Title: ProgrammerDefined Functions
1Chapter 5
- Programmer-Defined Functions
2Programmer-Defined Functions
- Building blocks of programs
- A program that is more than 25 lines long should
be broken up into functions that have no more
than 25 lines. - The divide-and-conquer approach makes program
development more manageable
3Advantages of Functions
- Facilitates top down design
- Facilitates bottom up implementation and testing
- Each function can be implemented and tested
separately. - Facilitates software reuse
- with good function naming and definition,
programs can be created from standardized
functions that accomplish specific tasks.
4Advantages of Functions
- Avoids repetition of code in a program
- can invoke a function from different locations in
a program - Improves readability
- From the Linux kernel Coding Style Guide Chapter
5 Functions - Functions should be short and sweet, and do just
one thing. They should fit on one or two
screenfuls of text (the ISO/ANSI screen size is
80x24, as we all know), and do one thing and do
that well.
- The maximum length of a function is inversely
proportional to the complexity and indentation
level of that function. So, if you have a
conceptually simple function that is just one
long (but simple) case-statement, where you have
to do lots of small things for a lot of different
cases, it's OK to have a longer function. - However, if you have a complex function, and
you suspect that a less-than-gifted
first-year-high-school student might not even
understand what the function is all about, you
should adhere to the maximum limits all the more
closely. Use helper functions with descriptive
names (you can ask the compiler to inline them if
you think it's performance-critical, and it will
probably do a better job of it than you would
have done).
- Another measure of the function is the number of
local variables. They shouldn't exceed 5-10, or
you're doing something wrong. Re-think the
function, and split it into smaller pieces. A
human brain can generally easily keep track of
about 7 different things, anything more and it
gets confused. You know you're brilliant, but
maybe you'd like to understand what you did 2
weeks from now.
- A function cannot be executed by itself must be
called into execution by a main program or
another subprogram
9Programmer-Defined Functions
- Definition can go in either
- Same file as main()
- Separate file so others can use it, too
- In this course, functions will generally go in
the same file as main(). - In CpSc 102, functions will probably go in
separate files.
10Components of Function Use
- 3 Pieces to using functions
- Function declaration/prototype
- Function definition
- Function call
11Function declaration/protoytpe
- An informational declaration for compiler
- Tells compiler how to interpret calls
- Consists of
- return type
- name of the function
- parenthesized declaration of function parameters
12Function declaration/prototype
- Placed before any calls
- In declaration space of main()
- Or above main() in global space
- We will generally place function prototypes above
main() in global space. - Syntax fnName(t)
- Example
- void printStars()
13Function Definition
- A C function definition is comprised of 4
components - the return type
- the name of the function
- parenthesized declaration of function parameters
- at least one basic block containing local
variable declarations and executable code - main is a function
- int main (int argc, char argv )
- //basic block
14Function Definition Placement
- Placed after/before function main()
- NOT 'inside' function main()!
- Functions are 'equals' no function is ever
'part' of another
15Example Function Definition
- /
- This function prints 25 s and then a newline
- /
- void printStars( )
- int count 0
- while (count
- fprintf(stdout, )
- count count 1
- fprintf(stdout, \n) // must be
outside the loop -
16Example Function Call
- To use the function, assuming it is defined after
main() - include
- void printStars( ) // function prototype
- int main( )
- printStars() // function call
- printStars() // function call
- return 0
- Execution will produce
17Example Function Call
- The preceeding function is somewhat restrictive.
- What if we want to print more/less s?
- We can tell the function how many to print.
- We will do this by declaring a parameter to
receive this information. e.g. - void printStars(int howmany)
18Example Function Definition
- /
- This function prints n s and then a newline,
where - n is passed to the function
- /
- void printStars( int n)
- int count 0
- while (count
- fprintf(stdout, )
- count count 1
- fprintf(stdout, \n) // must be
outside the loop -
19Example Function Call
- Now, what if we want to print a symbol other than
a ? - We can define a general function that can print
any symbol. - Instead of passing just the number of symbols to
print per line, we will also pass the symbol to
be printed. e.g. - void printSymbol(char symbol, int howmany)
20Example Function Definition
- /
- This function prints a row of n symbols and
then a newline, - where symbol and n are passed to the function
- /
- void printSymbol(char symbol, int n)
- int count 0
- while (count
- fprintf(stdout, c, symbol)
- count count 1
- fprintf(stdout, \n) // must be
outside the loop -
21Function Call
- Transfers control to the function
- For value-returning functions, either
- Use the value returned, as in
- fprintf(stdout, .2lf\n, totalCost(number,
price) - or store the value for later use.
- bill totalCost(number, price)
22Parameters (Arguments)
- Formal parameters/arguments
- In function declaration
- In function definition's header
- 'Placeholders' for data sent in
- 'Variable name' used to refer to data in
definition of function - Actual parameters/arguments
- In function call
23Parameter vs. Argument
- Names used interchangeably
- Technically, parameter is 'formal' piece (in
prototype, header), while argument is 'actual'
piece (in function call)
24Functions Calling Functions
- We're already doing this!
- main() IS a function!
- Only requirement
- Function's declaration must appear before the
function is called.
25Functions Calling Functions
- Common for functions to call many other functions
- Function can even call itself ? 'Recursion
- You will study recursion in a later course.
26Calling Void Functions
- Same as calling predefined void functions
- From some other function, like main()
- showResults(degreesF, degreesC)
- showResults(32.5, 0.3)
- Cannot be used where a value is required.
- Cannot be assigned to a variable, since no value
27Return Statements
- Transfers control back to 'calling' function
- For return type other than void, definition MUST
have return statement - Typically the LAST statement in function
28 Example of Value-Returning Function
- Example
- // precondition n 0
- int factorial ( int n) int result 1
- while ( n 0)
- result result n
- n n 1
- return result
29main() Special
- Recall main() IS a function
- 'Special' in that
- One and only one function called main() will
exist in a program
30main() Special
- Who calls main()?
- Operating system
- Tradition holds it should have return statement
- Value returned to 'caller' ? Here operating
system - Should return 'int'
31Scope of Names
- Region of a program where meaning of name is
visible or can be referenced - Local variables
- Declared inside body of given function
- Available only within that function
- Can have variables with same namesdeclared in
different functions
32Scope Rules
- Local variables preferred
- Maintain individual control over data
- Need to know basis
- Functions should declare whatever local data
needed to 'do their job'
33Global Constants and Global Variables
- Declared 'outside' function body
- Global to all functions in that file
- Global declarations typical for constants
- const double TAXRATE 0.05
- Declare globally so all functions have scope
34Global Constants and Global Variables
- Global variables?
- Possible, but SELDOM-USED
- Dangerous no control over usage!