Title: Section 5 - Piloting - Plotting a Course
1- Welcome to the
- United States Power Squadrons'
- Chart Smart Seminar
Piloting - Determining Position (Section 7)
2Class Agenda - cont'd
- Section 7 Piloting - Determining Position
- Dead Reckoning
- Class Plotting Exercises
3(No Transcript)
- Dead Reckoning (DR)
- Calculating a boat's position based on its
course, speed, and time run from a previous
position - Dead Reckoning (DR) Track
- The intended course line of a vessel as plotted
on a chart - DR Position
- The presumed position of a vessel on a DR track
5Rules for Plotting DR Tracks
- Must start from a known position
- Can only restart from known position
- Use only true courses for labeling
- Use only speed through the water
- Calculate and plot DR position hourly
- Plot DR position at time of every change
- of course and speed
6Labeling a DR Track and Position
- Magnetic Bearing
- Bearing taken using the compass
- True Bearing
- Magnetic bearing corrected for
- local variation East or West
- Can be plotted on a chart as a line
- of position
8Compass to True Bearing
Deviation is assumed to be 0 for
demonstration only
9A Bow-On Bearing
True Bearing "To"
TB 040
V 15
Magnetic Bearing
MB 055
D 0
Compass Bearing "To"
CB 055
Compass Direction - 055?
Determining a Line of Position - as a graphical
aid, plot the reciprocal true bearing (040 180
220) from the navigation object
Note deviation is assumed to be zero for
demonstration only
10A Bow-On Bearing
Compass Direction - 055?
Determining a Line of Position - as a graphical
aid, plot the reciprocal true bearing (032 180
212) from the navigation object
Note deviation determined from example
Deviation Table displayed in Class 1
interpolated to 055
11Fix By Two Bearings
Note 1430 fix time label is to be parallel to
the bottom of the chart 1430 DR time label is
to be at an angle to the DR track.
12Mark at 303
Note 1430 fix time label is to be parallel to
the bottom of the chart 1430 DR time label is
to be at an angle to the DR track.
13Mark at 303
Note 1430 fix time label is to be parallel to
the bottom of the chart 1430 DR time label is
to be at an angle to the DR track.
14Class Exercise 5
Use the Sample Plotting Sheet (Figure 23 in your
text) to work through the problems starting on
page 44 and continuing on page 45.
15(No Transcript)
16Class Exercise 6 - Chart Work
Positioning by Compass Bearingson the
Bowditch Bay Practice Chart
17Bowditch Bay Chart Work Problem 6
You are enroute from RG "D" Gong to R "6" and
take bowon compass bearings at 1320 on (1)
Fl 8 sec 42ft Lt Ho on Duttons Is - 087
(2) Fl 8 sec 20ft Lt Ho on Channel Is -
267 (3) Fl Red 4 sec R "6" - 196 Correct
the compass bearings to true bearings (assume
deviation is zero) Plot and label your bearings
fix on the chart and determine latitude and
18(No Transcript)
19Compass to True Bearing
Duttons Is
Channel Is
R "6"
T 072 T 252 T
181 V 15 W V 15 W V 15
W M 087 M 267
M 196 D 0
D 0 D 0 C 087
C 267 C 196
Add East Subtract West
201320 072
1320 252
1320 181
21 Position of Fix
Latitude 41 43.1 ' N Longitude 071 19.7
' W
22End of Section 7
Piloting - Determining Position
23Questions ? Comments ?
End of Seminar