Title: Accreditation of HEIs in India:
1Accreditation of HEIs in India The NAAC
Prof. V. S. Prasad Director National Assessment
and Accreditation Council (NAAC) Bangalore India
2Quality Assurance in Indian HE
- Regulatory System UGC, State Governments,
Affiliating Universities - Over and above the built-in regulatory controls
- - Assessment and Accreditation
- NAAC (General Education)
- NBA (Technical Education)
- AB (Agricultural Education)
3- National Assessment and Accreditation Council
(NAAC) - Outcome of National Policy on Education - 1986
- Established by the University Grants Commission
(UGC) of India in 1994 - As an Autonomous Body
- Governed by its Executive Committee (EC) and
General Council (GC) - Representatives from the organizations such as
MHRD, UGC and institutions of HE in its EC GC
- To make quality the defining element of
- higher education in India through a
- combination of self and external quality
- evaluation, promotion and sustenance
- initiatives.
- To arrange for periodic assessment and
accreditation of institutions of higher education
or units thereof, or specific academic programmes
or projects - To stimulate the academic environment for
promotion of quality of teaching-learning and
research in higher education institutions - To encourage self-evaluation, accountability,
autonomy and innovations in higher education - To undertake quality-related research studies,
consultancy and training programmes, and - To collaborate with other stakeholders of higher
education for quality evaluation, promotion and
6Value Framework of Quality
- Relating to National Development
- Fostering Global Competencies among students
- Inculcating the Value System
- Promoting the use of Technology
- Quest for Excellence
7Units of Accreditation
- Institutional Accreditation
- Subject Accreditation/Programme Accreditation
Phase I Institutional Accreditation
- Nationally evolved criterion
- Preparation of self-study report by the
institution to be submitted to NAAC - Validation of the above by
- Peer team visit to the institution
- Final decision by EC, NAAC based on the peer team
9Criteria for Assessment and Weightages
10The grade
Institutional score Grade (upper limit
exclusive) 95-100 A 90-95 A 85-90 A
80-85 B 75-80 B 70-75 B 65-70 C
60-65 C 55-60 C
11Reporting Strategy
- Peer Team Recommendations to NAAC on
- Criterion-wise strengths and weaknesses
- Overall analysis
- Confidential Scores
- After approval by EC of NAAC
- Public disclosure of outcome
- Full assessment report in the website
12Policy Initiatives
- Support of UGC for accreditation cost
- Linking assessment with development grant
- Fixing deadline for all HEIs to undergo
assessment - States active in promoting assessment
- Action Plan and Steering Committees in States
- Other indirect and informal considerations
13Progress of a Decade From Apprehension to
- Reaching Out
- Quality Promotion
- Professional Development of Assessors
- Research on EQA
- Interaction with Professional Bodies
- Accreditation of Teacher Education Units
- International Collaboration
- Launching Re-accreditation
- Large volume assessment
- Inter-team variance
- Lack of convergence (mismatch) between
public perception and NAAC grades - Professionalization of the process
- Sustenance of Quality
- Fast track assessment
- ICT enabled procedures
- New models of using Member Coordinators and
Chair-conveners - Expanding database of assessors
- More training programmes and orientations for
assessors - Appeals Committee
- Internal Quality Assurance Mechanisms
16Second Decade of NAAC Into Future
- Initiating ICT enabled assessment
- Piloting subject or programme accreditation
- Collaborating with other professional
councils for assessment and accreditation - Provision for professional development
programmes for assessors - Launching a professional journal in quality
- Establishing functional units for research and
training - Promotion of Best Practices in Higher
Education - Extending consultancy to the emerging quality
assurance systems - Launching accreditation of cross-border
educational provisions - Promoting Quality literacy among stakeholders