Title: Developing Web Applications
1Lecture 4 XML
- eXtensible Markup Language
- Not actually a markup language but a way of
defining Markup languages - Tags are not for layout but meaning (semantics)
- A good example of XML? XHTML!
5From HTML to XML
HTML describes the presentation
lth1gt Bibliography lt/h1gt ltpgt ltigt Foundations of
Databases lt/igt Abiteboul, Hull, Vianu
ltbrgt Addison Wesley, 1995 ltpgt ltigt Data on
the Web lt/igt Abiteoul, Buneman, Suciu
ltbrgt Morgan Kaufmann, 1999
ltbibliographygt ltbookgt lttitlegt Foundations
lt/titlegt ltauthorgt Abiteboul
lt/authorgt ltauthorgt Hull
lt/authorgt ltauthorgt Vianu
lt/authorgt ltpublishergt Addison
Wesley lt/publishergt ltyeargt 1995
lt/yeargt lt/bookgt lt/bibliographygt
XML describes the content
8XML as a central repository of data
Word processed document
Relational database
Web pages
Document in XML
9XML is independent from the medium
Mobile Devices
10XML Terminology
- tags book, title, author,
- start tag ltbookgt, end tag lt/bookgt
- elements ltbookgtltbookgt,ltauthorgtlt/authorgt
- elements are nested
- empty element ltredgtlt/redgt abbrv. ltred/gt
- an XML document single root element
well formed XML document if it has matching tags
11XML parts
- Elements define structure they may or may not
have content. - Attributes describe elements. An element may
have zero, one or more attributes placed within
the start tag. Attribute values must be enclosed
in quotes (single or double).
12An example of a simple XML-based markup language
Similar to HTML but contains semantic markers
13More XML Comments
- Syntax lt!-- .... Comment text... --gt
- Yes, they are part of the data model !!!
14More XML Attributes
ltbook price 55 currency USDgt lttitlegt
Foundations of Databases lt/titlegt ltauthorgt
Abiteboul lt/authorgt ltyeargt 1995
lt/yeargt lt/bookgt
attributes are alternative ways to represent data
15Well Formed XML Documents
- An XML document is well formed if it is
syntactically correct, i.e. - There is a single root element.
- Each element has a start and an end tag.
- Elements are nested properly.
- Attribute values are in quotes.
- XML element and attribute names are case
sensitive (unlike HTML). - XML parser (or XML processor) is required to
process XML documents (e.g. msxml built in
Internet Explorer).
16Processing XML documents (i)
- Done via parsers
- Parser can be conforming or non-conforming
- Conforming checks everything
- Non-conforming just makes rudimentary checks
- Most parsers conforming
17Processing XML documents(ii)
- Many parsers written in Java
- Parsers can be in-memory based they build up a
tree - Parsers can also be event-based they trigger
processing when some XML element is encountered
18lt?xml version"1.0"?gt lt!DOCTYPE note
lt!ELEMENT note (to,from,heading,body)gt
lt!ELEMENT to (PCDATA)gt lt!ELEMENT from
(PCDATA)gt lt!ELEMENT heading (PCDATA)gt
lt!ELEMENT body (PCDATA)gt gt ltnotegt
lttogtTovelt/togt ltfromgtJanilt/fromgt
ltheadinggtReminderlt/headinggt ltbodygtDon't forget
me this weekendlt/bodygt lt/notegt
DTD Example
19DTD - attributes
The element TOWN has an attribute NAME which
contains char data and is always required
20XML Schema the successor to DTDs
- An XML schema fulfils the same criteria as the
DTD -- it defines what is legal in an XML
document - A parser or some other processing tool can then
use it as a guide - If data is being exchanged between systems the
schema can be used as a guide to the receiver to
understand what is expected - Not only a syntactical check but semantic too
21Schema example
lt?xml version"1.0"?gt ltxsschema
xmlnsxs"http//www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" target
Namespace"http//www.w3schools.com" xmlns"http/
/www.w3schools.com" elementFormDefault"qualified"
gtltxselement name"note"gt ltxscomplexTypegt
ltxssequencegt ltxselement name"to"
type"xsstring"/gt ltxselement name"from"
type"xsstring"/gt ltxselement name"heading"
type"xsstring"/gt ltxselement name"body"
type"xsstring"/gt lt/xssequencegt
lt/xscomplexTypegt lt/xselementgtlt/xsschemagt
23What is XSL?
- Stylesheets are typically used to specify how
something should be displayed/rendered. - They lead to separation of document's content
from presentational information. - The Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) includes
two independent parts a transformation language
(XSLT) and formatting objects language (XSLFO). - XSL defines rules for how one XML document is
transformed into another XML document
24XSLT Processor
XML Document
XSLT Stylesheet
XML Document
XSLT Processor
25XSLT Processor
XML Document
XSLT Stylesheet
HTML Document
XSLT Processor
26XSLT Processor
XML Document
XSLT Stylesheet
Text File (eventually containing formatting
.tex .rtf
XSLT Processor
27XSLT Stylesheet (1)XML document
lt?xml version"1.0"?gt lt?xml-stylesheet
type"text/xml" href"picturegallery.xsl"?gt ltPictu
reSetgt lttitlegtPictures from My Holidaylt/titlegt
ltpicturegt ltsource location"town.jpg"
width"750" height"509"/gt
ltdescriptiongtSeaside townlt/descriptiongt
lt/picturegt ltpicturegt ltsource
location"port.jpg" width"878" height"544"/gt
ltthumbnail location"port_t.jpg"/gt
ltdescriptiongtSea portlt/descriptiongt
lt/picturegt lt/PictureSetgt
28XSLT Stylesheet (2)XML Document's Tree
29XSLT Stylesheet (3)
XSL Transformation
An XML/HTML document
Original XML document
- XSLT processor models an XML document as a tree
that contains seven kind of nodes the root,
element, text, attribute, namespace, processing
instruction, comment. - XSLT operates by transforming one XML tree into
another XML tree by employing operators for
selecting nodes from the tree, reordering the
nodes, and outputting nodes.
30XSLT Stylesheet (4)The Stylesheet
lt?xml version"1.0"?gt ltxslstylesheet
version"1.0" xmlnsxsl"http//www.w3.org/
1999/XSL/Transform"gt ltxsltemplate
matchpicture"gt lthtmlgt ltbodygt
ltxslvalue-of selectdescription"/gt
lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt lt/xsltemplategt lt/xslstyleshee
31Result of Applying picturegallery.xsl to the
example XML Document
Seaside town Sea port
32Template Rules
- An XSLT processor transforms an XML document
starting from the root of the document tree. - At each turn, a node from the document tree is
compared to the template rules. - When the XSLT processor finds a template rule
such that the current node matches its pattern
then the XSLT processor outputs the template
rules substitution part to the result document. - If the substitution part contains
ltxslapply-templates/gt then at that point the
child (element and text) nodes of the current
node are processed one by one. This is a
recursive process.
33Template Rules
General structure of an XSLT rule
ltxsltemplate match"XPath pattern"gt
Substitution part lt/xsltemplategt
- The XPath expression specifies a pattern to be
matched by a node in the document's tree. - The substitution part specifies what should be
inserted instead of the matched pattern - XSL elements, markup and text
34Default Template Rules
Default Rule
ltxsltemplate match"/ "gt
ltxslapply-templates/gt lt/xsltemplategt
- Matches the document trees root node (/) and any
element node () and applies template to their
child nodes.
35What we did
- Introduction to XML
- Basic XML language
- Structure
- Parsing
- Introduction to XSL/T
- Simple transformations
What you should do
- W3Schools tutorials XML XSL/T
- Experiment
36Whats next
Server-side Languages An Overview