Title: Alex Caicedo, Craig Hughes, Matt Sankey
1Wind Power
- Alex Caicedo, Craig Hughes, Matt Sankey
- Wind power is the production of electricity using
wind to turn a turbine. - It is one of the oldest forms of alternative
energy dating to about, 200 B.C. - It is clean, sustainable and generates relatively
no emissions. - Although it may seem simple, there is much
controversy surrounding wind power.
3Questions to Consider
- What evidence supports the idea that wind can
provide a significant proportion of electrical
demand in the future? - Does everybody agree with that evidence? If not,
explain. - Can production be enhanced in those areas in
which it is already developed? - Can production be developed in areas where it is
now minimally developed? - What are the technical impediments to development
and deployment of wind power? - Can those impediments be overcome?
- What environmental problems does wind power pose?
- What social / political problems?
- Can those problems be overcome?
- Do any laws or regulations impact the deployment
of new wind power? - Is wind power truly sustainable? What is the
life span of new wind farms?
4Winds Capacity
- Total worldwide capacity of 73,904 Mw.
- 1 of worldwide electricity generation.
- U.S ranked 3rd with 13,885 Mw.
- By 2010, 160Gw worldwide up from 73.9Gw.
- http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wind_power
5United States Wind Resources
6Do people agree?
- Controversy
- Aesthetically Pleasing?
- Where do we put them?
- Noise Levels?
- Altamont Pass
7Potential of Wind Power
- Where can wind be installed?
- Capacity doesntOutput
- Land required per turbine is about 60 acres
- 10 MPH or higher
- Airborne wind turbine
8Wind in the future
- Nantucket Sound Proposed Wind farm
- Strongly opposed
- Possible that 6 sq. miles could provide
electricity to meet entire U.S demand!
9What environmental problems does wind power pose?
- Wind power shows has an indirect effect on
pollution - Wind turbines might kill some bird and bat
species - Uses shores and farming fields to build
- Aesthetic issues are important for onshore and
near-shore locations in that the "visible
footprint - As number of offshore turbines increase so does
the possibility of ocean noise
11What Social/Political Problems?
- Farmers may receive annual lease payments of
2,000 to 5,000 dollars per turbine - The turbines cause too much noise when running
- There have been a number of fatalities from
accidents involving wind turbines.
- windmills get complaints of "shadow flicker",
which is the alternating pattern of sun and shade
- Turbines create light pollution at night
- Maintenance is required on the turbines every so
often - Expensive to build, offshore is even more
13How can these problems be overcome?
- Climate change poses a much more significant
threat to wildlife - Be safe with maitenance and be safe around the
turbines. - Farmers still use the fields
- The offshore turbines, dont bother people
- The offshore does not harm people they are far
enough away.
14 -http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ImageWindenerg
Land-based Wind Turbine
15Offshore Turbines
16Do any laws or regulations impact the deployment
of new wind power?
- Subject to the electrical codes that your local
or state governments have in place - These code requirements emphasize proper wiring
and installation - Cities might have banned building zones locally.
17Technical Issues
- Energy cant be stored
- Transmission
- Efficiency
- Unpredictable
- Expensive
18Technical Issues
- Solutions
- Wind farms
- Location
- New Developments
- Renewable
- Long History
- Open to Future
- Life Span of Wind Farms
- Advantages/Disadvantages
- Future Developments
- Competitive with Fossil fuels
21Works Cited
- http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wind_power
- http//www.orionmagazine.org/index.php/articles/ar
ticle/178/ - http//www.contempaesthetics.org/newvolume/pages/a
rticle.php?articleID247 - http//science.howstuffworks.com/wind-power.htm
- http//www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/solar.renewables/page
/wind/wind.html - http//www.ucsusa.org/clean_energy/renewable_energ
y_basics/how-wind-energy-works.html - http//www.awea.org/
- http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wind_profile_power_la