Title: WOM Wednesday December 3: Finding Passion Points
1WOM Wednesday - December 3 Finding Passion
Points Creating a Sustainable Social
Interaction Model
- Key trends and challenges
- What is Social Analysis Social Graph
- Using Affinities to find your influencers
- Starting the Conversation
- Case studies the WidgAD
- Best Practices
3Key Trends Affecting Brand Marketing
- On the way up
- Social Networks
- Viral/Word of Mouth Marketing
- Friends/Influencers/Trend Spreaders
- Building Community
- Widgets/Widgads (replacing banner ads for Web
2.0) - On the way down
- Banner Ads
- Mass Email Campaigns
4Todays Challenge
- As a Brand or Agency, how do I leverage new
social media technology to identify, connect
with, and engage my target audience so as to
dramatically expand awareness ofand build
community aroundmy brand
5Understanding your customer
- Who in my consumer database is a possible
influencer? - What social networks are my customers on?
- Where are they group around topics?
- How do I connected with them?
Target Community Based on Mapped Profiles
Identified Consumers from Mapped Emails or social
6Social Analysis
7Identifying Segmented Affinities Social Graph
8Consumer Matched to Affinities
9Identifying Key Influencers
Community Members
10Engaging Target Consumers
Data-Driven Viral WidgAd Platform
- Used to ENGAGE your target audience
- Interactive widget functionality coupled with
nano-targeted ad placement - Integrated with YOUR Social Graph data Highly
targeted - Patented viral functionality
- Built-in Registration
- Contest facilitation
- Branded content syndication
- Personalization
11Your Addressable Audience
17K are connected to 1.3 Mill Top Rank People
that have the most friends linked back to the 17K
produce the best WOM reach.
12Viral WidgAd-Sharing Process
Branded Widget
Placed on Influencer Sites
Fans copy/paste widgets onto their profiles
13Make Every Click Count
In-context messaging drives call to action!
Landing page links from specific content item
14Tracking Who Got the WidgAD
Assure you reached your composition
- Who shared with whom
- Number of referrals
- Media Downloads
- Streams
OtherSocial Networks
Micro-Social Graphs Provide Intelligent
Nano-Targeting for Ad Networks
Trend Spreaders (Influencers)
Social profiles that have widgets integrated with
UNBOUNDs Social Graph API
UNBOUNDs Widget-based Network-within-a-Network
Friend analysis fed back to the UNBOUND Social
16How It All Works
- Identify exact target audience based on
Advertiser criteria - Matched to specific demographics, psychographics,
affinities, locations - Determine target audiences affinities What are
they into? - Music groups, sports, movies, books, TV, brands,
etc. - Identify Key Influencers within this community
- Incentivize Influencers to expose brand to their
fan bases - Wrap Brand messaging into interactive, shareable
Widgets - Incentives matched to consumer affinities
- Viral Seeding / Word of Mouth
- Influencers tell fans, fans tell friends, who
tell their friends - Widgets distributed virally
17Achieving Viral Ignition
Consumer Knowledge (Affinities Influencers)
Consumer Engagement
Viral Ignition
18Case Study Saavn.com BollyPOPtv
- Saavn
- The worlds largest producer/ distributor of
Bollywood content - The Hollywood of India
- Benefits
- Exact targeting to East Indian and Asian dance
enthusiasts who are into Bollywood content - Over 10,000 social connections to Influencers in
just over a month - 1.5 Million WidgAD views
- 400 videos produced by influencers
- Sponsored by Verizon
19Case Study VIBE Verses
- VIBE Verses Rap Battle Talent Contest
- Benefits
- of video streams increased by 100x (from
10K/mo to 1.2M/mo) - 800 Return on Investment
- 60K new members
- 375K unique visitors
- 1.9M widget views
- 775K media views
- 5M monetized ad impressions
20Key Solution Steps
- Know your target consumers
- Demographics, geolocation, affinities
- Who/What theyre connected to
- Who influences them
- Use this knowledge to engage them
- Incentivize the influencers
- Empower your audience to participate in a brand