SIWAnalysis Data Collection Working Group - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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SIWAnalysis Data Collection Working Group


... management of parameter files), run-time services (real-time monitoring, logging) ... Multi-cast communications technology can be used by the RTI to create ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: SIWAnalysis Data Collection Working Group

EMF Agenda
0800 - 0810 Introduction Exercise Management
Slot 0810 - 0840 Paper 043 0840 - 0910 Paper
138 0910 - 0940 Paper 144 0940 - 1000
Discussion 1000 - 1030 Break FEDEP Automation
Slot 1030 - 1100 Paper 049 1100 - 1130 Paper
092 1130 - 1200 Paper 184 Discussion 1200 - 1330
Software Reuse Slot 1330 - 1400 Paper 168 1400 -
1430 Paper 181 1430 - 1500 Paper 210 1500 -
1530 Break Data Collection Slot 1530 - 1600
Paper 129 1600 - 1630 Discuss Wed's DC
session 1630 - 1730 Wrap-Up Session
Data Collection Working Group
Fall Simulation Interoperability
Workshop September 1998
  • 129 A Progress Report Recommended Practices
    for Data Collection in HLA and ADS
  • Discussion of Joint DC Sessions
  • Tom Neuberger

  • 1997F-SIW Outbrief Summary Point 3
  • "The Analysis Forum should investigate data
    collection and analysis in distributed
  • Explanation Data collection continues to be a
    primary concern of the Analysis Forum and
    significant work has occurred in this area by
    various groups over the past year.
  • Recommendation The Analysis Forum should create
    a working group to investigate data collection
    and analysis in ADS using HLA.

  • Serve as a focal point for the discussion and
    eventual formulation of guidelines or recommended
    practices for data collection in HLA and in other
    ADS environments.

  • Review Existing Documentation
  • 1278.3 Rational - AE Tiger Team report
  • Recent SISO papers - DIS DLIF
  • Solicit Available HLA Data Collection Experiences
  • Compile Lessons Learned
  • Draft Guidelines

Data Collection WG Strategies
  • Workshops
  • update on current status
  • solicit papers on specific collection data topics
  • Interim meetings
  • focus on workgroup tasks
  • Reflector/e-mail
  • drafting guidelines
  • debate consensus building
  • ANL SISO reflector ANL web page
  • Join group? email to

FSIW Data Collection Working Group
  • Sponsored by ANL and EM Fora
  • Special Sessions Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday

114 Robert Michael Senko Data Verification
Interactive Editor 161 Stephen Thor Berglie DC
in the Integrated Ship Defense Federation 199 Br
ian Higgins/Don-May Lee Advanced DC
Analysis Tool for HLA Federation 207 Jack
Harrington Run-Time Monitoring and Analysis Tool
for HLA Enable World (MATHEW) 209 Paul
Brian Perkinson Full FEDEP Life-Cycle Data
Management System 255 Jeff Opper Federation-Neu
tral Interchange Specification for Logged
Simulation Data 193 Lee Lacy Interchanging
Simulation Data using XML 129 Tom Neuberger A
Progress Report Recommended Practices for
DC in HLA and other ADS Environments
Collective Knowledge Recommended
Practices?Data collection is not just about
what happens, but also about why causality is
critical to many applications
Discussion Topics
  • What?
  • Types of data
  • Why?
  • Entire simulation life-cycle
  • How?
  • General approach
  • Distribution of data collection
  • Channeling of DC efforts
  • Management monitoring
  • Data credibility
  • Storage
  • HLA Challenges

What Data?
  • A data management system that provides access to
    federation data required to answer difficult
    operational questions and identify complex
    relationships. If end-users can not answer key
    questions concerning simulation execution, the
    collection system will be judged a failure.

What Data?(Not just automatic data from RTI)
  • Data automatically generated from simulation
  • RTI generated data
  • Specialized model output files
  • Other electronically recorded data
  • Manually collected data
  • Formal data collectors
  • Comments from
  • observers/trainers/participants/subject matter
  • Operational data
  • Information from C4I systems
  • Federation and network performance data

Why Collect Data?
Data collection is an important part of each step
of a simulation life cycle, to include
preprocessing (data preparation and management of
parameter files), run-time services (real-time
monitoring, logging), and post-processing (format
for analysis and replay). The cost of designing,
integrating and executing a distributed
simulation make reliable data collection,
analysis, and replay a necessity. Creating an
operational data store to capture federate data
provides analysts with the ability to answer
difficult questions and identify relationships
that could not be accomplished using traditional
Why? Prior to Exercise Execution
  • Data preparation and management of parameter
  • Federation development, testing, and management
  • Integration testing, debugging, and dress
  • Playback proxy if federations fail

Why? Concurrent with Exercise Execution
  • Monitor system via real-time exercise displays
    and provide playback and other products
  • immediate feedback to program leadership,
    exercise management, analysts
  • exercise credibility
  • event reconstruction (focus on high interest
    trigger events)
  • session management decisions
  • intel updates/BDA to feed subsequent exercise
  • Operational assessment of scenario interactions

Why?Post Execution
  • Formal AAR/Feedback
  • reconstruct major events
  • identification of driving issues
  • focusing long-term analysis
  • calculation of selected measures
  • Support for Analysis Hot Wash
  • Detailed Analysis
  • calculation of analytical measures (MOE, etc.)
  • exploration of major issues
  • VVA
  • Data Archiving

How to Collect Data?
  • General approach
  • Distribution of efforts
  • Channeling of data collection
  • Management and monitoring
  • Data verification and credibility
  • Storage

How?General Approach
  • Unfocused collection of all federation execution
  • Focused collection for specific analytical (or
    other) purpose

How?General Approach
  • How access private model data?
  • Separate network for transfer of model output
  • Use HLA approach and special comprehensive object
    model (Data Object Model DOM?) or SOM to specify
    non-public data collection requirements, formats,
    and transfer processes

How?Distribution of DC efforts
  • The data collection process can be broken-up into
    two basic steps
  • Division of the relevant exercise data among the
    collector applications for subscription (to avoid
    redundant collection while ensuring complete
    data subscription coverage)
  • Insertion of all collected data into a
    centralized binary files in the data repository
  • The location of the data collection systems must
    consider desires to minimize network traffic

How?Distribution of DC efforts
  • Data collection network traffic can be driven by
  • Design to distribute all data to a central
  • Transferring data to remote (or centralized)
    location for use by analysts and other users
  • While technological advances in relational
    databases have made an approach of a distributed
    data store possible, centralizing this data store
    allows for more flexibility during analysis and
    can reduce the amount of redundantly stored data,
    thereby reducing hardware, software and network
    resource needs.

How?Channeling of DC efforts
  • Multi-cast communications technology can be used
    by the RTI to create multiple channels that can
    be exploited for data collection. A specialized
    data collection LAN/WAN may be helpful in
    segregating inter-data collection system
    communications and data collection system to AAR
    system from the simulation
  • Dynamic load balancing can be used to partition
    simulation data among the distributed collectors
    as the scenario evolves while still reducing data
  • Decoupling the data collection and data load
    process is necessary to ensure minimal data loss
    without encumbering other data flow requirements
    (queries, main data loading)

How?Management and monitoring
  • Use of configuration files to set-up data
    collection systems simplifies the process and
    reduces the chance for errors.
  • A GUI to monitor the data collector status can
    assist with the data subscription/load balancing
  • Scalability the data collection design should
    include an ability for the control system to add
    additional collectors if required without
    increasing system overhead.

How?Management and monitoring
  • The RTI can be used to ensure that the data
    collection process provides non-overlapping, yet
    complete data coverage.
  • Ad hoc query and data visualization capabilities
    are a must for taming the mountains of data
    generated during federation executions.

How?Management and monitoring
  • The goal of collection should be to passively
    collect as much information as possible about the
    simulation without impacting the federation
    performance. The best approach may be
    collection federates.
  • The FOM in OMT format should serve as the
    foundation for the data collection and analysis
  • Data management systems must be flexible,
    scaleable, and use commercial tools when possible
    in order to reduce development cost and meet
    scheduled milestones.

How?Data verification and credibility
  • Fault tolerance designs must be included in the
    data collectors, to include notification of
    unacceptable data loss, restart of failed
    software, re-subscription procedures, and back-up
    systems to cover for hardware failures.

How?Data storage
  • Data storage needs to be optimized for the
    expected analysis tasks which frequently evolve
    during the course of an exercise

HLA Challenges
  • The same capabilities that make HLA a potent
    environment for distributed simulation execution
    complicate data collection and replay.

HLA Challenges
  • Data collection federates impact bandwidth
  • Local logging presents correlation and reduction
    challenges while limiting real time analysis
  • Dynamic nature of update regions poses problems
    for complete data subscription coverage

FSIW Data Collection Working Group
  • Sponsored by ANL and EM Fora
  • Special Sessions Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday

114 Robert Michael Senko Data Verification
Interactive Editor 161 Stephen Thor Berglie DC
in the Integrated Ship Defense Federation 199 Br
ian Higgins/Don-May Lee Advanced DC
Analysis Tool for HLA Federation 207 Jack
Harrington Run-Time Monitoring and Analysis Tool
for HLA Enable World (MATHEW) 209 Paul
Brian Perkinson Full FEDEP Life-Cycle Data
Management System 255 Jeff Opper Federation-Neu
tral Interchange Specification for Logged
Simulation Data 193 Lee Lacy Interchanging
Simulation Data using XML 129 Tom Neuberger A
Progress Report Recommended Practices for
DC in HLA and other ADS Environments
Major Issues
  • Logger Data Interchange Format (LDIF)
  • Federate independent approach
  • Future standard?
  • Redundancy and Efficiency (RTI Limitations)
  • Overhead of DC federate because not passive
  • Some overlap in DC inevitable
  • Handling opaque data from RTI
  • Accessing private model data in addition to
    public simulation data
  • Same process used to access RTI data?

Major Issues (cont)
  • Analysis tools (LDIF processors) federation
    specific isolate from data collection
  • Dynamic load balancing necessary to optimize DC
    assets and reduce unnecessary flow
  • Awareness of network/federation performance to
    provide context for analytical results
  • network outages and latency error impact
  • DC linked to entire FEDEP life-cycle

Major Issues (cont)
  • Documentation of DC specifics?
  • FOM/SOM/DOM/other documentation?
  • Rigorously enforce compliance
  • Need common lexicon for data
  • Major need for overarching DC guidance vice
    federation specific work-arounds
  • XML shows promise for structuring data collection
    language and format
  • Analysis tools (LDIF processors) federation

Major Issues (cont)
  • DC federates may be implemented on a separate
    network to minimize run-time impact
  • Separate model output files may be best approach
    for legacy models
  • Major data filtering challenges
  • reduce data flow
  • limit unnecessary collection and storage
  • Challenge to make DC both federation and platform

In closing ...
  • Data collection is not just about what happens,
    but also about why.
  • Can you
  • resolve your DC issues through the experiences of
  • provide valuable DC lessons and solutions to help
  • contribute to the DCWG efforts?

Get Involved with DCWG?
  • ANL SISO reflector
  • ANL web page
  • Join group? email to

Data Collection Working Group
Fall Simulation Interoperability
Workshop September 1998
  • Analysis Forum Tuesday
  • Focus Session Wednesday Morning
  • Exercise Management Forum Thursday
  • Tom Neuberger
  • Paper 129 A Progress Report Recommended
    Practices for Data Collection in HLA and other
    ADS Environments

Recent Accomplishments
  • Conducted interim meeting
  • Reviewed Why collect data slides
  • Applicability of technical sim network DC
  • Discussed recommended long-term structure for
  • Assigned action items for completion prior to
    Fall SIW
  • DCWG presence on ANL forum web site
  • Special session with focus papers for FSIW98
  • Tentative start on recommended practices
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