NSF Center for Biophotonics Science - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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NSF Center for Biophotonics Science


Funding faculty release time critical at Maui Community College. ... 'While at CBST, I met Dr. Doug Taylor and discussed with him what we were doing in my lab. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: NSF Center for Biophotonics Science

NSF Center for Biophotonics Science
Technology (CBST) Creating Positive Interactions
Between URGs and STCs Marco Molinaro,
Ph.D. And all class of 2000 and 2002 Education
and Diversity Directors STC Broadening
Participation Meeting San Francisco March 2007
Work supported by the National Science
Foundation Cooperative Agreement No. PHY-0120999
CBST Education
Outline for Session
Systematically Improve STC - URG connections
  • Overview of STC/URG project (Oct 2004 - now)
  • Big Picture Models Tried and Lessons Learned
  • Outreach/Recruitment projects
  • Faculty Development
  • Course Development and Experimentation
  • In-Depth Examples
  • Keith Oden - STC-GEM partnership, NSU PhD
    program, HOFT2
  • Kyle Frantz - Summer Undergraduate Research Study
  • Noureddine Melikechi - Faculty/Student exchange
  • Hands-On FutureTech 1 and 2
  • Best Practices/Lessons Learned/Recommendations

CBST Supplement to Enhance STC Interactions With
Under-represented Groups
Systematically Improve URG-STC Interactions
  • WHAT A one time CBST-led STC-wide competitive
    program to enhance the interactions among
    under-represented groups and STCs. Very quick
    turnaround encouraging entrepreneurial approach.
  • WHO IMPACTED All 11 STCs (2000/2002)
    participated 9 proposals including 10 centers
    received over 885k. 3 proposals were multi-STC
  • NOTE Proposals reviewed (F04) by an external
    review committee composed entirely of URG faculty
    from community college to Ph.D. granting

CBST Supplement to Enhance STC Interactions With
Under-represented Groups
Systematically Improve URG-STC Interactions
  • Inquiry-based training for graduate students to
    create hands-on workshops to recruit students
    with emphasis on URG CfAO/CBST 42.6k
  • URG student/Faculty development at DSU (Delaware
    State) CBST 81k
  • STC GEM partnership to expand pipeline - STC
    focused GEM fellowships MDITR, NCED, CISM, CBST,
    NBTC, SAHRA, WaterCAMPWS 100k
  • Outreach and research experiences at Clark
    Atlanta and Howard Universities NBTC 167.1k
  • Hands-on workshop featuring the latest
    technologies from 4 STCs. Over half URG
    participants to attend CBST, NBTC, CENS, MDITR
  • Structured research experience versus traditional
    REU experience - focus on women CBN 149.7k
  • REU plus joint activities with NSBE (National
    Society of Black Engineers) NBTC 122.9k
  • Community College Curriculum Development CfAO
  • New PhD development at Norfolk State MDITR

Student Recruitment and Outreach - Models Tried
Systematically Improve URG-STC Interactions
  • Small, all day inquiry workshop (Saturday Open
    Lab) /student, small numbers (lt10), focused
  • Graduate students learned inquiry techniques
  • Several URG students as interns and/or applying
    for graduate school
  • Larger, Interactive Conference (Hands-On Future
    Tech Conference 1,2) /student, larger numbers
    (60-120), broad net
  • Several students interested in internships,
    attending STC institutions
  • Second time (Nov06) easier, much less expensive,
    held at NSU (HBCU)
  • Partnering with existing conferences/advocacy
    organizations for exposure/recruiting low cost,
    broad net
  • 4000 attended NBTC talk at NSBE, 65 applied for
    15 summer internship positions
  • Partnering with existing Fellowship Program
    (GEM), /student, long time investment
  • 4 new GEM-STC supported graduate students at STCs
  • Matchmaker database - encourage faculty
    participation in student recruitment

Student Recruitment and Outreach - Summary
Systematically Improve URG-STC Interactions
  • Solid administrative and staff support critical
    to success
  • Need longitudinal evaluation structure to monitor
    impact beyond initial STC contact
  • Project catalyzed strong relationships between
    multiple STCs leading to continued cooperation
    (SOL, HOFT 2)
  • Evaluators Comments
  • Regional recruiting proved valuable according to
    students SOL, HOFT. A strong facilitator,
    consistent, regular communication about available
    opportunities and interaction with role models is
  • Establishing regional STC recruiting networks
    used across multiple years will increase impact
    and sustainability while reducing long-term
    recruiting cost.
  • NBTCs presentation at NSBE national conference
    and partnerships with New York State NSBE
    chapters provides a positive model for low-cost,
    broad spectrum marketing of STCs. The strategy
    could be easily extended to other SE
    professional organizations.

Faculty Development/Research Connections - Models
Systematically Improve URG-STC Interactions
  • Shared Equipment/Resources
  • CAU utilized videoconferencing equipment to
    attend events, including regular seminars, with
    NBTC partners
  • CAU made AFM available via the internet and
    working on sharing more equipment (valuable for
    equipment poor HBCUs)
  • Faculty - Student Education Conference
  • CBN brought 94 researchers, students and
    community members together for a Best Practices
    in Science Education conference looking at active
    teaching and learning, and diversity issues.
  • Faculty Visits and Research Collaborations
  • CAU and Howard with NBTC
  • Enhanced prior relationships with CAU faculty
    visits to Cornell starting 3 new projects,
    sharing equipment and students, sharing a seminar
    via videoconferencing
  • DSU with CBST
  • Mini sabbatical spawned several combined research
    projects, student participation and winning of 2
    grants (NIH and DoD investigator grants at DSU)

Faculty Development and Research Connections -
Systematically Improve URG-STC Interactions
  • Developing meaningful relationships critical and
    time intensive. Can lead to
  • Equipment and expertise sharing - bi-directional
  • Access to Online resources of larger universities
  • Broader perspective on URG and HBCU issues
  • Joint project development
  • URG institution faculty eager to collaborate and
    connect students
  • Issues Many students interested in research not
    URG, poor access to journals, some URG students
    do not want to travel too far or often take
    summer courses, HBCU resources limited
  • Evaluators Comments
  • Sustainable partnerships between researchers at
    STCs and HBCUs require clear value for, or
    commitment from the participating STC.
  • When properly planned and evaluated, sabbaticals
    at STCs and partnerships between STCs and HBCUs
    have value. The chance to work and study in the
    rich environment of an STC proved empowering for
    the students, established a teaching lab at HBCU
    and led to additional external research funding
    at DSU.
  • The NBTC partnership with researchers and faculty
    at Howard and Clark Atlanta offers a positive
    model for similar partnerships between STCs and
    other HBCUs.

Program/Model Projects Tried
Systematically Improve URG-STC Interactions
  • Community College Course Development
  • Course developed at Maui Community College (CfAO)
    from a faculty buyout and close collaborations
    with CfAO research and education staff
  • Funding faculty release time critical at Maui
    Community College.
  • Summer Research Educational Experiment
  • CBN Research project to compare REU methodologies
    (publication in Cell Biology Education) - Georgia
    State added 30k for 5 year study of
    participants. Raised awareness of educational and
    diversity issues in science.
  • Helping Develop a New Program
  • MDITR expertise helped develop interdisciplinary
    PhD program at NSU aimed at needs of industry and
    federal labs
  • Modest funding effectively leveraged the
    resources and practices of tier-one universities
    for the benefit of HBCUs.

Evaluators Final StatementSpring 2006
Systematically Improve URG-STC Interactions
  • Together the nine projects directly served over
    250 undergraduates and 40 graduate students, the
    majority of whom are from URGs (including women).
    Faculty development programs served 15 faculty
    members from HBCUs. Up to 4,000 people, mainly
    from URGs, were made aware of STC research
    through national and regional conferences.
  • EDU, Inc. External Evaluation Report
  • Since several hundred more have been directly
    served through HOFT2, GEM recruitment, and other
    avenues begun through the URG-STC initiative

  • Keith Oden
  • STC-GEM partnership
  • NSU PhD program
  • HOFT2

  • Kyle Frantz Summer Undergraduate Research Study

  • Faculty Development - DSU with CBST

Faculty Development - DSU with CBST
Systematically Improve URG-STC Interactions
  • Student Summer Internships
  • New, external research and educational
    opportunities. My students not only learned a
    great deal about a new field (biophotonics) but
    also gained valuable research experience as they
    were involved in their projects on a daily
  • Student interns from varied institutions.
    generated a sense of belonging to a community
    of scientists important point because it tends
    to help students from small institutions, such
    as ours, to engage in graduate programs in
  • For success need continuity in research
    experience. It is important that students
    continue their research (or engage in another
    project) at their own institutions. Faculty
    receiving and providing the students need to
    collaborate on a research project.
  • Limitations from my perspective
  • Faculty members at major institutions are very
    busy with their own projects and therefore it is
    difficult to collaborate with them.
  • We do not have the resources to contribute fully
    to a particular project (which often explains the
    difficulty forming fruitful collaborations.)
  • Difficulties in using funds (URG grant funds) for

Words of Noureddine Melikechi, DSU
Faculty Development - DSU with CBST
Systematically Improve URG-STC Interactions
  • Indirect and unexpected benefit - NEW PROJECT
  • While at CBST, I met Dr. Doug Taylor and
    discussed with him what we were doing in my lab.
    We are currently working together on a project to
    analyze sera samples.
  • Timing
  • approved in December but not available until
    late spring. By that time, students whom I
    thought were committed to spend a summer at CBST
    were no longer available. This applies to me
  • Suggestion
  • Need access to journals at my institution. I
    think that CBST (and others) can help us
    tremendously by allowing us (as collaborators) to
    have electronic access to UC Davis library.
  • In conclusion
  • I am very happy to have started the
    collaboration between DSU and UC Davis. This
    interaction not only helped our students but also
    will help us as an institution- grow. The URG
    project provided an opportunity for us to meet
    CBST scientists, administrators and others.

Words of Noureddine Melikechi, DSU

Hand-on FutureTech Conference 1 - at UCLA
Systematically Improve URG-STC Interactions
  • 105 Attendees (1 (CBST) , 6 (MDITR) applied for
    Internship), NBTC and CENS (data unavailable) -
    75 undergraduate students
  • KEY SURVEY RESULTS (66/74 responses)
  • Interested in summer internship 4.1/5
  • Conf. helped me learn about STC research
    opportunities 4.56/5
  • Increased interest in pursuing science 4.42/5
  • All sessions rated from 3.3-4.7/5 - higher the
    more hands-on
  • Key factors for grad school - aid (4.77),
    mentoring (4.29), reputation (4.21), community
    (3.95), environment (3.68), majority URG (3.09),
    family proximity 2.76

Ethnicity faculty GRAD recruiter STC staff UGRAD Grand Total
African-American 1 43 44
Asian-American 1 1 2 4
Caucasian 2 1 3 7 13
Chicano/Latino 1 1 14 16
Native-American 1 2 3
Pacific Islander 1 1 2
undeclared 8 5 1 3 6 23
Grand Total 14 7 1 8 74 (43F) 105
Hand-on FutureTech Conference 2 - at NSU
Systematically Improve URG-STC Interactions
  • 325 applicants online (18 applied for CBST
    internship, 6 local)
  • 144 attendees (11 applied for internship CBST, 6
    local, 4 applied for MDITR), PREM and CENS (data
  • Missing data on 59 applicants who came last
    minute and did not register online - difficult to
    get data from multi center situation
  • KEY SURVEY RESULTS (72/101 responses)
  • Interested in summer internship 4.5/5
  • Conf. helped me learn about STC research
    opportunities 4.76/5
  • Increased interest in pursuing science 4.56/5
  • All sessions rated from 2.97-3.77/4 - higher the
    more hands-on
  • Key factors for grad school - aid (3.76),
    mentoring (3.58), community (3.23), reputation
    (3.17), environment (2.79), majority URG (2.49),
    family proximity 2.18)


Student Recruitment and Outreach - Best Practices
Systematically Improve URG-STC Interactions
  • Staff champion project administrator (not
    student or junior faculty) helps program's
    success and continuity.
  • Create a consistent, frequent communication
    network with targeted MSIs and URG-related
  • Seek alliances with MSIs (e.g., GEM, HBCUs).
  • Start at least 6 to 8 weeks before event.
  • Use professional, competitive-style application
    process (exclusive).
  • Emphasize limited enrollment and early sign-up
    improves your chances.
  • Face-to-face, in-person recruitment most
    effective - makes student feel wanted (esp. by
  • Target students and professional staff at MSIs
    and URG-related associations and conferences
    (SACNAS, AISES, NSBP, NSBE, ) and try to get
    high profile exposure.
  • Faculty/mentor participation improves match
    between prospective students and program.
  • Provide financial aid and incentives such as
    travel vouchers, stipends, and housing allowance.
  • Establish regional networks that can last over
  • Schedule social time during events and
    activities for informal interaction with graduate
    students, scientists, other role models, and

Research Connections/Faculty Development - Best
Systematically Improve URG-STC Interactions
  • Clear value for partners critical. Sustainable
    partnerships require mutual benefit.
  • A high-level program leader needed at events and
    activities to demonstrate leadership buy-in,
    commitment, and support.
  • NSF funding can attract new funding from another
    source or lead to new proposals.
  • STC faculty and researchers need to understand
    HBCU culture and constraints.

Program Development - Best Practices
Systematically Improve URG-STC Interactions
  • Detailed URG recruitment strategy and specific
    activities part of overall program design and
  • Training and professional development for
    mentors/researchers will increase program
    managers control over the curriculum and
    students experiences.
  • A key, high-level staff person should keep track
    of faculty/researcher/mentors' commitments to
    participate in funded programs.
  • EVALUATION Use program surveys (pre-, mid- and
    post-program) to capture participants' changes in
    attitudes and career plans. Ask for summative
    paper and try to track over several years.
  • Use role models (e.g., URG scientists, women in
    technology, faculty and other professionals,
    graduate students) to engage URG students.
  • Invite program participants to conferences as a
    way to provide sustained interaction between
    students, faculty members, and working
    professionals. Provide opportunities to present
    their work (poster, talk, )
  • Use repeated, expected events (weekly workshop,
    ) to build a sense of cohesiveness and
  • Any successful program design, curriculum, or
    concept should have transferable elements.

Program Development - Best Practices 2
Systematically Improve URG-STC Interactions
  • When developing curricula, the involvement of
    local advisors and connections with local
    community leaders and elders ensures culturally
    relevant programs.
  • Providing HBCUs with access to the expertise,
    resources, and experiences of tier-one research
    universities is a powerful catalyst to develop
    innovative science and engineering degree
  • STCs can quickly transfer to HBCUs practices
    commonly used at tier-one universities
    (videoconferencing, collaboratively taught
    courses, and access to electronic journals and
  • MDITRs partnership between U. Washington and NSU
    created a just-in-time interdisciplinary Ph.D.
    program aimed at needs of industry and federal
    labs. Modest funding effectively leveraged the
    resources and practices of tier-one universities
    for the benefit of HBCUs

HBCU Constraints/Best Practices for Engagement
Systematically Improve URG-STC Interactions
  • In general, HBCUs facilities and resources dont
    match STCs.
  • Many HBCUs without access to online academic
  • There can be a real wow factor for HBCU
    students who are able to visit and work at an STC
    facility - can leave a long-lasting impression.
  • Minimize overlap between program activities and
    students schedules at HBCUs.
  • Provide academic credit to students participating
    in experiential programs. Lack of academic credit
    can mean lack of incentive.
  • Faculty release time encourages and enables
  • Top HBCU administrator involvement essential to
    build internal support for new programs.

Other General Lessons From the Field
Systematically Improve URG-STC Interactions
  • Regional Focus critical, helps sustainability,
    beware of too wide a net. Can create nodes
  • Be aware of biases/difficulties/cultural norms
    when recruiting folks to move away (South East to
    CA, Reservation populations, )
  • Relationships take multiple years to be forged,
    proven and trusted
  • Stereotype/diversity/cultural sensitivity
    training for all participants
  • Focus on what makes you unique!
  • Make examples, activities, research hands-on and
    relevant to students.
  • Start collecting participant data NOW! Will help
    you see progress and synergies between programs
    as you progress - helps you make good decisions,
    follow-up with critical interventions, and with
    future funding
  • Think about the paths through your program -
    provide in your program or seek partners that can
  • Learn to recognize what makes sense, trust your
    judgment but dont always believe what you think!

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