Title: Transactions
- Presenters
- Jin Young Ahn, Sowjanya Chava
- Towson University
- Overview of transaction terminology including
ACID properties and transaction isolation levels
as well as the concepts of local and distributed
transactions. - Describes various distributed transaction
scenarios - The programmatic transaction model provided by
the JTA - Describes the declarative transaction model used
with J2EE component
3Transaction Overview
- Transaction is a unit of work, a sequence of
operation that succeed or fail as a single unit. - Transactions work closely with one or more
resources. - A transaction does not directly interact with a
resource. - A resource manager manages the resource. The
transaction is coordinated with the resource
managers using a transaction manager, also known
as a transaction processing (TP) monitor. - The transaction manager works by passing the
same transaction context to the different
resource managers participating in the
transaction. The transaction manager keeps
transaction logs of the work it has asked the
resource manager to do.
4Transaction Properties
- Transactions have for main properties, referred
to as ACID properties. - Atomic
- Implies that the transaction is a unit of work
consisting of many operations as a single unite
nd that it succeeds or fails as one unit of work. - Consistent
- Means that the effect of the transaction should
leave the system in a knows and stable state. - Isolated
- Implies that transactions do not intersperse
intermediated updates with other transactions. - Durable
- Means that the effects of a transaction persist.
5Transaction Isolation Problems
- Isolation, the I in ACID, can have various
levels. - Dirty read
- A dirty read occurs when a transaction reads data
that another transaction has changed but not yet
committed. - Nonrepeatable read
- The same transaction reads the same data twice
with different results. - Phantom read
- You read data, look again, and it is gone, or
when you read data, look again, and new data
suddenly appears.
6Transaction Isolation Levels
Table 16-1 Transaction isolation violation and
- During the users update/insert the data
concurrently, it should guarantee Data
Consistency, Data Concurrency - Should you always select serializable? No !
- Because transaction isolation level and
concurrency are inversely related. Need to find
out a balance between the safety of higher
isolation levels and the greater performance
possible at lower isolation level.
7Transaction Model
- Flat transaction model (FTM)
- Only one transaction is active at any given time.
- lt Two way to handle another transaction at the
same time. gt - 1) You can disallow starting another transaction.
- 2) Suspend the current transaction, start new one
transaction. Once, new transaction finished, the
original transaction resume. - Nested transaction model (NTM)
- Transaction are nested, forming a tree of
transactions with multiple transaction active at
the same time.
8Distributed Transactions
- Local transaction is a transaction that
communicates with just one resource with no
transaction monitor involved. - Distributed or Global transaction is a
transaction that covers multiple resource
managers and is coordinated by a transaction
9Distributed Transactions Scenario(1,2)
Figure 16-3 Database and message queue
(1) A transaction spans a database and a message
queue. The most common distributed transactions
in J2EE application.0
Queue M
Server P Component A
Customer Database
Server P Component A
(2) A transaction spans two databases. Both
operations are part of the same distributed
Order Database
Figure 16-4 Multiple database
10Distributed Transactions Scenario(3,4)
Figure 16-5 Multiple application server
(3) A transaction spans two different application
server instances.
Server P Component A
Server Q Component B
Server P
Component A
(4) The client start a transaction. The client
then invokes components running on one or more
application server. The client container
propagates the transaction to the various
components that the client invokes.
Component B
Figure 16-6 Client demarcation
11Two-Phase Commit
- Two-Phase commit is the protocol used to
implement distributed transactions between
different resource managers. - lt Two distinct phases in the two-phase commit
protocol gt - Prepare Phases
- The transaction manager sends a prepare (to
commit) message to every resource participating
in the transaction. Each resource replies back
with either a ready response or an abort
response. - In the second phases, if all ready, transaction
manager commits, otherwise rollback. - Commit phases or rollback phases.
12Two-Phase Commit
Transaction Manager
Resource Manager1
Resource Manager2
Do the work
roll back
Figure 16-7 Rollback in the first phase of a
two-phase commit
13Two-Phase Commit
Transaction Manager
Resource Manager1
Resource Manager2
Do the work
Figure 16-8 Successful commit in two-phase commit
14Programmatic Transactions versus Declarative
- Transactions can be coded in two ways
- Programmatically
- Declaratively
- Programmatic transactions is the hard coding of
transaction management within the application
code - Declarative transaction management refers to
non-programmatic approach i.e. transactional
behavior can be controlled using deployment
15Programmatic Transactions
- A programmatic transaction may be either a JDBC
or JTA transaction - If the application requires distributed
transactions then transaction code is implemented
using JTA - Application code begins a transaction against
resource managers (databases, message servers,
EJB components) - At some point application decides whether to
rollback or commit the transaction - Container propagates the transactional context to
different components and resources that client
uses - JTA exposes these capabilities to applications
through javax.transaction.UserTransaction
16Programmatic Transactions
- JTA client acquires a UserTransaction from
transaction manager through JNDI lookup using
javacomp/UserTransaction - Once client has UserTransaction, transaction is
explicitly started by using begin() method of
javax.transaction.UserTransaction instance - Transaction is committed by commit() method and
rolled back by rollback() method of
UserTransaction - If transaction manager supports nested
transactions, user can begin a transaction by
begin() on the UserTransaction before committing
or rolling back current transaction - If the transaction manager doesnt support nested
transactions, attempting to create a nested
transaction will result in javax.transaction.NotSu
17Programmatic Transactions
- Example Client-managed transaction demarcation
- InitialContext aInitialContext new
InitialContext() - UserTransaction aUserTrancation
(UserTranscation) aInitialContext.lookup(
javacomp/UserTransaction) - try
- aUserTransaction.begin()
- PersonHome aPersonHome (PersonHome)
aInitialContext.lookup( javacomp/env/ejb/Person
) - Person p aPersonHome.create( aPersonValue.getEmai
l(), aPersonValue.getPassword()) - p.setWorkPhone(aPersonValue.getWorkPhone())
- p.setWorkPhone(aPersonValue.getHomePhone())
- sLogger.info( created a person with id
p.getPersonID()) -
18Programmatic Transactions
- aUserTranscation.commit()
- catch ( Exception e)
- try
- aUserTranscation.rollback()
- catch (Exception aException)
- String aMessage Exception occurred in client
command.execute rollback - sLogger.log (Level. SEVERE, aMessage,
aException) - throw aException
- String aMessage Exception occurred in client
command. execute - sLogger.log ( Level. SEVERE, aMessage, e)
- throw e
19Declarative Transactions
- Component deployment descriptor is responsible
for whole transaction management (begin, suspend,
commit or roll back) - Declarative transaction management can include
transactional parameters such as isolation levels - This facilities are available in EJB deployment
descriptors - It separates business logic from transaction code
- Applications that have declarative transaction
management are much easier to maintain and evolve - All the complexity of transaction management is
ceded to transaction manager leaving business
related code in the application - In some circumstances declarative transactions
are inefficient and programmatic transactions are
20Optimistic Concurrency
- Consider the following Example
- A user selects a widget to edit
- The application displays details about the widget
for editing - This process involves two distinct transactions
- The application obtains the widget for the user
to edit in the first transaction - The application updates the widget in the
database using a second transaction, committing
first users changes - What if another user edited the same widget
before the second transaction of first user
21Optimistic Concurrency
- The second users changes are lost, this type of
application behavior is known as last
update/write wins policy or lost update problem - Transaction isolation levels does not solve the
problem because they are useful for concurrent
transactions - One simple solution to this problem is optimistic
concurrency i.e. before every update check
whether the data is not updated by another
transaction - One way to implement this is using a version
identifier - Application also keeps track of version
identifier associated with the widget using a
field in the relational database
22Optimistic Concurrency
- The user changes widgets attributes and submits
the changes along with the version identifier - The changes are successful when the submitted
version identifier matches the version identifier
in the database - Upon successful update version identifier is
incremented - If the second user changes the data before the
first user committed its changes, the action of
the second user increments the version identifier
and when first user tries to submit the changes
the application rejects the changes, since there
is no match in version identifiers
23Optimistic Concurrency
- This technique prevents the first user from
overriding the changes made by the second user - The first user state is as-is and is asked to
submit the changes again - Other techinques are using timestamp, checksum
and checking all the data in the previous row - This technique is optimistic because the
likelihood of conflict is minimal by splitting
its operations into two separate independent
24EJB Transaction Management
- If declarative transaction management is used in
EJBs this is referred as Container-Managed
Transaction Demarcation (CMTD) - The container is responsible for starting,
committing and rolling back transactions required
by the EJB - These are specified in the deployment descriptor
or programmatic hints in the developers EJB code - Container uses JTA for transaction management
- Programmatic transaction management within EJB
components is known as Bean-Managed Transaction
Demarcation (BMTD) - The transaction operations are performed through
resource-specific APIs (JDBC,JMS or JTA)
25BMTD with JTA
- Bean-managed transaction doesnt use only JTA
calls it can also use JDBC/JMS - If we need to use JTA, then the JTA transaction
can be obtained from JNDI context of the EJB
container. EJB allows us to access the
UserTransaction using - getUserTransaction() method of
javax.ejb.EJBContext - Example Accessing the UserTransaction from
EJBContext - SessionContext mSessionContext.
- UserTransaction aUserTransaction
26BMTD with JTA
- If we are using JTA API to manage transaction
boundaries, the specification prohibits invoking
resource-specific APIs - The EJB specification prohibits invoking
- Commit() or rollback() methods of
- java.sql.Connection interface and
- javax.jms.Session interface
- getRollbackOnly() and setRollbackOnly()
- methods of javax.ejb.EJBContext
27Stateless session beans and message-driven
- By definition the stateless session bean does not
maintain state information of the client - The bean method that starts the transaction must
complete the transaction by calling commit() or
rollback() method. - If we fail to do so, the container rolls back the
transaction and throws an exception
(java.rmi.RemoteException for remote clients and
javax.ejb.EJBException for local clients)
28Stateless session beans and message-driven
- If we start a transaction in the onMessage()
method of a message-driven bean with BMTD, we
must call the commit() or rollback() method with
in the on Message() method to complete the
transaction - if its not done this way then the container rolls
back the transaction and discards the instance of
the bean - No exception is thrown back to the client,
because client indirectly invoked the bean by
sending a message
29Stateful session bean
- Unlike the stateless session bean the sate
remains across subsequent method calls - The transaction remains in effect for the bean
until the commit() or rollback() method is called
- As long as the transaction started by the bean is
active all requests made by clients will operate
under this transaction context until it is
committed or rolled back
30Container-Managed Transaction Demarcation (CMTD)
- If a EJB is using CMTD then it is prohibited from
using JTA operations in any contexts in which it
might interfere with containers transaction
management activities - It must not invoke getUserTransaction() method of
javax.ejb.EJBContext - If it does then container will throw a
java.lang.IllegalstateException - It must not invoke UserTransaction methods,
message listener callbacks or ejbTimeout()
callbacks - The bean is forbidden from calling commit() or
rollback() on JDBC connection or JMS session
31Inducing rollbacks in CMTD
- Though application code is not allowed to
directly interface with transaction management
under CMTD, EJB can induce rollback by calling
setRollbackOnly() method of javax.ejb.EJBContext - At the end of the transaction the container
automatically rollbacks the transaction
regardless of the state of transaction - We can know whether the current transaction is
marked for rollback by calling getRollbackOnly()
method of EJBContext - The container will also roll back a transaction
when the EJB code throws a runtime exception
32Some common programming scenarios
- Below are some of the common transaction
scenarios to leverage transactions effectively - Using a Session Façade facilitates to use CMTD
effectively with an EJB component by minimizing
the number of unnecessary transactions and
increasing performance - Using Transaction Attributes with CMTD
illustrates an approach for utilizing transaction
attributes with CMTD EJBs. Helps to avoid
resorting to BMTD in some situations - Distributed Transactions Involving a JMS
Destination and Database deals with distributed
transaction using both JMS and JDBC resources
33Using a Session Facade
- In the previous example
- If EJB has been deployed with a Required
transaction attribute that applies to all the
methods - Each EJB method create(), setWorkPhone(),
setHomePhone() and getPersonID() is invoked in
different transaction - This is not the intended behavior and the code is
not only very expensive but may be incorrect
34Using a Session Facade
- The solution to this problem is using the session
façade pattern - This pattern involves a stateless session bean
- Change the code from the client into a stateless
session bean - This is deployed using Required transaction
attribute on its methods - create(), setWorkPhone(), setHomePhone() and
getPersonID() are invoked in one single
35Using a Session Facade
- Example Code fragment from session façade
- public PersonValue createPersonSameTransaction(
PersonValue aPersonValue) - return createPerson (aPersonValue)
- Protected PersonValue createPerson (PersonValue
aPersonValue) - sLogger.info(5 creating person in manager cmtd
bean) - try
- InitialContext aInitialContext new
InitialContext() - PersonHome aPersonHome (PersonHome)
aInitialContext.lookup( javacomp/env/ejb/Person
36Using a Session Facade
- Person p aPersonHome.create( aPersonValue.getEmai
l(), aPersonValue.getPassword()) - p.setWorkPhone(aPersonValue.getWorkPhone())
- p.setWorkPhone(aPersonValue.getHomePhone())
- sLogger.info( created a person with id
p.getPersonID()) - catch ( Exception e)
- String aMessage Exception in manager cmtd
bean.createPersonNewTransaction - sLogger.log ( Level. SEVERE, aMessage, e)
- throw new EJBException (aMessage e)
- return aPersonValue
37Using Transaction Attributes with CMTD
- Consider a simple object model there is a person
EJB and a PersonStatus bean - Create person with PersonStatus, Person should
succeed regardless of whether the PersonStatus is
valid - Example Create Person and PersonStatus
- public PersonValue createPersonAndStatus(
- personValue aPersonValue,
- personStatusValue aPersonStatusValue)
- aPersonValue createPersonNewTransaction(aPersonV
alue) - aPersonStatusValue createPersonStatus(
aPersonValue, aPersonstatusValue) - return aPersonValue
38Using Transaction Attributes with CMTD
- If the bean is using CMTD and if we want to
enforce some requirements - Set the transaction attribute for the
createPersonAndStatus() method as Required - Set the transaction attribute for the
createPersonNewTransaction() method as
RequiredNew - We would expect that this would cause a new
transaction suspending the one on the
createPersonAndStatus() - But the same transaction is used for both the
methods, because it never has an opportunity to
intercept the second method call and start a new
39Using Transaction Attributes with CMTD
- Example Create Person with interception
- public PersonValue createPersonAndStatusNew(
- personValue aPersonValue,
- personStatusValue aPersonStatusValue) throws
RemoteException - aPersonValue ((ManagerCMTD) msessionContex
t.getEJBObject()). - createPersonNewTransaction(
aPersonValue) - aPersonStatusValue createPersonStatus(
aPersonValue, aPersonstatusValue) - return aPersonValue
40Distributed Transactions Involving a JMS
Destination and Database
- Fig Distributed Transaction
CreatePersonBean (MDB)
ManagerCMTD Stateless Session Bean
Person (Entity Bean)
Person Queue
41Distributed Transactions Involving a JMS
Destination and Database
- An instance of a message driven bean,
CreatePersonBean retrieves message from Person
Queue - The message is of type javax.jms.ObjectMessage
- In the onMessage() callback, message driven bean
retrieves an instance of personValue from the
object message - The bean invokes the createPersonSameTransaction()
on managerCMTD stateless session bean - The managerCMTD bean send the data to the
database using the person entity bean
42Transaction Best Practices
- Use declarative transaction management rather
than programmatic transaction management - When using declarative transactions with EJBs,
use Required as the first choice for a
transaction attribute - Avoid mixing direct transaction management using
JTA with implicit transaction management done
through specific API such as JDBC or JMS - Minimize the use of client-managed transactions
whenever possible. The session-façade can be
useful - Carefully evaluate the need and implementation of
an optimistic concurrency strategy - Transactions help us to manage very complex and
even unpredictable behavior when dealing with
shared network resources