AMS MidYear Review - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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AMS MidYear Review


... services to AMS ratified clubs, including workshops on ... Information Technology Office. Website development ... Continue to manage crises, one at a time. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: AMS MidYear Review

AMS Mid-Year Review
  • Commissions Offices

Mid Year Reviews Purpose
  • To update everyone on the financial and
    operational goings-on of the AMS, and to ensure
    that the society is remaining accountable to the
    Strategic Plans outlined in the summer months
  • To serve as a marker for progress on goals and
  • To update on new initiatives and objectives that
    have arisen during the year

Commission of Internal Affairs (CIA)
  • Clubs
  • The biggest change has been within the Student
    Centre Clubs (SCCC) Portfolio
  • Due to the restructuring of JDUC management,
    Stephen has taken over the role of JDUC
  • A new clubs deputy was hired to provide
    additional support to clubs with the changes to
    the SCCC position
  • There have been some technological issues with
    the AMS website and the Clubs online
    re-ratification form which have somewhat impeded
    communication with clubs
  • We have been able to offer improved services to
    AMS ratified clubs, including workshops on risk
    management fundraising
  • Improved coordination with Athletics on
    recreational sports fitness clubs

  • Assembly
  • Increased member turnout has been positive
  • May move away from shifting locations and
    advertise it the McLaughlin Room as its standard
  • Elections
  • Despite the lack of a transition manual, this
    years Fall Referendum went smoothly save for the
    unfortunate circumstance of ESS students on
    practicum not having the ability to vote
  • The nomination packages for the January elections
    are being finalized, and rooms have been booked
    are ready to go
  • Non-Academic Discipline
  • Thus far, the NAD office is doing extremely well
    ? gearing up for a large case load in January
    with Homecoming cases starting to come in
  • In-depth policy review improved information

Changes to OGSM
  • SCC Role Shift
  • Assembly
  • Clubs Support
  • Online Voting Though online voting began
    promisingly over the summer in that we found a
    template to work off of, this has been postponed
    likely until next year. This is due to a variety
    of reasons, most of which we unfortunately do not
    have control over. This year, the IT office has
    been particularly swamped, and as we have a
    working election system as it stands, this was
    not a priority. Online voting will also likely
    take a great deal of time to finish as the
    universitys IT office and registrar will need to
    approve the system.
  • We will instead focus our efforts with
    elections into creating a good transition manual
    (of which none currently exists) and trying to
    ensure that castle students and those on exchange
    remain connected with the electoral process.

Financial Analysis- Revenue
Financial Analysis- Expenses
Academic Affairs Commission (AAC)
  • Our top goal this year was to increase student
    awareness of issues affecting their education.
    To that end, every possible effort and resource
    has been utilized to get students more engaged,
    and we have seen the results across the board.
    Weve broken attendance records at consecutive
    Last Lectures, set new precedents with a Teaching
    Issues open forum, engaged first-years directly
    through a financial aid video and better
    promotion of financial aid than ever before by
    the AMS, solicited student feedback on learning
    spaces through an online survey, plebiscite
    question, and much more
  • In terms of new issues, a federal election
    awareness campaign went off smoothly, with a high
    degree of student engagement through 2 debates
    hosted by the AAC, and an election night event
    with Global TV.
  • Top projects for internal advocacy are all coming
    along well, with Syllabus Bank, the crown jewel,
    chugging through the bureaucracy as efficiently
    as can be expected.
  • Externally, OUSA is in tough due to the economic
    situation, but weve chosen a tactful approach
    that will hopefully garner some hard fought

OGSM Update
  • No major changes. Small adjustments, such as
    taking into account the TA union drive, and
    federal election awareness, have been noted.
  • The TA union drive has thrown off ambitions of
    getting TA training enforcement to the top of the
    Universitys priority list, but new
    opportunities, such as better promotion with the
    CTL, have presented themselves in the interim
  • Functioning extremely well, high levels of
    deputy, intern volunteer contributions
  • Improved communication with the SGPS, Rector
    Undergrad. Trustee
  • Improved planning with Student Senate Caucus
    Academic Caucus
  • OUSA
  • OUSA campus coordinators brought to AGM, are more
    involved with organization
  • Improved marketing strategy for Blue Chair
  • Need to encourage further participation from OUSA
    Committee of Assembly
  • New Projects
  • Syllabus Bank approved
  • Cross-Disciplinary Credit Database First-Year
    half credits under VPUA/Exec portfolio
  • Financial Aid Awareness Video created

Marketing Analysis
  • New advertising initiatives such as date-specific
    reminders in the guide to Queens agenda,
    marketing partnerships with all 3 bookstores on
    campus and Queens TV, TV ads around campus, and
    frosh week promotions such as the financial aid
    video guide and frosh kit magnets, have all
    contributed to an overall boost in AAC visibility
    on campus. Weve marketed our services heavily,
    and the return has been the largest usage of the
    AGC in history, as well as the first noticeable
    utilization of the Academic Hub.

Financial Analysis-Expenses
Campus Activities Commission (CAC)
  • Orientation Week
  • The Orientation Roundtable Coordinator was
    extremely efficient this year, reducing overall
    ORT costs and coordinating the faculty societys
    orientation weeks in an effective manner. It
    was a priority to make sure that communication
    was consistent between the commissioner, the
    coordinator, the VPUA and the faculty societies
    and that the actions of the ORT coordinator were
    transparent in function.
  • One of the biggest issues this year with
    Orientation Week itself was the upper year
    involvement across many of the faculties. The
    involvement generally had a negative outcome and
    in turn, the ORT coordinator did receive some
    complaints from community members.

Committee Update
  • Capture the Faculty was a great success with
    updated rules and boundary lines. This year the
    stucons were made aware of all the rules prior to
    game day and we had a record turnout from the
    PHE/KIN students
  • Queens Model United Nations had a record number
    of external delegates so many that we had to
    actually limit the number of internal delegates.
    This is indication of increasing the size of the
    conference for next year. Additionally, the
    night activities were well attended which, in the
    past, was not a common occurrence.
  • Charity Ball also set records by increasing
    attendance from 300 people in 2007 to 400 people
    in 2008. The event had no logistical
    complications and there was a heavier focus on
    the charity, Almost Home
  • Gael Force continues to progress forward with
    various spirit events at various games, however,
    we are working to make their events bigger and
    better in the new year and to get the committee
    to utilize their allocation.
  • Two of the main goals that have been met are the
    creation of a CAC bursary and the creation of an
    Event Planning Guide.

OGSM Updates
  • revamp the leader hiring and training process in
    regards to Orientation Week. Working in
    conjunction with the ORT coordinator, Social
    Issues Commissioner and the Human Rights Office,
    the Anti-Oppression training will have both a new
    format and new content
  • create a database of all CAC props, decorations
    and supplies for future chairs, deputies and
    commissioners to use as a resource.

Financial Analysis - Revenue
Financial Analysis- Expenses
Orientation Week
Municipal Affairs Commission (MAC)
  • Homecoming Weekend
  • Again this year the AMS and the Municipal Affairs
    Commission took a leadership position in dealing
    with the riotous party that occurs every year on
    Aberdeen Street on the Saturday night of the
    reunion weekend. Our position signaled some
    important changes in the way the AMS responded to
    pressure from the University and Kingston
    Community to act.
  • No formal messaging campaign. The event is
    clearly beyond the scope and influence of the AMS
    and any campaign would have only advertised the
    evitable event that occurred.
  • Another important theme the AMS implemented this
    year was that making it clear that we were doing
    the best we possibly could do to address our
    constituents and these issues but ultimately it
    was not our problem and we are entirely incapable
    or responsible for ending it. I learned in my
    transition period and in the early days of being
    commissioner that the responsibility and
    ownership the AMS was taking was both too risky
    and too much.

  • Promote Students
  • This continues to be a challenge for the AMS and
    University as a whole and is something I continue
    to focus on in the MAC. Unfortunately negative
    news sells papers and reversing the negative
    image of Queens students requires attention of
    the greater phenomenon of an aging population and
    their opinions of young people. Through direct
    volunteerism, event planning, press releases and
    lobbying we continue to work for a positive image
    of students.
  • Lobbying
  • The student voice is being heard more this year
    than in years past. We owe this in large part to
    the formulation of formal city-student working
    groups focused on Town Gown issues. These include
    a Steering Committee, Planning Committee,
    Aberdeen Working Group, City-Student Relations
    Committee and Housing Working Group.
  • Committee Engagement
  • The MAC has 8 terrific committees with renewed
    focus this year. We reduced this from a previous
    12 committees and this has worked very well

Financial Analysis- Expenses
Social Issues Commission (SIC)
  • One of the main focuses of creating concrete and
    lasting change outlined in the plan has been
    developed in the execution of Anti-Oppression
    workshops rather than sensitivity or equity
    trainings which have been used in the past. This
    method took much of the summer to develop and has
    received fantastic feedback. It has resulted in
    more students questioning ideas of positionality
    in reference to privilege and oppression and many
    people coming into the commission asking where
    do I go from here?
  • Working closely with chairs and deputies has
    brought a more comprehensive understanding of a
    variety of issues, specifically the elusive and
    complex nature of oppression, to the commission.
    Chairs are well equipped to discuss these issues
    with their committees and move into an
    educational dialogue regarding marginalization
    and how we address these problems.
  • The twelve committees which lie in the SIC are
    all hard at work on campaigns, events, forums,
    fundraising and planning for next semester. The
    range of projects they have managed to put forth
    this fall semester has been strong, however we
    want to have a much larger presence on campus
    during the winter semester.

Peer Support Centre
  • The Peer Support Centre (PSC) is already up and
    running and has been since the beginning of
    November. So far we have already seen a few
    students visiting the centre which is fantastic
    and a large improvement from last year. The PSC
    volunteers have been advertising largely through
    class talks to first year students which has
    brought some degree of success and was not a
    strategy originally outline in my Strategic Plan.
    We are planning to have an advertising blitz in
    January to get word about the centre out and work
    more closely with Health Counselling and
    Disability Services so that we can get more
    traffic in the centre.

The Food Centre
  • The Food Centre, formerly Food Bank, has
    undergone an image makeover and has been
    successful in the rebranding of the centre as a
    more welcoming and open environment for our
    users. We have begun plans to switch to an online
    user system to make the Centre even more
    user-friendly. This should be up and running in
    January. This has and will continue to be a
    concrete measure of combating poverty in the
    community as outlined in my Strategic Plan

Special Projects
  • The Report Card project outlined in my Strategic
    Plan has been postponed until next semester when
    my committee and deputies will have more time to
    dedicate to the project. It will be a top
    priority for completion in the winter semester.
    This semester has been more brainstorming and
    researching for that project alongside speaking
    with various University officials about its

OGSM Update
  • Much of this semester spent in crisis management
    mode and in reactively dealing with situations
    which occurred in relation to issues of
  • organization and execution of a How to be an
    Ally session in regards to anti-racism on
    campus. This session was well received and will
    be a continued project next semester in the form
    of more in depth workshops.
  • Being a resource for interns in their research
    project into Queens historical figures who have
    contributed to the school but are not largely
    recognized for their contributions as a result of
    a marginalized identity which they occupy
  • Continue work on the Senate Educational Equity
    Committee (SEEC) in regards to a sub-committee on
    which I sit which examines the camps climate in
    regards to equity. Use the information gathered
    here to make policy changes in regards to
    Orientation Week through the Senate Orientation
    Activities Review Board.
  • Ensure SIC involvement with Black History Month,
    Pride Week and Aboriginal Awareness Week.
  • Organize a student oriented activity for the
    Robert Sutherland Visitorship speaker.

Financial Analysis- Expenses
Sustainability Office
  • Successfully able to provide each incoming
    student with a USB key. The aim of this project
    was to reduce paper waste during orientation week
    while also sending a message to first year
    students that Queens is committed to
    environmental sustainability. Significant
    progress within the AMS as our composter project
    is proceeding and AMS services have made more
    sustainable choices this year (e.g. Walkhome now
    using reusable cups, Common Grounds
    biodegradable cups).
  • The Sustainability Offices presence on campus
    has also increased. Guest lectures have been
    offered through the School of Environmental
    Science to speak about involvement in our office.
    In addition, we have had a larger turnout at the
    cross campus environmental forum
  • Because Physical Plant Services Sustainability
    manager has been hired and relocated twice, our
    office has not been able to develop any projects
    in terms of Queens infrastructure. As the
    Sustainability Manager will finally be appointed
    in January, we are hoping to build a strong
    relationship between the AMS and this
    Sustainability Office. Additionally, it has been
    difficult that Queens will not sign the
    University Presidents Climate Commitment.

  • Strive is busy working on the anti-water bottle
    campaign. They applied and received Student
    Affairs sponsorship and were able to bring in
    Jeanne Steffe to speak. They are having weekly
    meetings and have a large volunteer base.
  • Greenovations
  • Greenovations has chosen the first of the 5
    houses they will greenovate. Renovations will be
    commencing this week and will continue into
    second term. We are continuing to work with Live
    Energy Lab on this project.
  • Residence Energy Challenge
  • Residence Energy Challenges first challenge has
    concluded. We are still waiting for results to
    see which residence won the challenge. We have
    had difficulty working with Physical Plant
    Services as they have not provided us with the
    energy consumption numbers we require. While the
    Residence Energy Challenge lobbied Queens
    administration to sign the Universitys President
    Climate Commitment this year, no action has yet
    been taken.

Financial Analysis- Revenues
Financial Analysis- Expenses
Communications Office
  • To date, the Communications Office has been
    largely successful in implementing the strategies
    laid out in the OGSM of the Strategic Plan, to
    generally positive reviews. Notable initiatives
    that have proven effective including the
    Testimonial Campaign, the overhaul of the AMS
    website (although the recent server crash has
    been a serious setback), and the recruitment
    campaign (as done in cooperation with the Human
    Resources office).
  • Furthermore, the Offices relationship with
    Queens Marketing and Communications have been
    maintained and improved upon. As a result, the
    Office has worked closely with the Communications
    Coordinator at Queens on media relations and now
    has full access to the Digital Information
    Network (i.e. the screens across campus) and the
    Queens Events Calendar
  • However, the day-to-day duties of the Office
    (i.e. administering the editorial content of the
    website, updating the DIN and events calendars,
    and postering) have made it difficult for the
    Office to balance these duties with the
    larger-scale, long-term projects set out in the

Communications Office (contd)
  • To address this issue, much of the coming winter
    semester will be focused on compiling a
    comprehensive Communications Office policy to
    clearly define its responsibilities and duties.
    Furthermore, the idea of two new paid positions
    under the Office, solely dedicated to website
    content and campus research, will be discussed
    and proposed.
  • There are no major changes to the OGSM. The
    status of most of the strategies outlined in the
    OGSM is on-track, although certain projects,
    including the Recruitment Magazine and Awareness
    Campaigns, have been pushed back the former has
    been met with delays in the initial editorial
    process while the latter has been reevaluated and
    re-envisioned from 4 smaller campaigns to 2
    larger ones for the winter semester.

(No Transcript)
Human Resources Office
  • Fall Hiring was a big success we received a
    large amount of applications for both Government
    and Corporate positions.
  • The posting of all interview lists at the same
    time went fairly well. We expect it to improve
    more and more as managers and chairs become more
    accustomed to the new template and timeline
  • Training this year was a success. We went with
    the once-a-week training for May and June which
    went over fairly well. Suggestion for future
    years would be to change the day from Friday to
    Wednesday to avoid staff checking out at the end
    of the week
  • The updating of the AMS website has improved the
    Get Involved section by making it clearer and
    easier to access
  • Intern Council has been going amazingly thus far.
    We have created an online Wiki to keep all
    Interns updated on our meetings and progress on
    this years project

OGSM Update
  • Created a guide for all HR managers which was
    given to them at the end of the Summer. The
    guide was a good starting point in giving HR
    Managers a better understanding of AMS policies
    and procedures with regards to hiring and
  • A training night for all Deputies and Chairs was
    run in September. All Commissioners attended and
    the night was well-received.
  • Very successful fall recruitment session
  • Ran a Hiring Information Session. This went over
    well for the first one of its kind. With better
    advertising and preparation this could
    potentially be a strong tool in helping all
    students feel like they have an equal chance at
  • The Get Involved page was drastically
    changed-everything is much more organized and
  • HR Caucus discussion has been limited to hiring
    issues, but good discussion has been created so

Financial Analysis- Expenses
Information Technology Office
  • Website development
  • Extensive work done in the summer for the
    development of new AMS website
  • Feedback has been excellent both from information
    and design perspective
  • Three weeks ago, suffered severe error when
  • Development of Convocation software
  • Both convocations ran without any technical
  • Developed basic framework for future convocations
  • Server Migration
  • Server migration for Journal and AMS complete
  • Consolidation of software certificates

Financial Analysis
Looking ahead
  • Streamlining Opt out process
  • Begin process to to search for firm to write
    opt-out program
  • Migrating servers behind firewall
  • Begin transition manual to ensure all problems
    encountered this year will not be repeated.
  • Continue to manage crises, one at a time.
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