Title: Individual Ecology
1Individual Ecology
- Relationship of individual with its environment
- Strong impact on distribution and abundance of
2Physiological Ecology
- Ecology - concerned with distribution of
organisms - Physiology - concerned with function of organisms
- Combined how function of organisms affects their
- Important factors
- Altitude
- Aspect
- Vegetation life
- form
- Ground Color
- Objects in the
- environment (e.g.,
- boulder, burrows)
5Thermal Microclimates
6Temperature Relations
- Most species perform best in narrow range of
temps - Enzymes have optimal temperatures
- Temperature extremes impair enzyme functioning
7Enzymatic Variation
- Range of conditions individual can function in
- Range more narrow than environmental variation
- Individual needs to regulate body temp to stay in
the acceptable range - Acclimation (physiological not genetic changes)
8Enzyme Activity in Trout
- Two forms of acetylcholinesterase
- Rainbow trout native to cool streams
- Winter temps 0-4C
- Summer temps 20
9Heat Transfer
- Conduction - heat transfer between bodies in
direct physical contact - Convection - Transfer of heat between a solid and
a moving fluid (air or water) - Radiation - transfer of heat between objects
without contact - Evaporation - heat lost as water evaporates
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11Heat Transfer
- Conduction
- Convection
- Radiation
- Evaporation
- Conduction
- Convection
- Radiation
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13How Do Individuals Regulate Temperature?
14Endothermy vs. Ectothermy
generate their own heat
rely on environmental sources
15Some (more) Thermal Jargon
maintain a constant Tb
Tb varies with environmental T
16Temperature Regulation in Plants
- Almost all are ectotherms
- Have many adaptations for reducing and increasing
heat storage
17Reducing Heat
Heat Stored Heat produced Heat In - Heat Out
- Options?
- ? radiation in, conduction in
- ? convection away
- ? evaporation?
- No, conserve water
18Decrease Radiation Gain
- Reflective surface
- White plant-hairs
- Orient parallel to sunlight
19Reduce heat gain
- ? conductive gain
- Limit contact with ground
- ? convection away
- ? surface area for wind
20Desert Plants
21Increasing heat storage- plants
Heat Stored Heat produced Heat In - Heat Out
- Options
- ? radiation in, conduction in
- ?convective cooling
- ? evaporative cooling
22 23Increase Heat
- Dark pigments
- Orient leaves perpendicular to sunlight
- Grow close to ground
- ? radiation and conduction
- ? convective cooling
24Skunk Cabbage
25 Thermoregulation in Ectothermic Animals
- Alter gain from radiation
- Seek sun and shade
- Pigmentation change
- Alter conduction
- Lay flat / Push away
- Alter convective cooling
26Alter Evaporative Cooling
27Temperature Regulation in Endotherms
- Still do behavioral regulations
- Internal heat production becomes most important
29Thermal Neutral Zone
- Range of environmental temps at which metabolic
rate doesnt change - Colder - ? MR
- shiver
- Warmer - ? MR
- ? heart rate and blood flow to skin
30High temps - High Blood Flow
? Evaporative cooling
? Convective cooling
31Thermal neutral zone
32Allens rule
- Endothermic species from colder climates will
have shorter appendages, ears, etc
33Bergmans Rule
- Endothermic individuals will be bigger in colder
climates - Decrease SAV
- Some endotherms do not always maintain a constant
Tb - Torpor
- Hibernation
- Estivation
36Marine Mammal Thermoregulation
37Desert Gazelle
38Major Conclusion
- Temperature is VERY important factor in
determining the distribution of organisms - Kelp
- Coral 20 0C
- No moose in Florida
- No lizards in Maine