Title: Temporary Poem
1Temporary Poem Of My Time
Yehuda Amichai
Omer, P.J, Jasmine
2Temporary Poem Of My Time by Yehuda Amichai
3Hebrew writing and Arabic writing go from east to
west, Latin writing, from west to east. Languages
are like cats
You must not stroke their hair the wrong way. The
clouds come from the sea, the hot wind from the
desert, The trees bend in the wind,
They throw the land, want to get rid of it. Its
stones, its soil, but you can't get rid of it.
They throw stones, throw stones at me In 1936,
1938, 1948, 1988,
4Semites throw at Semites and anti-Semites at
anti-Semites, Evil men throw and just men throw,
Sinners throw and tempters throw,
Geologists throw and theologists throw,
Archaeologists throw and arch hooligans throw,
Kidneys throw stones and gall bladders throw,
Head stones and forehead stones and the heart of
a stone, Stones shaped like a screaming mouth And
stones fitting your eyes Like a pair of glasses,
The past throws stones at the future, And all of
them fall on the present. Weeping stones and
laughing gravel stones,
5Even God in the Bible threw stones, Even the Urim
and Tumim were thrown And got stuck in the
beastplate of justice, And Herod threw stones and
what came out was a Temple.
Oh, the poem of stone sadness Oh, the poem thrown
on the stones Oh, the poem of thrown stones. Is
there in this land A stone that was never thrown
And never built and never overturned And never
uncovered and never discovered And never
screamed from a wall and never discarded by the
builders And never closed on top of a grave and
never lay under lovers And never turned into a
6Please throw little stones, Throw snail fossils,
throw gravel, Justice or injustice from the
quarries of Migdal Tsedek
Throw soft stones, throw sweet clods, Throw
limestone, throw clay, Throw sand of the
seashore, Throw dust of the desert, throw rust,
Throw soil, throw wind, Throw air, throw
Until your hands are weary And the war is weary
And even peace will be weary and will be.
In the poem of Yehuda Amichai the stones are
mentioned numerous times. The stones are
important to the Jewish people. The Jews were
always struggling for their rights to settle down
in Israel. Thats the reason why everything
related to this land every stone - proves our
right to own this place. Thats the reason why
Biblical archaeology and digging also exist based
on the bible.
8The Western Wall, the only thing left from the
Holy Temple is one of the last holy places of the
Jews. Its religious significance to the Jews is
enormous because it shows that they were here
before. The foundation stone placed inside the
Temple Mount is believed by the Jews to be the
cornerstone of the world. Being that foundation
stone and the Western Wall are in Jerusalem had a
great influence on making Jerusalem the capital
city of Israel. The conflict between the Jews and
Arabs over Jerusalem is this holy city hold
great religious significance for them
9the foundation stone
10In Judaism the rock termed the "foundation stone"
was the holiest of objects in the temple and
upon it was placed the Ark of the Covenant. In
the first temple. The "midrash (book of biblical
interpretation) explains that the foundation
stone was so called because from it the world was
born. In the second temple after Ark of the
Covenant vanished the "Cohen Gadol" on Yom
Kippur" lit incense placed the sacrificial
blood in front of the "foundation stone".It
extended above the floor of the Holy of Holies"
by 3 fingers height.
11Today the stone is identified with the big rock
that extends from the floor of the Temple Mount
within the structure of the famous Muslim
shrine, the Dome of the Rock.
12the western wall
13 Western wall is a piece from the original
western wall that Herod built in the Temple Mount
In Jerusalem. The Western Wall is the most sacred
remain for the Jewish community, because it is
the closest praying place to where the first
temple used to be. Among its common nicknames
the Wailing Wall and the Lamentation Wall.
The western wall is actually a supporting wall,
one of four, that all together created the square
that in the middle was the first temple. In Herod
time there were in the western wall four gates
Kiponos gate, Robinsons arc, Barley's gate and
Warrens gate (all named for the archaeologies
who found them).
14The western wall is 30 meters high.
As a sacred remain of the first temple, the
western wall is mentioned already in the Amoares
period, also in Achima'atz scroll from the 11th
century and in the journey of Rabbi Benjamin
Metolda- but not with a religious contact. Only
in 1520 with the Turkish occupation the western
wall has become a prayer place.
People began to pray near the wall, light
candles, put personal requestes between the wall
stones only in the 20th century. The relationship
between the Arabs and the Jewish has taken a
major twist from the year 1947. In that year the
Arabs had forbidden from the Jewish to pray
there. In May 1948, after the fall of the Jewish
quarter, in the war of independence, the Arabs
have taken the right for any Jewish to pray
there. For 19 years Jerusalem was divided to two.
In the War of Six Days the city was taken over by
the Israeli army and the right to pray there was
approved again.
15The archaeology of Israel
16The archaeology of Israel is a national passion
that also attracts considerable international
interest on account of the region's Biblical
links. Each university in Israel possesses a
strong department or institute of archaeology and
is involved in research, excavation, conservation
and training.
Biblical archaeology involves the recovery and
scientific investigation of the material remains
of past cultures that can illuminate the periods
and descriptions in the Bible. As with the
historical records from any other civilization,
the manuscripts must be compared to other
accounts from contemporary societies in Europe,
Mesopotamia, and Africa additionally, records
from neighbors must be compared with them. The
scientific techniques employed are those of
archaeology in general including excavations as
well as chance discoveries
17By contrast Near Eastern archaeology is simply
the archaeology of the Ancient Near East without
any particular consideration of how its
discoveries relate to the Bible. Biblical
archaeology is a controversial subject with
differing opinions on what its purpose and goals
are or should be.
18 It all began in the biblical era.
There were five settlements Sdom, Amore, Adama,
Tzav Yam and Tzo'er. All of the settlements had
done terrible things. Because of all of their
sins - God decided to destroy them.. God told
Abraham about his plan and Abraham told him that
he wanted to take out of there Lot and his family
(Lot is the son of Abrahams brother). Lot and
his family left Sdom exactly when a rain of fire
and sulfur began to fall. In the "Sdom
Revolotion" Lot escaped with his wife and two
daughters. Lot's wife didn't obey the order not
to look back, and when she looked back she became
a salt pillar.
19the years- 1936,38,48
201936-the great Arab rebellion. It was an
organized rebel lion against the Jews which
started in 1936 and ended three years later in
1939. The great rebellion included violence
against the Jewish community - a lot of Jews were
shot while in work or traveling and many Jewish
crops were burned. The Arab rebellion had started
because of many reasons . One of the reasons is
that the Jewish community had increased by 30 in
the 1930s, it made the Arabs fear from the Jewish
community. The Arabs started the rebellion
because they wanted the British to cancel their
plans to establish a Jewish state in Israel.
21 Nine of the Etzel warriors and three from the
Lehi - sentenced to death in 1938.
Shlomo Ben Yosef was sentenced to death because
of attacking a bus. He was executed in 29
Dov Groner - sentenced to death because of
attacking a police station. Executed in 16 in
April 1947.
Mordechai Elcahai, Yehiel Drezner, Eliezer
Kshaney - sentenced to death because they tried
to hit a British cop. Executed in 16 in April
Meir Fainshtein - sentenced to death after an
explosion in the Jerusalem train station. Killed
himself in 21 in April 1947.
22Jacob Vais, Avshalom Habib, Meir Nakar -
sentenced to death because they joined in a
prison brake. Executed in 29 in July 19
Elihao Hakom, Elihao Ben Tzori - sentenced to
death after an assassination attempted in Cairo.
Executed in Cairo in 22 in March 1945.
Moses Berzny - sentenced to death after he caught
with an hand grenade. Killed himself in 212 in
April 1947.
Mordechai Shwartz - sentenced to death after kill
an Arab cup. Executed in 16 in August 1983.
231948-the War of Independence. The war that gave
Israel her independence. The war started in 30 in
November 1947 and ended in 20 in July 1949. The
war had started because the Arabs in Israel had
objected to a Jewish state in Israel. The Arabs
did everything to prevent the Jewish country but
they didnt succeed. With the declaration of
independence in 14 in May 1948 Israel was
born. In 28 in May 1948 the Israeli Defense
Forces pushed the Arab army an expended the
borderline of Israel.
24Urim The name Urim was given to a holy lot,
through which the god of Israel expressed his
will to the nation. These tools or stones, used
to determine the fate of the people. They were
held inside the Hoshen a small sheath worn by
the Hebrew priests over their vests an
Ephod. The Urim was referred to as an Ephod
because of its being woven into the Hoshen and
placed upon the Ephod and was also referred to as
the Ark of the Covenant. It was initially placed
in the care of Aaron, Moses brother, then later
it was passed on to the care of the high priests.