Title: Biology 4701
1Biology 4701 Global Distribution of Reefs What
Factors are Responsible?
2Controls on Reef Growth and Distribution
1. Macro-scale controls - global
2. Meso-scale controls - within same basin
3. Micro-scale controls - effects on a single
3- Macro-Scale Controls
- Tectonic
4Macro-Scale Controls
b) Sea level
5Macro-Scale Controls
Darwin Point
Interaction between plate movement/sea level and
Grigg (1882) Flood (2001)
Darwin Point
Fringing reefs begin to form atolls
Erosion fringing reefs
Reef coral growth ceases
Reef is drowned and becomes platform or basement
6Macro-Scale Controls
b) Sea level
7Meso-Scale Controls 1) Temperature
8Meso-Scale Controls - Temperature
9Astrangia - coral but no reef
10Meso-Scale - Wave Energy
11Wave energy and the types of coral
12Micro-scale controls - Salinity
13Micro-scale controls - Salinity
Below 32
Vermetid worms
Serpulid worms
14Micro-scale controls - Antecedent Topography
15Micro-scale controls - Light
16Micro-scale controls - Light
17Micro-scale controls - Light
-at depth - corals change their growth form to
compensate for decrease in light -e.g. Montastrea
18Micro-scale controls - Light
Light also controls settlement of larvae
Mundy et al (1998)
Goniastrea flavulus
High neutral
Medium neutral
Low blue
Medium blue
Low neutral
Acropora tenuis
High neutral
Medium neutral
Low blue
Medium blue
Low neutral
Oxypora lacera
High neutral
Medium neutral
Low blue
Medium blue
Low neutral
19Micro-scale controls - Sedimentation
Sources of Sediment 1) Rivers
20Micro-scale controls - Sedimentation
Sources of Sediment 2) Dust
21Effects of Sedimentation - Shading 1) Turbidity
and reduction of light level
22Effects of Sedimentation -realized through 1)
Turbidity and reduction of light level
23Effects of Sedimentation 2) Smothering
24Effects of Sedimentation 3) Abrasion
25Effects of Sedimentation 4) Inhibition of
26Micro-scale controls - Nutrients
Algal Turf
27Micro-scale controls - Nutrients
Other effects
1) Phosphate poisoning - high phosphate levels
stop calcification
2) Higher nutrient levels - favour sponges/algae
28Micro-scale controls - Nutrients
Effects of removing nutrient sources
Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii
29Micro-scale Factors
Effects of Sediment and Nutrients
Negative effects shown on
-coralline algae
-tissue thickness
-zooxanthellae density
-recruit survival
-adult colony survival
-juvenile growth
Organisms affecting coral cover
Effects on reproduction and recruitment
Direct effects on growth and survival
30Global distribution of coral reefs
31Global distribution of coral reefs and diversity