Updates to the LAUS and MLS Programs - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Updates to the LAUS and MLS Programs


Updates to the LAUS and MLS Programs. Sharon Brown ... estimates were placed on LABSTAT to facilitate creation of rankings and listings. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Updates to the LAUS and MLS Programs

Updates to the LAUS and MLS Programs
  • Sharon Brown
  • Division of Local Area Unemployment Statistics
  • Bureau of Labor Statistics
  • Presented by Patrick Carey
  • LMI Forum
  • Sacramento, CA
  • Nov 6-8, 2008

Local Area Unemployment Statistics Program Update
  • Improvements to methodology---smoothed seasonally
    adjusted estimates
  • Expanded releases of data
  • Possible changes to annual benchmarking

Improvements to model based estimates
  • LAUS has seen a progression in model-based
  • Historically, the trade-off has been between
    monthly smoothness and end-of-year revision
  • First generation Implemented in 1989 in
    non-direct use States
  • Small annual revision, significant month-to-month
  • Second generation Implemented in 1994 in
    non-direct use States, 1996 in direct-use States
  • Smoother month-to-month movement, larger annual
  • Issues with the endpoint of the benchmark and sum
    of States
  • Third generation Implemented in 2005 in all
  • Smaller annual revision, no sum-of-State issue,
    but increased monthly volatility in current

Current model estimation
  • LAUS State employment and unemployment estimates
    are developed by bivariate models that use CES
    and UI inputs, respectively, in addition to CPS
  • These estimates are controlled to division level
    model estimates of employment and unemployment
    which are in turn controlled to the National
    estimates of employment and unemployment.
  • The process of controlling the State estimates to
    national estimates on a monthly basis is called
    real-time benchmarking.

Issues in current estimation
  • Although problems with previous estimation were
    addressed, since 2005 States have noted
    occasional increases in volatility in current
    monthly estimates
  • Volatility that masks real movement in the series
    may be related to
  • Sampling error in the CPS
  • Uncertainty at the end-point of estimation
  • Real-time benchmarking
  • Benchmark adjustment factors fluctuate and the
    relative relationship of the State within the
    division may be affected.
  • Month-to-month direction of change may be
    affected, especially for seasonally adjusted

Smoothed seasonally adjusted estimates
  • BLS has identified an approach that effectively
    reduces the variability in the monthly
    benchmarked seasonally adjusted series
  • Smoothing eliminates fluctuations due to
    volatility but not those due to the business
  • Four options were developed related to the length
    of time under consideration, i.e., the business
  • 36, 24, 18, and 12 months

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Status of the project
  • A set of smoothed LAUS seasonally adjusted
    estimateshistorical and currentwere sent to
    each State in LAUS Technical Memorandum S-07-23,
    followed by monthly updates.
  • States were requested to review the four levels
    of smoothed seasonally adjusted estimates and
    provide comments to BLS by September 14.
  • Are the smoothed estimates less volatile?
  • Do they more accurately reflect economic
  • What degree of smoothness works best?

Status of the project--continued
  • State responses to the smoothed LAUS estimates
  • 29 States support the implementation of these
  • 12 States do not support their implementation
  • 8 States were neutral in varying degrees
  • 2 States were in support but for current
    estimates only
  • The State comments will be discussed within the
    LAUS-MLS Policy Council and BLS.
  • Decision will be made later in October, and will
    reflect State concerns.

Increasing the availability of LAUS data products
  • Preliminary expanded Geographic Profiles
    employment status tables for States for 2005 and
    2006 were uploaded to LABSTAT on August 20.
  • Statewide CPS data from 2004 on for full- and
    part-time employment and unemployment, employment
    by industry, employment by occupation, and hours
    at work were provided to regions and States on
    request in May.
  • Statewide veterans employment status tables for
    2006 were placed on the LAUS Intranet site on
    April 9.
  • Statewide 2005 data on unemployment duration was
    provided to ETA and to States

Increasing the availability of data--continued
  • Tables of 2000-2006 annual average county labor
    force estimates were placed on LABSTAT to
    facilitate creation of rankings and listings.
  • Model-based monthly and annual average
    employment-population ratios and labor force
    participation rates, along with error measures,
    was placed on the LAUS website September 26
  • 2003 Geographic Profiles report will be issued
  • 2004 and 2005 Geographic Profiles reports will
  • BLS looking at faster ways of issuing these data

Possible modification to LAUS revision and annual
  • Monthly revisions in LAUS were eliminated as part
    of the FY 2006 permanent cut in State funding.
  • Single estimate per month complicated corrections
    at the beginning of the year while benchmarking
    was in process.
  • The 2007 benchmarking involved seven years of
    datathe most ever collectedfor about half of
    the States and five years of data for the
  • Many States were required to submit or resubmit
    because of problems in other States.

Possible modification to monthly revision and
annual benchmarking
  • In FY 2006, BLS eliminated regular monthly
    revisions of current LAUS estimates to address a
    budget rescission. For this activity, State
    funding was reduced by 600,000.
  • Most States, including those on the Policy
    Council, have expressed interest in resuming
    monthly revisions of LAUS estimates for both
    operational and methodological reasons.
  • BLS is considering the restoration of monthly
    revisions with the streamlining of substate
    annual processing identified as the offset.
  • The State members of the Policy Council are
    surveying States.
  • Thus far, 41 States have commented
  • 35 support the monthly revision
    restoration/annual benchmarking reduction
  • 3 do not
  • 3 had no strong opinion

Mass Layoff Statistics Program update
  • Status of MLS Redesign projects
  • The use of a structured interview approach for
    collecting important information from employers
    on the nature of the layoff.
  • The review, revision, and expansion of the
    economic reasons for the layoff, and the
    development of seven higher-level categories.
  • A new data collection the Business Function
    involved in the mass layoff.
  • A new use for initial claims using all initial
    claims entering the MLS system to define small
  • Operational enhancements and improvements

Use of a structured interview in MLS
  • Structured interview approach was primarily
    introduced to support the collection of Business
  • Other important reasons to use a structured
  • Good tool for new analysts to use (get up to
    speed faster).
  • Good tool if an analyst doesnt do a lot of
    employer-contact interviews.
  • Memory jogger if a respondent gives you all the
    information at once.
  • Helps control the human urge to elaborate, to
    paraphrase, or to explain in more detail (and
    possibly change meaning).
  • Improves the consistency of approach and the
    quality of the collected information.

Improvements to economic reasons for layoff
  • New reasons
  • Domestic competition
  • Excess inventory/saturated market
  • Cost control/cost cutting/increase profitability
  • Government regulations/intervention
  • Additional probing/Interest in secondary reasons
  • Creation of higher level categories for economic
  • Business demand
  • Organizational changes
  • Financial issues
  • Production specific
  • Disaster/safety
  • Seasonal
  • Other/miscellaneous

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Extended Mass Layoff Events by Reason
Categories1Second quarters, 2001-07
1 The chart excludes information on layoffs due
to other/miscellaneous reasons. p preliminary.
Business Function and Business Process
  • In June 2006, a proposal was developed to collect
    information on business function involved in the
  • Business Function is defined as an activity
    that a firm does in order to produce its product
    or achieve its objective.
  • A feasibility study was conducted in September
    and October in which 11 States tested the
    collection of business function.
  • In January 2007, the collection of Business
    Function involved in mass layoffs and plant
    closings was implemented nationwide.
  • Categorization of Business Functions into
    higher-level Business Processes was introduced in
  • Business Processes describe the full range of
    activities a firm engages in to conduct its

MLS experiences in collecting Business Functions
and identifying Business Processes
  • During the first and second quarters, the
    employer interview was not adversely affected by
    the Business Function question
  • Refusals were 4.4 percent of all events in the
    first quarter and 3.4 percent in the second
  • These represent overall refusals to participate,
    not item nonresponse.
  • Does not know reports were quite low1.2
    percent and 1.1 percent, respectivelyindicating
    that the correct person was being interviewed
  • Unable to contact reports were relatively
    high6.7 percent and 3.6 percent,
    respectivelylikely reflecting the requirement to
    wait 31 days before attempting contact.

MLS experiences--continued
  • Business Function guidance
  • Addressing occupation and industry responses
  • Reliance on follow-up questions
  • Addressing variations in Business Functions
    reported to BLS
  • 1st Quarter 489 unique terms used for 1,873
    Business Functions
  • 28 terms with at least 10 responses accounted for
    1,113 Functions
  • Other 461 terms, mostly used for one or two
    Functions, reflecting minor differences in
    wording or overly detailed Functions
  • 2nd Quarter 442 unique terms used for 2,160
    Business Functions
  • 40 terms with at least 10 responses accounted for
    1,434 Functions
  • In an attempt to standardize terms, guidance was
    provided for a number of functions including
    clerical support, food services, lodging
    services, general management, construction
    activities, entertainment services.
  • Addressing specific industry issues
  • Temporary help firms, retail trade establishments
  • Layoffs related to summer school closings

Total and Main Business Processes involved in
Mass Layoffs, January-June 2007
Next steps for Business Function and Process
  • Further automation of the collection is very
  • Further standardizing of Business Function terms
    is essential, but this must be done without
    compromising the collection.
  • Additional qualitative analysis of the Business
    Function collection and the coding to Business
    Process continues, leading to publication.

Operational improvements and activities
  • North Carolina Longitudinal Tracking System
  • WinMLS operating system
  • 2007.2.0
  • Reduced number of employer interview pages
  • IC totals, establishment employment, important
    layoff dates will appear on the interview
  • Check box added for hiring hall
  • 2008.1.0
  • Entry of Business Function and Business Process
    information will be automated.
  • NAICS 2007 will be implemented.
  • Extract function for LTS will be included.
  • Archive function for information older than 5
    years (maybe).

The year ahead for LAUS and MLS
  • Continued focus on program improvement
  • Methodology, concepts, operations.
  • Timeliness.
  • Customer use.
  • Communications with States.
  • LAUS-MLS Policy Council meeting in New Orleans
    October 10-11.
  • LAUS National Training Conference in San
    Francisco October 30-November 1.
  • LMI Forum in States November 6-8.
  • MLS National Training Conference in San Antonio
    November 28-29.
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