Title: SCOESCOD, Walker, CO, TREX Project'ppt
Project Overview
Del Walker,T-REX Construction Oversight Manager
AASHTO SCOE/SCOD Meeting June 9, 2004
2Transportation Expansion Project
Project Map with Station Locations
3Transportation Expansion Project
Light Rail Elements
- Double track system (approximately 19 miles)
- West side alignment along I-25 (from Broadway to
Lincoln Avenue in Douglas County) - Median alignment along I-225 (from I-25 to Parker
Road) - 13 Stations with parking at 12 stations
- No at-grade crossings (trains will not interfere
with traffic) - High speed
- Operational efficiency
- Increased safety
- Additional light rail vehicles
- New maintenance facility
4Transportation Expansion Project
Highway Elements
- Four through lanes in each direction on I-25
(Logan Street to I-225) - Five through lanes in each direction on I-25
(I-225 to C-470/E-470) - Three through lanes in each direction on I-225
(I-225 to Parker Road in Aurora) - Safety/operational improvements
- Acceleration/deceleration lanes
- Shoulders widened where feasible
- Interchange reconstruction at 8 interchanges (not
all major) - Complete reconstruction of I-25/I-225 Interchange
- Complete reconstruction of Narrows (Broadway to
Steele Street in Denver) - Replace numerous bridges
- Drainage upgrades
- TransOptions and Intelligent Transportation
System (ITS) elements
5Transportation Expansion Project
Corridor Development
- Summer 1995 Major Investment Study (MIS) began
by the Colorado Department of Transportation
(CDOT) - Fall 1997 Denver Regional Council of
Governments (DRCOG) adopted MIS recommendations - Spring 1998 CDOT began Preliminary Engineering/
Environmental Impact Statement (PE/EIS) - Fall 1999 Final EIS completed
- Spring 2000 Record of Decision (ROD) filed by
the Federal Transportation Administration (FTA)
and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
6Transportation Expansion Project
CDOT and RTD Inter-Governmental Agreement
- CDOT and RTD executed on September 9, 1999
- Establish the foundation for the new relationship
- Work cooperatively together to finance/construct
the Southeast Corridor Multi-Modal Project - Implement the Project using a single Design-Build
Contract for the highway and light rail transit
improvements - Agreement on the exclusions from the Design-Build
Contract - Inter-Governmental Agreement (IGA) is unique
nationally for a state DOT and transit agency
7Transportation Expansion Project
Project Goals
- To minimize inconvenience to the public
- To meet or beat the total program budget of 1.67
billion - To provide for a quality project
- To meet or beat the schedule to be fully
operational by June 30, 2008 - Southeast Corridor Constructors (SECC)
committed to complete by Fall 2006 (22 months
ahead of schedule)
8Transportation Expansion Project
Project Budget and Funding Sources
- Projected budget 1.67 billion
- Light rail elements 879 million
- Highway elements 795 million
- Voter approved bond proposals for highway and
rail elements (1999 election) - No new taxes or increases to existing taxes
- Full Funding Grant Agreement (FFGA) of 525
million through FTA signed on November 17, 2000 - Several municipalities and jurisdictions have
committed 30 million in local matching funds
9Transportation Expansion Project
Design-Build Concept
- What is it?
- Designing and constructing a project
simultaneously - Why are we doing it this way?
- The combination of design work and construction
into one Contract results in cost efficiency and
more innovative and fast-tracked solutions - The T-REX Team provided 30 complete design
plans, the Design-Build Contractor completes the
design while constructing the project - Allows for flexibility, creativity, and
innovation by the Design-Build Contractor
10Transportation Expansion Project
Southeast Corridor Constructors Profile
- Joint Venture Partnership of Kiewit Construction
Company - and Parsons Transportation Group
- Subcontractors
- Mass. Electric Construction Sturgeon Electric
- Rocky Mountain Signing Elmore Pipe Jacking
- GE Transportation Systems Penhall Company
- American Civil Constructors Dynaelectric
- GE Harris Harmon
- Subconsultants
- DMJM-Harris Terracon
- Sverdrup Civil HNTB Corporation
- Turner Collie Braden Kleinfelder
11Transportation Expansion Project
Project Uniqueness
- Multiple agency coordination
- Multi-modal approach
- Design-Build construction
- Primary goal minimizing inconvenience to the
12Transportation Expansion Project
Key Elements of EIS Environmental Process
- Joint FHWA / FTA Lead Agencies
- Extensive Public Involvement Program
- Agency Involvement on Task Forces
- Noise
- Air Quality
- Wetlands
13Transportation Expansion Project
Public and Agency Involvement During EIS
- Policy Committee
- Technical Committee
- Public Open Houses
- Neighborhood Meetings
- Website
- Focus Groups
- Newsletter
14Transportation Expansion Project
Key Environmental Issues During EIS
- Air Quality
- Corridor assessment
- Hot spot analysis
- Noise
- Historic Resources / Section 4(f)
- Hazardous Materials
- Wetlands (approx. 5 acres)
- Acquisitions
- 6 houses, 1 duplex, 1 apartment building
- 19 office buildings
15T-REX Environmental Overview
- T-REX Environmental Compliance Approach
- Place the responsibility for compliance on the
Design/Build Contractor - Provide FEIS and ROD documents as Contract
requirements - Evaluate Personnel and Environmental program
plans as part of the selection process - Require Approval of Environmental documents prior
to construction - Require monthly reporting of compliance
activities - Partner with the Design/Build Contractor to
facilitate speedy resolution to issues - Utilize Compliance Auditing techniques to ensure
the Design/Build Contractor is meeting Contract
commitment obligations.
16T-REX Environmental Overview
Challenges of a project of this scale
17T-REX Environmental Overview
- Contractor required to analyze and mitigate noise
impacts in accordance with Federal Guidelines - Noise mitigation measures were identified in the
FEIS, ROD, and RFP - Noise Walls (Highway mitigation)
- Ballast mats, spring frogs (LRT mitigation)
- Public involvement in consideration of
construction mitigation measures - Denver noise ordinance adherence/variance
- Successfully secured CCD noise variance for
construction operations - Innovative noise mitigation during construction
- Continuous monitoring during nighttime Bridge
Demolition and other noise sensitive activities - Provide hotel vouchers for affected residents
18T-REX Environmental Overview
Noise Trailers along I-25
19T-REX Environmental Overview
Air Quality
- Contractor required to implement an air quality
monitoring and mitigation plan - PM10 monitors throughout project
- Project installed meteorological station
- Dust suppression during construction
- Report to CDPHE monthly
- Raw data and summary report
- Mitigation measures taken
- Implement Traffic Demand Management strategies to
minimize air quality impacts - HOV lane implementation
- Transit, Van Pool, subsidies
- Encourage carpool, telecommuting, and flextime
with businesses
20T-REX Environmental Overview
Meteorological station
PM10 monitoring site
21Transportation Expansion Project
Water Quality
- Contractor required to develop strategies to
ensure water quality during and after
construction - T-REX obtained permits
- MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer)
- Contractor obtained permits
- CDPHE/CCD Construction discharge permit
- CDPHE/CCD Construction dewatering permit
- CDPHE General Construction NPDES permit
- Report to CDPHE quarterly
- Raw monitoring data and summary report
- Stormwater Management Plan revisions
- Bi-weekly inspections
- CDOT Erosion Control Advisory Team monthly review
22Transportation Expansion Project
BMP placements and Lake Logan
23Transportation Expansion Project
CDPHE Notice of Violation/Cease and Desist Order
- May 19, 2003 Colorado Department of Health and
Environment issued NOV to the Southeast Corridor
Constructor Contractors - Citation alleged violations, of the Colorado
Water Quality Control Act and implementing
control regulations associated with the
construction activities - Citation made use of T-REX compliance auditing
information as basis for many of the violations - The Contractor has effectively responded to all
action items identified within the NOV. - Recent T-REX compliance audit activity suggests a
significantly improved stormwater quality program
is in place to mitigate water quality concerns.
24Transportation Expansion Project
Hazardous Substances
- Phase I and Phase II investigations to identify
potential contamination accomplished by T-REX
prior to construction. Info made available to
the D/B Contractor prior to bidding - Contractor required to manage, classify, treat,
or dispose of hazardous substances, both known
and unknown throughout project to prevent
exposure to workers and the public - Approve Health and Safety Plan, and Approve
Materials Management Plan - Sampling and Analysis Plan to identify potential
contaminants prior to construction - Incorporation of CDOT Standard Specifications for
Health and Safety Management - All remediation plans are approved through T-REX
25Transportation Expansion Project
Various Locations throughout project
26Transportation Expansion Project
Protected Species
- Contractor required to comply with SB 40, SB
99-111 and FEIS - Minimize impacts to wildlife and their habitat
during construction - Survey of prairie dog, burrowing owl, and
swallows nests prior to construction activities
(continuously) - Successfully relocated approximately 100 prairie
dogs to Cherry Creek State Park (across County
27Transportation Expansion Project
Protected Species
Burrowing Owl
Prairie dog
28T-REX Environmental Overview
Cultural Resources
- Contractor required to monitor excavations for
archaeological/paleontological materials - Contractor commitment to halting construction
operations upon discoveries - Communication with CDOTs archaeological
resources - Contractor working in cooperation with Denver
Museum of Nature and Science on assessment and
recording of significant findings - T-REX, in coordination with the State Historic
Preservation Officer, has been recording
historical portions of the project for listing on
the State Register of Historic Places - I-25/I-225 Overpass
- General Iron Works
- I-25 Narrows, between Logan St. and Evans Ave
29T-REX Environmental Overview