Title: Proposed Social Security and Welfare Scheme
1Proposed Social Security and Welfare Scheme
- From
- ArthaKranti Pratishthan
2Quality of Life improved
Market driven quality supply of goods services
Social Security
Balanced Development (Rural and Urban)
Dissemination of Population
Opportunities of Corruption are reduced (PDS,fuel
Decreased Social Unrest (reduced Naxalism,
terrorism, extremism, etc.)
Price distortion removed
Increased Business / Employment opportunities
Credit / Capital expansion in the banking system
as a whole
Farmers suicide checked
Hugely increased demand for goods and services
Establishment of Individual credibility with bank
Increase in Purchasing power of the poor people
Increased use of Banking system
Assured dignified existence for every citizen
Statutory Credit available to the poor
Social Security Allowance (Say Rs.1500
monthly) (linked to DA) (Food, clothing, shelter,
health insurance)
Saved Gov.Revenue Expenditure
SSA beneficiaries will not have right on income
from hereditary property
Maximum Credit Limit For SSA beneficiaries upto
say, Rs. 50,000
Withdrawal of Non-merit subsidies (Central and
SSA cant be used as security for any other loan
Unique SS code for every citizen
Bank account for SSA (associated with SS Code)