Title: Online Math Learning for Young Students
1Online Math Learningfor Young Students
- Regina Allen
- Columbia Primary School
2Educational Java Programslearn money and time
3KS1 Flash 4 Moviesmovies to teach concepts to
young children
- http//dfee.org/flash.html
4Tangramsa tangram game
- http//pbskids.org/cyberchase/games/area/tangram.h
5Virtual Goosematch patterns
- http//pbskids.org/arthur/games/virtualgoose/index
6Lulus Gamessequence activity and puzzles
- http//perso.wanadoo.fr/jeux.lulu/english.htm
7AAA MathInteractive games for specific grades
and topics
8A Maths Dictionary for KidsAnimated,
interactive dictionary of 500 common math terms
- http//www.amathdictionaryforkids.com
9BBC-SchoolsGames using Shockwave for
interactive learning
- http//www.bbc.co.uk/schools/4_11/numeracy.shtml
10City CreatorStudent chooses shapes and
patterns in creating a city.
- http//www.citycreator.com
11Teach R Kids Mathpractice tests for Pre-K
through 3rd Grade
12WebmathStudents enter problems for solution
and explanation
13Multimedia Education Materials using
FlashMath movies to promote thought and
- http//www.tygh.co.uk/index.html
14Number Gympractice number words
- http//www.numbergym.co.uk/swf/NewNGNumberWords.ht
15National Library ofVirtual Manipulativesmanipu
latives related to the NCTM standards
- http//www.matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/vlibrary.html
16LICM Hands- OnVirtual Museumtools to
experiment with symmetry and patterns
- http//www.licm.com/noFr.f/virtualNF.htmlplayTop
17Harcourt Math Glossarya math glossary by grade
- http//www.hbschool.com/glossary/math_advantage/gl
18Web Evaluation
- http//www.ala.org/ala/alsc/greatwebsites/greatweb
sitesforkids/greatwebsites.htm - http//school.discovery.com/schrockguide/evalelem.