Title: Education and Academic Affairs at UCD
1Education and Academic Affairs at UCD Office of
the Registrar, Deputy President and Vice
President for Academic Affairs Dr Philip Nolan
leads the Office
Office of the Registrar, Deputy President and
Vice-President for Academic Affairs
2What do we do? Provide a wide range of
administrative and operational services and
support to students and staff within the areas of
learning, teaching and academic development.
3What services?
4- What kind of services? E.g.
- Teaching Learning development at undergraduate
and graduate levels - Academic policy and regulations
- Academic Committee support
- Student systems support i.e. Banner Student
registration system - International strategy international student
supports - Access Lifelong Learning Strategy student
supports - Quality assurance enhancement
5Who are we?
Philip Nolan Registrar, Deputy President and
Vice-President for Academic Affairs
Michael Ryan Dean of Graduate Studies
Postdoctoral training
Bairbre Redmond Deputy Registrar, Teaching
Julie Berndsen Deputy Registrar, Graduate Studies
Gerry Doyle Dean of Academic Affairs
Kevin Griffin Director of Registry
Roy Ferguson Director of Quality
Deborah Kavanagh Director of Finance Enrolment
Ronan Murphy (Interim)Director of Access
Patricia McCarron Programme manager
Erik Lithander Director of International Affairs
Pauline Corrigan UCD Librarian
Mary Crowe Chief information Officer (Head of IT
Bairbre Fleming, Director of Adult Education
6Points of Contact
- Edel Ward PA to the Registrar and Vice
President for Academic Affairs - Patricia McCarron, Registrars Programme Manager,
ext.1502 - Kevin Griffin Director of Registry ext 1451
- Erik Lithander Director of International ext
1990 - Roy Ferguson Director of Quality ext 2039
- Debbie Kavanagh Director of Finance Enrolment
Planning ext 1506 - TBC Director of Access lifelong learning
- Gerry Doyle Dean of Academic Affairs ext 1095
- Michael Ryan Dean of Graduate Studies and post
Doctoral Training ext 4042 - Pauline Corrigan Interim Librarian ext 7697
- Mary Crowe Chief Information Technology
Officer ext 2002
7Registry (core administrative services for
students and programmes)
- Administration Services Michael Sinnott ext
1634 - Assessment - Karen OShea ext 1459
- Academic Secretariat Sinead Critchley ext 1344
- Admissions Bronwyn Maloney ext 1649
- Recruitment Anne Marie Harvey ext 8702
8Major initiatives
- Modularisation of curriculum almost complete
- Final policy, regulatory, governance and
operational issues being addressed - Renewed strategic focus on planning and on
enhancement and quality-assurance of education
and service provision to staff and students - Exploring benefits of modularisation
- Addressing national and international
requirements and constraints e.g. EU Bologna,
International student recruitment - Universitys Strategic Plan 2009-13 in
preparation - Education Strategy well developed
- Research Innovation Strategy in development
9Further information
- Visit our website at www.ucd.ie/registrar
- Call in to us at Tierney Building (main Registry
reception on ground floor)