Title: The Growth of the Mutual Fund Industry
1The Growth of the Mutual Fund Industry
- Mutual Fund Statistics
- Almost 1 in 2 U.S. households invest in the stock
market directly or through mutual funds - Over 8,000 mutual funds
- Over 7 trillion of assets
2Why Learn About Mutual Funds?
- To choose investments in a retirement plan
- To invest an insurance or divorce settlement
- To get started as a new investor
- To build a portfolio
- To invest a year-end bonus or tax refund
- To put what you read hear in perspective
3What is a Mutual Fund?
- A mutual fund is
- a portfolio of stocks, bonds, or other
- securities
- collectively owned by many investors
- managed by a professional investment company
4Mutual Funds Make Money in Two Ways
- Current income (dividends or interest earned on
the portfolio investments) - Capital gains (selling securities that have gone
up in value)
5How the Investor Makes Money
- Income distribution (dividends and interest that
are passed on to investors) - Capital gains (an increase in a funds value)
- Combination total return
6Forms of Mutual Fund Companies
- Open-end issues and redeems shares at any time
- Closed-end trades like a stock and issues a
fixed number of shares
7What Is Net Asset Value (NAV)?
- The NAV is the price your fund pays you per share
when you sell. - Value of fund
- Number of shares NAV
- Example 52,500,000
- 3,500,000 15 per share
8Why Mutual Funds vs. Individual Securities?
- Individual securities
- Require time and expertise to analyze
- Usually have higher transaction costs
- Offer less probability of adequate
diversification - OK if
- you have stock-picking expertise
- you have 20-30K to buy 10-20 stocks
- you are buying Treasuries
9Advantages of Mutual Funds
- 1) Full-time, professional management
- 2) Reduced risk through diversification
- 3) Earn competitive returns
- 4) Small amount needed to start
- 5) Retain ready access to your money
10More Advantages of Funds
- 6) Inexpensive way to invest
- 7) Convenience
- 8) Automatic withdrawal plans available
- 9) Lower incidence of bankruptcy and fraud
- 10) Monitoring fund investments is easy
11Disadvantages of Mutual Funds
- Funds follow market declines
- No guaranteed rate of return
- Unwanted taxable distributions
- Record-keeping for tax purposes can be difficult
12The Mutual Fund Marketplace
- Stock funds
- Bond funds
- Money market funds
13Types of Funds by Investment Objective
- Growth
- Income
- Growth income
- Capital preservation
14Match Your Goal to the Right Fund Categories
with a growth objective
- Growth
- Aggressive growth
- Small cap
- Specialty (Sector)
- International
- Global
- Index
15Match Your GoalCategories with an Income
- Income
- Corporate bond
- Municipal bond
- High-yield (junk) bond
- Government bond
- Global bond
16Match Your GoalFunds with Growth Income
- Equity-income
- Growth income
- Balanced
17Match Your Goal Funds with a Preservationof
Capital Objective
- Taxable money market
- Tax-free money market
18Match Your GoalFunds with All Four Objectives
- Lifestyle
- Asset allocation
- Fund of funds
19Risk and Return Relationship
- The higher the level of risk, the higher the
expected return - Sector
- Aggressive Growth
- International
- Growth
- Stock Index
- Lifestyle
- Growth Income
- Equity-Income
- Balanced
- Income
- Bond
- Money Market
20Mutual Fund Costs
- Sales charges/loads
- Sales commissions
- Operating expenses
- Management fees
- Marketing costs
- Overhead expenses
21Types of Funds by Sales Charge
- No-load -- No sales commission
- Load -- 4-8.5 commission
- Back-end load -- Declining 6-1
- Low-load -- 1- 3
22Mutual Fund Operating Expenses
- Management and administrative fees
- 12b-1 fee for marketing and distribution
- Redemption fee
23Mutual Fund Economics
- Costs and Fees A Shrs B Shrs C Shrs
- Sales Load 5.5 None
None - Redemption Fee None 0.5 None
- Marketing Fee .25 .75 1.00
- Management 1.30 1.15 1.20
- Annual Expense 1.55 1.90 2.20
24Avoid Above-AverageExpense Ratios
- Stock funds gt 1.4
- Bond funds gt 1.00
- Money market funds gt 0.5
25Seven Steps to Finding the Right Fund
- 1) Identify type of fund that matches goal
- 2) Do more reading
- 3) Research specific funds
- 4) Determine selection criteria
- 5) Get and read the prospectus
- 6) Make your purchase
- 7) Establish a schedule to buy more
26Step 1 -- Identify Types of Funds That Will Help
You Reach Your Goals
- Focus your search
- Begin building your portfolio
- Establish an asset allocation strategy
27Step 2 -- Do More Reading
- Mutual Funds For Dummies - Eric Tyson
- Guide To Successful No-Load Investing - Sheldon
Jacobs - The Right Way To Invest In Mutual Funds - Walter
Updegrave - Bogle on Mutual Funds and Common Sense on Mutual
Funds - John Bogle
28Step 3 -- Research Specific Funds
- Personal finance publications
- Business newspapers
- Mutual fund trade associations
- Library references
- Fund-provided information
- Professional advisors
29Personal Finance Publications
- Money
- Kiplingers Personal Finance
- Forbes
- Business Week
- Smart Money
30Newspapers Trade Associations
- The Wall Street Journal
- Barrons
- The New York Times
- USA Today
- Investment Company Institute
- Mutual Fund Education Alliance
31Library Fund-Provided Info
- Morningstar
- Value Line
- Lipper Analytical
- Annual reports
- Prospectus
32Internet Sites
- ltwww.morningstar.comgt
- ltwww. networth.galt.comgt
- ltwww. brill.comgt
- ltwww. ici.orggt
- ltwww. mfea.comgt
- ltwww.sec.gov/mfcc/mfcc-int.htmgt
33Step 4 -- Determine Your Selection Criteria
- Fund objective (relative to your goal)
- Cost to purchase (no-load vs. load)
- Fund fees/expense ratio
- Investment minimum
- Manager tenure
- Performance (1, 3, 5 years)
- Longevity
34Step 5 -- Get a Prospectus for Each Fund from
- Mutual fund families
- Mutual fund supermarkets/networks
- Full-service discount brokers
- Financial planners
- Banks
- Internet
35Step 6 -- Make Your Purchase
- By mail
- Local investment center
- Toll-free 800 number for assistance
- Through a broker or financial planner
- On-line
36Step 7 -- Continually Buy More
- Use a dollar-cost-averaging system--Investing a
fixed number of dollars, e.g., 50 or 100, at
periodic intervals, usually monthly or quarterly
- Month Amount Invested Share Price Shares
Purchased Cumulative Value - January 150 30 5 150.00
- February 150 30 5
300.00 - March 150 25 6 400.00
- April 150 25 6
550.00 - May 150 20 7.5 590.00
- June 150 15 10
592.50 - July 150 15 10
742.50 - August 150 15 10
892.50 - September 150 20 7.5
1,340.00 - October 150 25 6
1,825.00 - November 150 30 5
2,340.00 - December 150 30 5 2,490.00
- TOTAL 1,800 280
83 2,490.00 - Average Cost 21.69 per share Average Price
38Final Hints
- Invest for your goals
- Research funds carefully with a questioning
attitude - Review progress quarterly, comparing apples with
apples - Read your mail
- Keep excellent records
39Take These Action Steps
- Make a list of long- and short-term financial
goals and match them with an appropriate mutual
fund - Learn about mutual fund choices available through
your employers retirement plan - Decide on your selection criteria
- Identify specific mutual funds that match your
investment goals
40Take These Action Steps
- Call at least three mutual fund organizations for
a prospectus. - Do follow-up research and compare at least three
mutual funds using Morningstar or Value Line. - Complete a mutual fund application and make an