Title: Trezevant Savings Bank Grand Opening Celebration
1Trezevant Savings BankGrand Opening Celebration
- September 25, 2007
- 830 a.m.
- Trezevant Career Technology Center
2Tracey Thomas, CEO and Business InstructorMilton
Burchfield, Founder and TCTC Principal
3Mable Burchfield, Instructional Supervisor
Eleanor Thomas, TCTC Assistant Principal
4Milton Burchfield, II - Founder
5Mrs. Mable Burchfield, Instructional
SupervisorMCS Business Technology Education
6Business Technology InstructorsLalita Monger,
Martha Watkins, Tracey Thomas
7Mrs. Elsie Lewis BaileyMCS High School Academic
8Mrs. Elsie Lewis BaileyMCS High School Academic
9Ms. Patrice J. Robinson, PresidentMCS Board
Commissioners Office
10Dr. Alfred L. HallMemphis City Schools Chief
Academic Officer
11Culinary Arts Students
12Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
13Student Greeters
14Welcome Center
15Bank Security
16Bank Security
17Open for Business
18Mrs. Elsie Bailey - Honorary Depositor
19Ms. Valerie Peavy, Advisory Board
MemberPresident, Computer Support Services, Inc.
20Mr. Kelvin Meeks, Assistant PrincipalKingsbury
High School
21Dr. Lloyd Brooks Honorary Depositor
22Dr. Lloyd D. Brooks, ProfessorThe University of
23Ms. Stephanie GatewoodDistrict 1 Board
24Honorary Depositors
25Culinary Arts Students