Title: P1246990947EXuQq
1Reaction to the Managed Lane Concept by Various
Groups of Travelers
Mark W. Burris
Kaveh F. Sadabadi Maneesh Mahlawat
Stephen P. Mattingly
Jianling Li
Isradatta Rasmidatta
Alireza Saroosh
2007 TRB Annual Meeting January 2007
- Managed Lanes a set of lanes within a freeway
that are actively managed by pricing (
occupancy) - Actively managed ? pricing often dependant on
Toll Road Everyone pays regardless of vehicle
Managed Lane Range
HOT Lane(s) SOVs pay, others are free (generally)
HOV Lane(s) No one pays due to vehicle occupancy
- Part of a larger project examining the benefits
and drawbacks of supplying HOVs with preferential
treatment on Managed Lanes. - Project Sponsor TxDOT
- Matt MacGregor and Richard Skopic
- Has enormous potential impact on revenues and
person throughput in Texas
- Initial steps
- Determine who is using/will use managed lanes,
and - What factors will most influence this decision
6Research Questions
- Will travelers in different cities react to MLs
differently? - What reasons do travelers give for preferring or
not preferring MLs? - Will previous toll lane users be more likely than
others to use MLs? - Are there specific characteristics that may be
common among ML supporters or opponents?
7Survey Development
- Surveyed travelers in Houston and Dallas
- Already have HOV and HOT lanes and will soon have
- Survey collected data on
- Personal Travel Patterns
- Managed Lane Opinions
- Travel Scenarios (Stated Preference)
- Demographics
8Data Collection
- Primarily collected on-line
- English and Spanish
- Widely advertised and many organizations provided
web links - Resulted in over 4000 valid responses, but too
few from minority and low income respondents
9Data Collection
10Data Collection
- Additional responses from selected community
centers and DPS offices - Required both paper and laptop options
11Data Collection
12Data Weighting
Percentage in Each Ethnic Category
13Data Weighting
- Weighted our results to better represent Houston
and Dallas traveler characteristics by - 8 income groups
- 4 ethnic groups
- Toll versus non-toll road travelers
14Weighting Factors for Dallas Respondents who Used
Toll Roads
15Data Analysis
- 1. Will travelers in different cities react to
MLs differently? - Asked travelers if they were interested in using
ML Interest in Houston and Dallas by Ethnicity
A p-value 0.05 indicates we cannot be 95
certain the results are different for the two
16ML Interest in Houston and Dallas by Household
17ML Interest in Houston and Dallas by Trip Purpose
18ML Interest in Houston and Dallas by Mode
19Data Analysis
- 2. What reasons do travelers give for preferring
or not preferring MLs? - Top ranked reasons why respondents would use the
MLs - Able to travel faster than GPLs
- Travel time reliability
- Top ranked reasons why respondents would not use
the MLs - Other
- Do not want to pay the toll
- Other was dominated by one theme My taxes
already pay for the roads
20Data Analysis
3. Will previous toll lane users be more likely
than others to use MLs?
The 4.4 difference was significant, but
relatively small
21Data Analysis
4. Are there specific characteristics that may be
common among ML supporters or opponents?
Significant difference at 95 level of confidence
22Effect of Household Income Level on Interest in
Significant difference at 95 level of confidence
- With the planned ML in Texas, providing
preferential treatment to HOVs is a significant
issue. - The web survey provided a cost-effective survey
method, but required follow up for some groups - Overall, a lot of interest in MLs (approximately
- Little difference in ML interest by city or trip
purpose - Interest jumped as income 100,000 or were in a
vanpool - Current toll road users were more likely to be
interested in using MLs - Travel time savings and reliability were highest
rated reasons for ML use - Tolls and roads already paid by my taxes were
the main negative aspects