Metaanalysis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Model will become very complex. Currently under development ... A Multivariate Mixed-Effects Linear Model for Meta-Analysis. Psychological Methods, 1(3) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Metaanalysis

  • Funded through the ESRCs Researcher Development

Session 3.2 Multivariate meta-analysis
Department of Education, University of Oxford
Steps in a meta-analysis
Session 3.2 Multivariate meta-analysis
Multivariate datasets
What do we mean by "multivariate"?
  • Involves the analysis of multiple outcomes
  • Multiple outcomes could be due to
  • Different outcomes (e.g., math achievement and
    verbal achievement)
  • Correlations with multiple variables (e.g., age
    with achievement and age with aspirations)
  • Evaluation of different treatments in the same
  • More than one control/comparison group

Why is this a problem?
  • Violations of independence occur when studies
    produce multiple effect sizes due to the presence
    of multiple treatment groups or multiple outcome
  • Effect sizes from the same study are more likely
    to have a higher correlations than effect sizes
    from different studies
  • Issue of within versus between-study variation

Options for dealing with multiple outcomes
  • Choose one outcome of interest
  • Separate analyses on each outcome
  • Averaging the effect sizes (one outcome study)
  • Shifting unit of analysis (Cooper, 1998)
  • Multivariate multilevel modelling

Choose one outcome of interest
  • Select the outcome that is of most interest
  • This is appropriate for many research questions
  • However, does not allow contrasts between
    outcomes, thereby restricting the questions you
    can ask

Conduct separate analyses on each outcome or
treatment group
  • For each analysis, only one outcome (effect size)
    per study is contributed to the analysis
  • E.g., run separate analyses on maths achievement
    effect sizes, and a different set of analyses on
    the verbal achievement effect sizes
  • The effect sizes are independent within the
    particular analysis, but does not allow direct
    comparison between the outcomes
  • Therefore, this may not always make sense for the
    research question under consideration (Rosenthal
    Rubin, 1986)

Average the outcomes
  • Establish an independent set of effect sizes by
    calculating the average of the effect sizes in
    the study
  • E.g., achievement, intelligence, satisfaction,
    personality, obesity
  • However, the dependent variables need to be
    almost perfectly correlated for this method to
    work, because the mean effect size gives an
    estimate that is lower than expected (Rosenthal
    Rubin, 1986)
  • To make the results meaningful, outcomes should
    be conceptually similar

Shifting unit of analysis (Cooper, 1998)
  • The outcomes are aggregated depending on the
    level of analysis of interestthe study or
    outcome level
  • At the study level, all effect sizes from within
    a study are aggregated to produce one outcome per
  • For each moderator analysis, effect sizes are
    aggregated based upon the particular moderator
    variable, such that each study only includes one
    effect size per outcome on that particular

Shifting unit of analysis example
  • The effect sizes for two self-concept domains
    (e.g., physical and academic self-concept) from
    the same primary study would initially be
    averaged to produce a single effect size for
    calculations involving the overall effect size
    for the sample (study level)
  • For the moderator analyses, the two self-concept
    domains would be considered separately if the
    type of domain was of interest, but would be
    aggregated if the moderator variable of interest
    was, say, the type of control group
  • This means that the n of effect sizes
    contributing to the analysis will change
    depending on the variables being examined

Shifting unit of analysis
Shifting unit of analysis - aggregate by
One effect size per study for maths
interventions, one per study for verbal
Shifting unit of analysis - aggregate by outcome
One math effect size per study, one verbal
effect size per study
Shifting unit of analysis
  • Although this strategic compromise does not
    eliminate the problem of independence, this
    approach minimizes violations of assumptions
    about the independence of effect sizes, whilst
    preserving as much of the data as possible
    (Cooper, 1998)
  • Probably the most popular way of dealing with
    multiple outcomes in fixed and random effects
    models when explicitly interested in comparing
    different outcomes

The multilevel approach
  • Multilevel modelling accounts for dependencies in
    the data because its nested structure allows for
    correct estimation of standard errors on
    parameter estimates and therefore accurate
    assessment of the significance of predictor
    variables (Bateman Jones, 2003 Hox de Leeuw,
    2003 Raudenbush Bryk, 2002).

Multilevel modelling assumptions
  • Meta-analytic data is inherently hierarchical
    (i.e., effect sizes nested within studies) and
    has random error that must be accounted for
  • Effect sizes are not necessarily independent
  • Allows for multiple effect sizes per study
  • Also provides more precise and less biased
    estimates of between-study variance than
    traditional techniques

Example multilevel
  • Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) coaching
    effectiveness data reported in Kalaian and
    Raudenbush (1996), and Kalaian Kasim (in press)
  • The differences between the coached and uncoached
    groups on SAT scores in the collection of the SAT
    coaching effectiveness studies
  • SAT tests are widely claimed to be so broad and
    generic (almost IQ-like) that could not be
    affected by short-term training program. Others
    suggest that a limited amount of
    "familiarisation" is useful but not much beyond
    this (i.e., non-linear effect of hours).

Meta-analytic data
  • Meta-analytic data information
  • Study ID
  • Constant (cons)
  • Effect-size for verbal SAT scores (dv)
  • Effect-size for maths SAT scores (dm)
  • Sampling variance (SE) and covariance (cov_VM) of
    the effect sizes
  • Explanatory variables (study and sample
    characteristics) (hours, logHR, year)

Import data into MLwiN
(No Transcript)
  • Click on "responses" at the bottom of the screen
  • select "dv" and "dm" (the effect sizes for
    verbal and maths achievement, respectively)

  • Click on the equation
  • indicate a two level model with L2study, L1
  • Click done button

  • Click "add term"
  • Select variable cons
  • Click add separate coefficients button
  • Click Estimates

2 3
  • Right-click on in the equation
  • Select j
  • Click on Done
  • Right-click on cons.dv in the equation
  • Select j
  • Click on Done

Click on Estimates Your screen should look like
  • Click "add term"
  • Select variable SE_V
  • Click add separate coefficients button

  • Click on estimates to reveal numbers
  • Right click on
  • Click on Delete Term

  • Click "add term"
  • Select variable SE_M
  • Click add separate coefficients button

  • Right click on SE_M.dv
  • Click on Delete Term

  • Right-click on in the equation
  • Select j , unselect Fixed parameter
  • Click on Done
  • Right-click on SE_V.dv in the equation
  • Select j , unselect Fixed parameter
  • Click on Done

Your model now looks like this. Some of the
parameters in the random part of the model (the
us) do not make sense to be estimated. The only
random parameters that we want are those on the
diagonal in the variance-covariance matrix.
You can delete the unnecessary random parameters
by clicking on them. For example, click on
The following screen will pop up. Click on Yes
Delete all of the off-diagonal random parameters
for the SEs, until your variance-covariance
matrix looks like this
Now we need to add the covariance value Click on
add term Then select the covariance term,
cov_VM, and click on add Common coefficient
Covariance term
  • The covariance term needs to be manually
    calculated (see Kalaian Kasim, in press)
  • The formula is
  • Where n1 and n2 are the sample sizes for the 2
  • Rip,ip is the correlation between the two
  • dip and dip are the two effect size outcomes

  • Click ß4cov_VM.12j
  • Select the options as below

Your equation window should now look like this.
Delete the off-diagonal covariance components for
u4j by clicking on them
Your equation window should now look like this.
Under Model in the menu bar, click on
Constrain Parameters The following window
should pop up
Click on the random radio button
Attach random constraints
  • Select the SE and cov_VM variances to be
    constrained by entering a 1 in the boxes
  • Set them to equal 1
  • Choose a free column to store the constraint
    matrix in. In this case, we used C20
  • Click on attach random constraints
  • Go back to the equations window

Select Estimation from the menu bar, then
RIGLS Click Done when the window pops up
Your model should look something like this...
(you may need to click on Estimates to show the
numbers in blue font) Click on START when you are
ready to run the model
(No Transcript)
  • On average, students scored higher on maths SAT
    than verbal SAT
  • However, variance was larger for maths
  • There was no significant between-study variation
    for maths (.012) or verbal (.004) SAT scores
  • Given that there is no significant between-study
    variation, we would not normally fit the model
    with predictors.

From Kalaian Kasim (in press)
Figure 4. Box Plot of SAT-Verbal and SAT-Math
Effect Sizes
Adding a predictor
  • Lets look at a predictor anyway for
    demonstration purposes!
  • Test whether a coaching intervention improves
    maths and verbal SAT scores
  • Will the effects (size, direction,
    significance) of the coaching be the same for the
    two outcomes?

  • Add Term
  • Select LogEHR (not LogHR)
  • Click on grand mean (mean 19 hours)
  • Click on add separate coefficients
  • Run the model (start)

Studies with Log coaching hours gt2.75 (which is
the study with 15 non-logged, raw hours) will
have a very nearly significant positive effect on
Verbal SAT scores (ß .102). Studies with Log
coaching hours gt2.75 will have a significant
positive effect on Maths SAT scores (ß .290)
Caveat about multivariate approach
  • Calculating the covariance (in this case,
    cov_VM) requires knowing the correlation
    between the outcomes
  • Often, primary studies do not report the
    correlations between the outcomes. Some methods
    are being developed that bypass this problem
  • Riley, Thompson, Abrams (2008) An alternative
    model for bivariate random-effects meta-analysis
    when the within-study correlations are unknown
  • However, these are confined to bivariate studies
  • What to do when more than 2 outcomes?
  • Model will become very complex
  • Currently under development

Take home message
  • The multivariate results account for the
    covariance between the verbal SAT and Maths SAT
    effect sizes.

  • Kalaian, S. A. Kasim, R. M. (in press).
    Applications of Multilevel Models for Meta-
    Analysis. Multilevel Analysis of Educational
    Data. OConnell, A. and McCoach, B. D. (Eds.).
    Information Age Publishing.
  • Kalaian, H. A., Raudenbush, S. W. (1996). A
    Multivariate Mixed-Effects Linear Model for
    Meta-Analysis. Psychological Methods, 1(3).
  • R. D. Riley, J. R. Thompson, K. R. Abrams
    (2008). An alternative model for bivariate
    random-effects meta-analysis when the
    within-study correlations are unknown,
    Biostatistics, 9, 172-186.
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