Title: The WAY Group
1The WAY Group
2WAY and the use of MM portfolio funds
Paul WilcoxChairman and Technical Director
3The WAY Group of Companies
- WAY is a fund management group
- 1. We are focused on delivering sound, medium to
long-term performance - BUT we have 2 other
important USPs - 2. We offer innovative financial strategies/real
solutions to everyday financial challenges - 3. And a highly effective service
- To IFAs
- To ultimate clients
- To third party managers
4The WAY Group of Companies
Investment Management Scope
0-5 years 100 Cash
12 years 100 Equities
5The WAY Group of Companies
Investment Management Scope
0-5 years 100 Cash
12 years 100 Equities
5-8 years 30 Equities
8-12 years 50 Equities or 80 Equities
6The WAY Group of Companies
Investment Management Scope
0-5 years 100 Cash
12 years 100 Equities
5-8 years 30 Equities
8-12 years 50 Equities or 80 Equities
WAY Total Return ____
WAY Cautious
WAY Cash
WAY Global Red
WAY Global Blue
7The WAY Group of Companies
Investment Management Process
Out-sourced to IMS Giles Gilbertson Richard
Timberlake Paul Kim Pedigrees include Fidelity
International Europe Fund Research Standard
Poors Fund Services Portfolio Fund Managers AXA
Sun Life Portfolio Services Several investment
teams (inc 3 ex CIOs)
8The WAY Group of Companies
Investment Management Process
9The WAY Group of Companies
Investment Management Process
2001 2002
2003 2004 2005 2006
Source WAY Fund Managers 2001 to 2006
WAY Global Red Portfolio IMA Active Managed sector
10The WAY Group of Companies
Traditional Discounted Gift Trust
Innovative Financial Strategies
Gift at Discounted Value
Capital Gift out of taxable estate
Capital Gift out of taxable estate
5 per annum tax-deferred income drawings
11The WAY Group of Companies
Traditional Discounted Gift Trust
Innovative Financial Strategies
Gift at Discounted Value
Capital Gift out of taxable estate
Capital Gift out of taxable estate
5 per annum tax-deferred income drawings
No flexibility on drawings for donor No access
whatsoever for beneficiaries
12The WAY Group of Companies
The WAY Flexible Inheritor Trust
Innovative Financial Strategies
Gift at Full Value Tax free after 7 years
Capital Gift out of taxable estate
Capital Gift out of taxable estate
Flexible income drawings
Flexibility on drawings for donor Full access for
13The WAY Group of Companies
- 9 different IHT mitigation options from WAY
- 1. Via Unit Trusts
- 2. Via Offshore Insurance wrappers
- 3. Including unique normal expenditure version
14The WAY Group of Companies
Dynamic Income Generation
Growth Pool (International Equities)
Income Reservoir (Cash)
15The WAY Group of Companies
Dynamic Income Generation
Re-balances use annual CGT allowances
Cash Drawings No Tax
16The WAY Group of Companies
- The benefits of MM portfolio funds
- 24/7 management going on behind the scenes
- Flexibility to design NIL yielding funds
- Benefit of avoiding unnecessary capital gains for
- IHT scheme reversions
- Income Plan re-balancing
17The WAY Group of Companies
- Highly effective service
- 1. General old fashioned service
- 2. Specific product and case assistance
- 3. Services for Third Party Managers
18The WAY Group of Companies
- General Old Fashioned Service
- No call handling software
- No call centre
- Personal attention only
- Few errors
- Desire to take ownership of problems
19The WAY Group of Companies
- Specific product and case assistance
- Hands-on help
- Individual case assistance
- Web-based sales videos including product intros
- Completion guides
- Interactive simulation tools
20The WAY Group of Companies
- Services for Third Party Managers
- Full fund hosting facilities
- Customer branding
- Access to all WAY financial strategies
- Similar levels of IFA and client support
21The WAY Group of Companies
- WAY is a fund management group
- 1. We are focused on delivering sound,
medium/long-term performance - BUT we have 2 other
important USPs - 2. We offer innovative financial strategies/real
solutions to everyday financial challenges - 3. And a highly effective service
- To IFAs
- To ultimate clients
- To third party managers
22The WAY Group of Companies
Thank you. Please remember Every effort has been
made to ensure the accuracy of the information
contained within this presentation. However we
cannot accept responsibility for any omissions or
errors. This presentation is for authorised
financial advisers only. The information given
and opinions expressed are subject to change and
should not be interpreted as investment
advice. The price of units and the income from
them can (and will) fall as well as rise, and you
may not get back the amount you originally
invest. Past performance is not necessarily a
guide to future returns. WAY Investment Services
Limited is an Appointed Representative of WAY
Fund Managers Limited which is authorised and
regulated by the Financial Services
Authority. Member of the Investment Management
23The WAY Group