Title: Ensuring Technology Is An Important Part Of STEM
1Ensuring TechnologyIs An Important Part Of STEM
- Dennis Small, Educational Technology Director,
OSPI - 2007 SETDA Leadership Summit
- Washington, D.C.
2Why Technology?
- Engage students
- Todays learners are Digital Natives!
- Simulate real-world conditions
- Reach and teach kids who learn differently
- Customize the learning environment
- Visualize concepts
- Powerful teaching tools
- Students explore at their own pace
- Get immediate feedback repeat steps as needed
3Technology STEMNatural Connections
- Mathematics
- Technologies to support math
- Science
- Technologies to support science
- Career Technical Education
- IT Across Careers
- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
(STEM) Career Cluster
4Math Technologies That Work
- Document camera
- Interactive whiteboard
- Computer and LCD projector
- Web applets
- Web resources
- Graphing calculators or handhelds
- Mathematics software
5Math NO LIMIT! Project 2001-07
- Title IID competitive 2-year grant project grades
5-9 - What results did we achieve?
- Deepen understanding of mathematical concepts
- Improve math achievement
- How did we achieve these results?
- Extensive professional development with math
integration specialists - Focus on effective mathematics instruction
- Integrating the right technology
- Building professional learning communities
6Engage Kids Use A Document Camera
- A good place to start
- Replaces the overhead projector
- User-friendly, non-threatening
- More flexible than overhead
- Better quality image, too
- Teacher shows student work
- Students share work
- Big increase in student engagement
7Make Mathematics VisualUse An Interactive
- Another good place to start
- Replaces the chalkboard
- Customize problems examples
- Students show their work
- Versatile
- Works well with a teacher- or student-centered
instructional style - Supplement curriculum with software
8Bring New Concepts To The Whole ClassUse An LCD
- Solves the one-computer classroom dilemma
- Teacher or student can display
- Mathematics software
- Sample problems
- Student work
- Web applets
- Web resources
9Make Learning FunUse Web Applets
- Java-based applications that help to visualize
concepts or run simulations - Usually free
- Runs on all computers and most browsers
- Helps learners grasp new concepts
- Where?
- National Library of Virtual Manipulativeshttp//n
lvm.usu.edu/en/nav/ - Interactivate website http//www.shodor.org/inter
10Extend LearningUse Math Web Resources
- Seeing Math Interactive Software Tools
- http//seeingmath.concord.org/resources.html
- Math Problems, Games and Articles
- http//nrich.maths.org
- Mega-Mathematics
- http//www.c3.lanl.gov/mega-math/
- King's List of Online Math Activities
- http//www.k111.k12.il.us/king/math.htm
11Bring Math Concepts To Each StudentUse Graphing
Calculators Or Handhelds
- Make it visual or simulate a real-world problem
- Great for learners who have trouble grasping a
concept - Customize problems and examples
- Responder options to gauge student understanding
- Supplement curriculum with software
12Improve AchievementUse Math Software That Works!
- Technology Solutions That Work Database (Metiri)
- http//www.metiri.com/techsolutions/
- What Works Clearinghouse (U.S. DOE)
- http//ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/
- CARET - education technology research (ISTE)
- http//caret.iste.org/
- Evaluating Claims About Educational Software
- http//www.ncrel.org/tech/claims/
13More Online Math Goodies
- The Math Forum Ask Dr. Math
- http//mathforum.org/dr.math/
- Daisy Maths website
- http//www.daisymaths.com.au/
- Math Playground website
- http//www.mathplayground.com
- Curious Math website
- http//www.curiousmath.com
14Science Technologies That Work
- Document camera
- Interactive whiteboard
- Computer and LCD projector
- Probeware
- Virtual labs
- Handhelds
- Gather real-time data
- Graphing calculators
- Science software
15Make Science VisualUse Virtual Labs
- Virtual Labs and Simulations
- http//www.hazelwood.k12.mo.us/grichert/sciweb/ap
plets.html - Science Lab/Virtual Lab
- http//www.seed.slb.com/en/scictr/lab/index_virtua
l.htm - Virtual Biology Labs website
- http//www.hhmi.org/biointeractive/vlabs/index.htm
l - Virtual Dissection website
- http//www.froguts.com/
16Make Science RelevantUse Handhelds To Gather Data
- National/international projects
- GLOBE Watershed Dynamics
- http//www.globe.gov
- Regional projects
- Washington State NatureMapping Program
- http//depts.washington.edu/natmap/
- Ideas for developing your own project
- http//www.netc.org/focus/technologies/handhelds.p
17Science Web Resources
- Google Earth software
- http//earth.google.com/
- MARES Build-a-Fish
- http//sv.berkeley.edu/showcase/flash/fish.html
- Bill Nye, the Science Guy
- http//www.billnye.com/
- MadSci Network (answers to science questions)
- http//www.madsci.org/
18Real-Time Science LearningUse Probeware
- Probeware
- Electronic sensors connect to a desktop computer,
calculator or handheld computer supporting
software - Students observe data displays in multiple
formats as they collect it - Engages students in true inquiry-based science
- Where?
- Tech-Enhanced Elem. M.S. Science (TEEMSS)
- http//teemss1.concord.org/
19Career Technical Education
- IT Across Careers
- IT applications associated with each of the 16
career cluster/program areas - http//itac.edc.org/
- STEM Career Cluster
- Career foundation and pathways
- http//www.careerclusters.org/clusters/16cc.php?cl
20Career Technical Education16 Career Clusters
- Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
- Architecture and Construction
- Arts, A/V Technology and Communication
- Business, Management and Administration
- Education and Training
- Finance
- Government and Public Administration
- Health Science
- Hospitality and Tourism
- Human Services
- Information Technology
- Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
- Manufacturing
- Marketing, Sales and Service
- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
- Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
21Information Technology Across Careers (ITAC)
- NSF funded ? partnership with
- Educational Development Center, Inc. (EDC)
- Natl Assoc. of State Directors of CTE Consortium
- Develop and validate a common language defining
the IT applications associated with each of the
16 career cluster/program areas - Develop a common curricular framework across the
16 program areas for teaching these applications.
22IT Across CareersIT Core Applications
- Database
- Collaborative/Groupware
- Geographic Information/Global Positioning
(GIS/GPS) - Computer Operations
- Computer-based Equipment
- Personal Information Management
(PIM)/Productivity - Email
- Internet (Search)
- Writing/Publishing
- Presentation
- Spreadsheets
23Career Technical EducationSTEM Career Cluster
- Engineering by Design Standards-Based Model
Program (ITEA) - http//www.iteaconnect.org/EbD/ebd.htm
- Project Lead The Way - hands-on, project and
problem-based approach - http//www.pltw.org/
- Engineering Education Service Center
- http//www.engineeringedu.com/
24More Online STEM Goodies
- Online Grade Level Resources (Washington)
- http//www.k12.wa.us/ealrs/
- Thinkfinity (MarcoPolo) in Washington State
- http//www.thinkfinity.wednet.edu/
- Thinkfinity (MarcoPolo)
- http//www.mped.org/
- Annenberg Education Resources
- http//www.learner.org/
- Worksheets, Teacher Resources, Lesson Plans
- http//www.teach-nology.com/
25Even More Online STEM Goodies
- EduHound Everything for Education K-12
- http//www.eduhound.com
- Awesome Library - K-12 Education Directory
- http//www.awesomelibrary.org/
- ATT Blue Web'n website
- http//www.kn.att.com/wired/bluewebn/
- Kathy Schrocks Guide for Educators
- http//school.discovery.com/schrockguide
- GetTech.org (National Association of
Manufacturers) - http//www.gettech.org/
26Contact Me
- Dennis Small
- Educational Technology Director, OSPI
- dennis.small_at_k12.wa.us
- (360) 725-6384