Title: Creating and Using My Workspace on LearnAlberta'ca
1Creating and Using My Workspace on
A tutorial for independent use and review
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3- What is My Workspace?
- With My Workspace you can
- Save valuable resources.
- Create and manage resource folders.
- Add personal notes to resources and folders.
- Share resources and folders by Email or web link.
To begin, go to learnalberta.ca
4Home Page
5Create Your My Workspace Account
6Creating Your Account
7Sign In
8Welcome Screen
9My Workspace
10Searching for Resources
11Saving Resources
12Reviewing Resources
13Viewing DETAILS
14Adding Your own Notes
15Creating Folders
Teaching Strategies
Strategies for teaching critical thinking such as
asking questions
16Creating Folders
17Add or Remove Resources
18Add or Remove Resources
19Folder Details
20Making Folder Notes
21E-mailing a Folder
myname_at_mydistric.ab.ca, myteachingpartner_at_mydistri
c.ab.ca, mydepartmentheaad_at_mydistrict.ab.ca
22Saving a Folder as a Web Link
23Previewing a Web Link
24Saving a Folder as a Web Link
25E-mailing a Web Link
26E-mailing a Web Link
27E-mailing a Web Link
28Adding Your Own Resource
29Adding Your Own Resource
30Adding Your Own Resource
31Adding Your Own Resource
32Adding Your Own Resource
33Adding Your Own Resource
34Adding Your Resource to a Folder
Click here to see updated Web link
35Automatic Updating of your Web Link
36 This tutorial was originally developed by
Collette Orieux of Alberta Education, and
edited and adapted by Barbara Cavers for
SAPDC http//learnalberta.ca