Title: The Pediatric Subspecialty Workforce: A Policy Primer
1The Pediatric Subspecialty WorkforceA Policy
- Ethan Alexander Jewett, MA
- Senior Health Policy Analyst
- July 2005
2What are pediatric subspecialists?
- Pediatric subspecialists is a global term that
refers to the wide range of medical
subspecialists, surgical specialists, and other
specialist physicians that care for children. - These physicians care primarily for children with
complex and chronic illnesses, as well as
children with special health care needs.
3How many kinds of pediatric subspecialists are
- This is not an easy question to answer.
Increasing subspecialization within medicine has
led to an explosion of subspecialties within the
last couple of decades. - However, subspecialists can be grouped into those
that are certified by the American Board of
Pediatrics and those that are certified by other
specialty boards.
4Subspecialty Certification by the American Board
of Pediatrics
- Adolescent medicine
- Cardiology
- Developmental-behavioral pediatrics
- Emergency medicine
- Endocrinology
- Gastroenterology
- Hematology/oncology
- Infectious diseases
- Medical toxicology
- Neonatal-perinatal medicine
- Neurodevelopmental disabilities
- Nephrology
- Pulmonlogy
- Rheumatology
- Sports medicine
5Subspecialty Certification by Other Specialty
Some pediatric subspecialists, particularly
pediatric surgical specialists, are certified by
other specialty boards. In a couple of cases,
these boards offer certification in pediatric
subspecialties also covered by the American Board
of Pediatrics.
- Adolescent medicine
- Child and adolescent psychiatry
- Pediatric emergency medicine
- Pediatric otolaryngology
- Pediatric pathology
- Pediatric rehabilitation medicine
- Pediatric radiology
- Pediatric surgery
6Other Pediatric Specialists
- Some physicians who provide specialty care to
children are not certified as pediatric
specialists by their primary specialty board.
Instead, they are certified in both primary
disciplines (eg, pediatrics and medical
genetics), or have extensive training or
experience in the pediatric aspects of the
specialty (eg, urology).
- Pediatric allergy
- Pediatric anesthesiology
- Pediatric dermatology
- Pediatric genetics
- Pediatric neurology
- Pediatric ophthalmology
- Pediatric orthopedic surgery
- Pediatric plastic surgery
- Pediatric urology
7How many pediatric subspecialists are there?
- Because people differ on who qualifies as a
pediatric subspecialist, and on which data set to
use, doing a head count can be difficult. - However, the most expansive definition of
pediatric subspecialist, which would include
surgical specialists and other specialist
physicians, would place the number at around
22,000 (AMA, 2003).1
8A Head Count of Some of the Major Pediatric
9How reliable are these counts?
- Potential limitations to workforce data
- Physician specialty counts are based on data
reported by survey respondents individual
physicians specialties cannot be verified. - Numbers can count
- all physicians in a particular subspecialty
- only those that are active (not retired)
- only those that are involved in direct patient
care - only those who are board-certified
- any of the above, minus residents.
10How meaningful are these counts?
- Head counts are not necessarily the best way to
predict the need for physicians. - Poor access to care can be caused by many other
factors besides physician supply (eg, lack of
insurance, poverty, poor reimbursement for
services). - Not all physicians are a full-time equivalent.
Some work part-time, and some work in areas other
than patient care. - Many physicians work in research, teaching,
administration, and other professional roles.
11Then, why count at all?
- Physician supply is one factor that determines
access to care. It is important to know whether
the number of people entering the subpsecialty
workforce is sufficient to replace those that are
leaving it. - It is also important to know where these
physicians are practicing, so that geographic
maldistributions of physicians can be addressed
through policy and recruitment activities.
12The Pediatric Subspecialty Debate
- Since 2000, a great deal of new information has
emerged about pediatric subspecialties. - Documentation of workforce shortages has appeared
in peer-reviewed journals. - Concern about these shortages has fueled debate.
13How do we know theres a shortage?
- Not all subspecialties have the same workforce
issues. The neonatology supply, for example, is
very robust. However, a number of indicators
point to a workforce shortage in many pediatric
subspecialties. These indicators have become
increasingly visible since 2000.
- Documented increases in patient/referral volume.
- Long wait times to obtain an appointment.
- Difficulty recruiting physicians for vacant job
positions. - Articles in journals and the medical press.
14Increase in Referral Volume
Percent of Survey Respondents Who Indicated
Change in Referral Volume
15Wait Times for Appointments
- In 2004, the National Association of Childrens
Hospitals and Related Institutions (NACHRI)
reported on the number of weeks a patient had to
wait to obtain an appointment to see a particular
subspecialist. For many subspecialties, a patient
had to wait between 5 weeks and 3 months.
Source NACHRI, 20043
16Recruitment Problems
- Recruitment problems have been documented for a
number of pediatric subspecialties3-8 - Anesthesiology
- Dermatology
- Gastroenterology
- Neurology
- Radiology
- Rheumatology
- Some candidate searches last well over a year.
17Articles in the Medical Press
- Journal articles, news stories, and editorials
serve as another indicator of a potential
workforce shortage. - In the last several years, articles reporting a
workforce shortage for many pediatric
subspecialties have increased in number and
frequency. - In the aggregate, this evidence, though in many
cases only anecdotal, becomes difficult to
ignore. Even in the absence of hard data,
physicians practicing in the trenches learn from
their day-to-day experiences (often supported by
other indicators) when a supply problem might be
around the corner.
18Recent Information about Pediatric Subspecialties
- There is a lot of timely information on the
pediatric subspecialist workforce, ranging from
costs of care to practice characteristics. Of
particular significant, was the Future of
Pediatric Education II (FOPE II) Project which
conducted surveys of 17 subspecialties.
- The trick to accessing this information is to
search by individual subspecialty or clinical
topic. Articles on the subspecialty workforce at
large are rare, as it is difficult to do
meaningful analysis at such a global level.
19Demographic Profile of thePediatric
Subspecialist Pipeline
Source American Board of Pediatrics, First-time
Applicants for Subspecialty Certification
Examinations, 2003-4.9
20How much do pediatric subspecialists earn?
Compensation for pediatric subspecialists varies
by region, practice type, and a number of other
factors. This variability is reflected in the
different numbers generated by salary surveys,
one of which is presented here. Source AMGA,
2003, Medical Group Compensation and Productivity
21What does subspecialty care cost?
- JT Smith et al. (1999) found that for closed
femoral shaft fractures, length of stay was
shorter and hospital charges were less when the
child was treated by a pediatric, rather than an
adult, orthopedic surgeon.11 - Isaacman et al (2001) demonstrated that young
children treated for fever spent 2.26 hours in
the pediatric emergency department, compared to
3.0 hours in the adult emergency department.12 - Alexander (2001) showed that children with
significantly perforated appendicitis have lower
complication rates and shorter lengths of stay
when treated by pediatric surgeons as compared
with HMO adult surgeons.13
22What does subspecialty care cost?
- Hampers and Faries (2002) calculated that
pediatric emergency medicine physicians treating
croup reduced length of stay by 40 minutes and
direct costs by 90 when compared to the same
treatment delivered by adult emergency medicine
physicians.14 - Kokoska et al. (2004) found that younger children
treated by pediatric surgeons with appendicitis
had significantly shorter hospital stay and/or
decreased hospital charges than younger children
treated by general surgeons for the same
23Recruiting Residents into Pediatric
- Pan et al. (2002) analyzed career choice by
gender16 - female residents, US medical graduates,
underrepresented minorities, and residents
married to non-physicians were more likely to
report an interest in primary care careers. - international medical graduates and male
residents are more likely to pursue subspecialty
training, regardless of educational debt. - Cull et al. (2002) learned that 42 of graduating
female residents in 2000 were interested in
part-time practice, compared with only 14 of
graduating male residents.17
24Recruiting Residents into Pediatric
Subspecialties (cont.)
- Cull et al. (2003) found a strong association
between pediatrics residents towards research
and the pursuit of subspecialty fellowship
training.18 - Harris et al. (2005) determined that career
decisions for pediatric residents are complex.19 - Those interested in generalist careers are driven
more by lifestyle and personal/financial
considerations. - Career decisions for subspecialists, in contrast,
are attracted by the teaching, research, and
technical skills associated with subspecialty
25What can be done about the pediatric
subspecialist shortage?
- Changes to fellowship training and subspecialty
practice that address the lifestyle concerns of
residents are likely to foster subspecialization. - Opportunities for shared or part-time fellowships
make encourage more women to subspecialize.
The medical press provides suggestions to
increase the supply of subspecialists and improve
access to care
- Many subspecialties are increasingly using
telemedicine to address the workforce shortage,
particularly in rural areas.
26Jewett, et al. (Pediatrics,in press)
- In 2005, Jewett et al. provided an overview of
the current pediatric subspecialty workforce and
identified 5 forces that were likely to shape the
workforce in the near future20 - Changes in the demographics of physicians and
patient populations. - Physician debt load and lifestyle considerations.
- Competition among providers of pediatric
subspecialty care. - Equitable reimbursement for subspecialty
services. - Policies aimed at regulating specialist physician
training and supply.
27Jewett et al. Recommendations
- Restructure fellowships and practices to
accommodate the lifestyle priorities of a
workforce that is increasingly female. - Expand diversity/cultural competency training.
- Expand federal loan repayment and other financial
incentive programs (eg, NHSC). - Train nonphysicians, as appropriate, to provide
some subspecialty care in underserved areas. - Reform reimbursement for subspecialty care.
- Advocate for responsible workforce policy.
- Pasko T, Smart DR. Physician Characteristics and
Distribution in the US, 2005 Edition. Chicago,
Ill American Medical Association 2005. - Stoddard JJ, Cull WL, Jewett EAB, Brotherton SE,
Mulvey HJ, Alden ER. Providing pediatric
subspecialty care a workforce analysis. 2000
Dec106(6)1325-33. - Donna Shelton. Written communication. September
28, 2004. - Hester EJ, McNealy KM, Kelloff JN, et al. Demand
outstrips supply of US pediatric dermatologists
Results from a national survey. J Am Acad
Dermatol. 2004 Mar50(3)431-4. - Forman HP, Traubici J, Covey AM, Kamin DS,
Leonidas JC, Sunshine JH. Pediatric radiology at
the Millennium. Radiol. 2001 Jul220(1)109-114. - Werner RM, Polsky D. Strategies to attract
medical students to the specialty of child
neurology. Pediatr Neurol. 200430(1)35-8. - Laureta E, Moshe SL. State of training in child
neurology 1997-2002. Neurol. 2004 Mar62864-9.
- 8. Mayer ML, Mellins ED, Sandborg CI. Access to
pediatric rheumatology care in the United States.
Arthritis Rheumatol. 2003 Dec49(6)759-765. - 9. American Board of Pediatrics. Workforce Data,
2004-2005. Chapel Hill, NC American Board of
Pediatrics March 2005. - 10. American Medical Group Association. Physician
Compensation 2003 Medical Group Compensation and
Productivity Survey, Median Compensation.
Available at http//www.cejkasearch.com/
content.asp Accessed January 16, 2004. - 11. Smith JT, Price C, Stevens PM, Masters KS,
Young M. Does pediatric orthopedic
subspecialization affect hospital utilization and
charges? J Pediatr Orthop. 1999
Jul-Aug19(4)553-5. - 12. Isaacman DJ, Kaminer K, Veligeti H, Jones M,
Davis P, Mason JD. Comparative practice patterns
of emergency medicine physicians and pediatric
emergency medicine physicians managing fever in
young children. Pediatrics. 2001 Aug108(2)354-8.
29References (cont.)
- 13. Alexander F, Magnuson D, DiFiore J, Jirosek
K, Secic M. Specialty versus generalist care of
children with appendicitis an outcome
comparison. J Pediatr Surg. 2001
Oct36(10)1510-3 - 14. Hampers LC, Faries SG, Practice variation in
the emergency management of croup. Pediatrics.
2002 Mar109(3)505-8. - 15. Kokoska ER, Minkes RK, Silen ML, et al.
Effect of pediatric surgical practice on the
treatment of children with appendicitis.
Pediatrics. 2001 Jun107(6)1298-1301. - 16. Pan RJ, Cull WL, Brotherton SE. Pediatric
residents career intentions data from the
leading edge of the pediatrician workforce.
Pediatrics. 2002 Feb109(2)182-8. - 17. Cull WL, Mulvey HJ, OConnor KG, Sowell DR,
Berkowitz CD, Britton CV. Pediatricians working
part-time past, present, and future. Pediatrics.
2002 Jun109(6)1015-20.
- 18. Cull WL, Yudkowsky BK, Shipman SA, Pan RJ.
Pediatric training and job market trends results
from the American Academy of Pediatrics
Third-Year Resident Survey, 1997-2002.
Pediatrics. 2003 Oct112 (4)787-92. - 19. Harris MC, Marx J, Gallagher PR, Ludwig S.
General vs. subspecialty pediatrics factors
leading to residents career decisions over a
12-year period. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2005
Mar159212-6. - 20. Jewett EA, Anderson MR, Gilchrist GS. The
pediatric subspecialty workforce public policy
and forces for change. Pediatrics. in press. - For more information on workforce issues, please
visit the AAP Committee on Pediatric Workforce
Web page - http//www.aap.org/workforce