley student who attended classes in the
7Madonna Norm Violation?
- Society Rewarding of Conformity
8Marilyn Manson Norm Violation?
- Male wearing heavy makeup
- Abnormal?
92. Statistical Rarity
- Normal
- Falls within average
- Abnormal Behavior
- Deviation from the average
- Example Mental Retardation
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123. Personal Discomfort
- Distressing feelings, thoughts or behaviors
- Judged from the persons own perspective as
distressing - OCD
134. Maladaptive Behavior
- Behavior Pattern
- Focuses on the adaptiveness of the behavior
- Functioning
- Focuses on various levels of functioning
- Disability
- Impaired ability to function
14Marijuana Abuse
No Impairment No Abnormality
- Scientific study of psychological disorders
16Culture Gender - Abnormality
- Determine the ways people express distress or
lose touch with reality - Relate to peoples willingness to admit to
psychological disturbances - Influence the types of treatment people will
17Definition of Abnormality in DSM-IV
- Behavioral, emotional, or cognitive dysfunctions
that are unexpected in the cultural context and
associated with personal distress or substantial
impairment in functioning
18History of Treatment of Abnormal Behavior
- Supernatural Model
- Agents outside our bodies and the environment
influence our emotions, thinking, and behaviors - Demons, Divinities, Spirits, Magnetic Field
19History of Treatment of Abnormal Behavior
- 8000 B.C. - Stone Age
- Archeological Evidence Skulls with holes
drilled in them - Believed that evil spirits were trapped inside
the head - Releasing the evil spirits would cause a return
to normality
20History of Treatment of Abnormal Behavior
21History of Treatment of Abnormal Behavior
22History of Treatment of Abnormal Behavior
- Hippocrates (460-377 BC)
- Humoral Theory
- Good Health Associated With 4 bodily fluids
- Black bile
- Yellow bile
- Phlegm
- Blood
23History of Treatment of Abnormal Behavior
- Another method of driving away evil spirits
24Recent Exorcism?
- MILWAUKEE, Wisconsin (AP) -- A pastor said
Saturday that church leaders were trying to heal
an autistic 8-year-old boy when he inexplicably
stopped breathing and died during a prayer
service Friday night. - CNN.com (August 24, 2003)
- Minister Barred from Exorcisms (Milwaukee Journal
Sentinel)--A self-described minister facing a
criminal charge in the death of an autistic child
during a prayer session was ordered not to
perform exorcisms as a bail condition during a
Wednesday court appearance. - Crimenews2000.com
25History of Treatment of Abnormal Behavior
- Paracelsus (1493-1541)
- Swiss Physician
- Rejected notions of possession by the devil
- Suggested that the movements of the moon stars
had effects on psychological functioning - Inspired the word LUNATIC derived from the
Latin word for moon, Luna
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27History of Treatment of Abnormal Behavior
- Bleeding or Bloodletting
- Measured amount of blood removed from the body,
typically with leeches
28History of Treatment of Abnormal Behavior
- Induction of Vomiting
- Eating tobacco or half-boiled cabbage to induce
vomiting (Burton, 1621)
29History of Treatment of Abnormal Behavior
- 15th Century
- Witches are causes of madness
30History of Treatment of Abnormal Behavior
- Middle Ages or Dark Ages
- Very Poor Conditions
- Example Bedlam (Hospital of St. Mary of
Bethlehem in London)
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34History of Treatment of Abnormal Behavior
35History of Treatment of Abnormal Behavior
- 1st half of 18th Century
- Jean Baptisete Pussin in Paris
- Philippe Pinel
- (1745-1826)
- William Tuke in England
- (1732-1822)
- Benjamin Rush in America
- (1745-1813)
36History of Treatment of Abnormal Behavior
- Tranquilizing Chair
- Purpose was to reduce stimulating blood flow to
the brain by binding the patients head and limbs - Benjamin Rush
37History of Treatment of Abnormal Behavior
- Hydrotherapy
- Surprise immersions into cold water
38History of Treatment of Abnormal Behavior
- Treating patients as normally as possible in a
setting that reinforced normal social interaction - Dorothea Dix (1802-1887)
39History of Treatment of Abnormal Behavior
- 19th Century
- Syphilis
- A sexually transmitted disease caused by a
bacterial microorganism entering the brain
40History of Treatment of Abnormal Behavior
- Insulin Shock Therapy
- Dosage of insulin used to bring about convulsions
- Dangerous Resulted in prolonged coma or death
- Polish Physician
- 1927 Manfred Sakel
41History of Treatment of Abnormal Behavior
- Electroconvulsive Therapy
- Induced brain seizures to cure schizophrenia
- Joseph von Meduna
42History of Treatment of Abnormal Behavior
- Emergence of Modern Perspectives
- Psychoanalysis
- Behaviorism
- Cognitive
43History of Treatment of Abnormal Behavior
- Deinstitutionalization
- 1960s
- Mentally ill integrated into communities